The conference organizing team is excited to present details of the 2025 Perl and Raku Conference, to be held June 27-29 in Greenville, SC. Registration for the conference will open soon, but you can start planning now to attend. We'd love to see you in the Palmetto State next summer! Streamlined conference, new schedule! The Perl and Raku Conference 2025 is changing things up a little. We're streamlining the conference ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during September 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I spent most of last month continuing to do various bits of code refactoring and test-adding on Extutils::ParseXS, as a precursor to adding reference-counted stack abilities to XS. SUMMARY: 5:02 process p5p mailbox 2:06 reduce smoke failures 54:15 refactor Extutils::ParseXS Total: 61:23 TOTAL ... read more |
The Open Source Pledge We at The Perl and Raku Foundation are supporting the Open Source Pledge initiative. The Open Source Pledge consists of companies with a shared commitment to paying the maintainers of the open source software they consume, therefore aims to help address sustainability challenges facing the Open Source community. The Sustainability Challenge in OSS Open source software is the backbone of much of today’s technology, but it ... read more |
Paul writes: With the 5.40 release well out of the way, and freed from my PSC commitments, I managed to find a bit more time this month to actually write some useful code. Hours: 2 Improvements to |
The Japan Perl Association made a generous donation to The Perl and Raku Foundation following their fundraising activity at YAPC::Hiroshima Here is a thank you message from Olaf Adler: Japanese translation below: 日本語抄訳 こんにちは。Olaf Alderと申します。The Perl Foundationで後援者様向け広報の担当をしています。今日は日本のPerlコミュニティの皆様に感謝の意を表したく、ご連絡差し上げました。 Japan Perl AssociationとYAPC::Japanの皆様には、長年にわたるご支援を誠に「ありがとう」ございます。特に先日のYAPC::Hiroshimaの大盛況をお祝い申し上げます。写真で見た酒樽募金箱は印象的で、今後、私は日本酒を飲むたびにこのイベントを思い出すでしょう。 YAPCの継続的な成功は素晴らしいです。日本チームの秘訣を世界に伝えてほしいと願っています。私たちも多くを学びたいと思います。 Japan Perl AssociationはThe Perl Foundationの大切なパートナーです。今後とも協力し、Perlの発展に努めましょう。YAPC::Hakodateの盛会をお祈りしています。ありがとうございます! ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during August 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I spent most of last month doing various bits of code refactoring on Extutils::ParseXS, as a precursor to adding reference-counted stack abilities to XS. The code for Extutils::ParseXS is exceedingly unpleasant, with for example the main method, process_file being over 1700 lines of code. It's a random mishmash ... read more |
TPRC 2024 was held in Las Vegas. The foundation has gathered feedback from the community/conference data and composed the following after action report. We look forward to seeing everyone next year in Greenville, SC. ... read more |
For the first time in the conference's history, we're going to Greenville, South Carolina! Next year's conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Express Suites on Woodruff Rd on June 27-29, 2025. The format will a little different from recent conferences--Friday will be dedicated to a small class session, and the conference will be two tracks, Saturday and Sunday. Mark your calendars now! The call for papers and hotel ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during July 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I spent most of last month continuing to work on understanding XS and improving its documentation, as a precursor to adding reference-counted stack abilities to XS. I finished working through the Extutils::ParseXS module's code line line trying to understand it. SUMMARY: 5:24 process p5p mailbox 3:01 reduce smoke failures ... read more |
Paul writes: July ended up being a rush to finish some commercial work I had going elsewhere, but I did manage a few core commits. Nothing directly user-visible but they add some safety for -DDEBUGGING builds that often helps track down mismatched pointers when making API calls and can help find a lot of subtle bugs. Hours: 4 Pointer cast safety improvements Total: 4 hours ... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/07/01 Monday 0.42 #22333 review and approve 0.08 #22349 review update and approve 0.08 #22323 review update and approve 0.08 #22341 review update and approve 0.10 #22324 review update and approve 0.07 #22344 review update and approve 0.12 #22355 review and approve 0.37 #22356 review, research and approve 0.13 #22357 review, research, comment and approve 0.10 #22358 review ... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/06/03 Monday 0.72 #22211 check smoke results, check and re-word one commit message, make PR 22257 1.95 #22230 debugging 2.42 #22230 debugging 5.09 2024/06/04 Tuesday 0.45 #22211 cleanup, testing, update PR 1.20 #22252 review, testing 1.47 #22230 test issues. debugging 3.12 2024/06/05 Wednesday 2.20 #22230 review khw-env changes 1.47 #22230 try an experiment with character encoding, which ... read more |
Paul writes: My time was almost entirely consumed during April and May by running a stage show, and then June by travelling the entire length of the country supporting a long-distance bicycle adventure; as such I didn't get much Perl work done and I've only just got around to writing out what few things I did get done. Entirely related to a few last pre-release steps to get features nicely ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during June 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I spent most of last month continuing to work on understanding XS and improving its documentation, as a precursor to adding reference-counted stack abilities to XS. This work is a bit frustrating, as I still haven't got anything publicly to show for it. Privately however, I do have about ... read more |
The Perl and Raku Foundation has a new Standards of Conduct taking effect on August 1, 2024, to help combat bullying, harassment, and abuse in our communities. ... read more |
Please help us by filling out our brief TPRC feedback form at Couldn't make it this year? We still want your feedback! ... read more |
The Perl Foundation is taking part again this year in the Outreachy program which encourages the participation of underrepresented groups in open source. As Makoto Nozaki described in the previous post, we had many applicants this year, most of whom were new to Perl but very interested in learning the language. Out of many very motivated and enthusiastic candidates, we selected Success Ologunsua who will be working on the Open ... read more |
Tony writes: Hours> 2024/05/01 Wednesday 0.93 review smoke reports 0.08 check cygwin dll conflict revert results and open PR 22187 2.87 C++ header testing again 3.88 2024/05/02 Thursday 2.90 C++ header testing: test code 1.23 more C++ header testing test code 4.13 2024/05/06 Monday 0.17 github notifications 0.88 #22195 start prep of test env 1.63 more C++ header testing, actually ... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/04/02 Tuesday 0.30 #22115 review and approve 0.75 #22114 review, research 0.40 #22113 review, research, comments 1.45 2024/04/03 Wednesday 0.67 #22110 review and approve 1.20 #22116 review, testing, coverage testing and comment 0.32 #22081 review latest changes and approve 0.33 #22113 review updates and approve 0.68 #21877 debugging. find an issue and push for CI 1.88 #21550 testing, ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during April and May 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I mostly spent my time working on tickets, smoke reports etc related to getting perl ready for a new release. SUMMARY: 9:27 #16627: Null pointer dereference in S_SvREFCNT_dec 0:30 |
... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/03/04 Monday 0.10 #22061 review and approve 0.15 #22054 review and approve 0.70 #22059 review, testing and comments 0.70 #22057 review changes, testing against App::Ack and Module::Info 0.35 #21877 debugging 1.18 #21877 debugging 3.18 2024/03/05 Tuesday 0.55 #22063 review, briefly comment 0.55 2024/03/06 Wednesday 0.10 #22063 review and approve 0.55 #21261 research and comment 0.08 ... read more |
TL;DR We just finished intern selection for this year’s Outreachy program. We got more projects and more applicants than the previous years, which made the selection hard in a good way. Continuing our annual tradition, The Perl and Raku foundation is involved in the Outreachy program which provides internships to people subject to systemic bias and impacted by underrepresentation. We have just finished the intern selection process, which turned out ... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/02/01 Thursday 2.50 #21873 fix, testing on both gcc and MSVC, push for CI 2.50 2024/02/02 Friday 0.72 #21915 review, testing, comments 0.25 #21883 review recent updates, apply to blead 0.97 2024/02/05 Monday 0.25 github notifications 0.08 #21885 review updates and approve 0.57 #21920 review and comment 0.08 #21921 review and approve 0.12 #21923 review and approve ... read more |
I am pleased to announce that The Perl and Raku Foundation sponsored the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024 as a Platinum Sponsor. The Perl Toolchain Summit is an annual event where they bring together the volunteers who work on the tools and modules at the heart of Perl and the CPAN ecosystem. The PTS gives them 4 days to work together on these systems, with all their fellow volunteers to hand. ... read more |
We hope you are coming to in Las Vegas June 24-28! Plans are underway for a wonderful TPRC. But a conference of this type is only possible because of volunteers who give their time and expertise to plan, promote, and execute every detail. We need volunteers! You may have already volunteered to speak at the conference; if so, wonderful! If you are not presenting there are many ways to help. ... read more |
Another Grant Application from a key Raku develoer, Stefan Seifert. A member of the Raku Steering Council, Stefan is also an author of several Perl 5 modules including Inline::Python and Inline::Perl6. This Grant is to help advance AST or Abstract Syntax Tree. This is integral to Raku internals and allows designing and implementation of new language components, that can be converted into bytecode for execution by the interpreteter or "virtual ... read more |
We have had a grant aplication from Jason Crome. He is an author and maintainer of a very popular Perl Web Framework familiar to many of us in the Perl community. Dancer 2 has continued to evolve and remains very useful for web application creation. As it besomes more modernised, more robust, and acquired more new features, it has become out of sync with available documentation. A key requirement to ... read more |
TPRC in Vegas June 24-28. Sign up as a speaker for a free ticket to the conference! ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during March 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. Less hours than normal last month due to a combination of jury service and the consequences of spending lots of time with my fellow jurors. I spent my time mainly on general small tasks to help get blead into shape for the 5.40 release, such as analysing and reducing ... read more |
Paul writes: Hours: 2 builtin::is_inf is_nan 1 Tidying up PADNAMEf_TOMBSTONE 1 Revert PR 21915 2 C99 named initialisers in MGVTBL structs 4 perl 5.39.9 release Total: 10 hours ... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/01/02 Tuesday 0.18 #21759 review and approve 0.17 #21705 review and approve 0.08 #21736 review and approve 0.33 #21757 review and approve 0.22 #21749 review and approve 0.08 #21778 review and approve 1.43 #21745 review in progress 0.67 #21745 more review and approve, comment 3.16 2024/01/03 Wednesday 0.10 #21761 review and approve 0.32 extract RC_STACK pp_backtick from ... read more |
The Perl and Raku Conference is coming June 24-28. Get tickets to the conference at Sign up for a talk at Take advantage of our special room rate: ... read more |
Tony writes: 2023/12/04 Monday 0.42 #21677 minor fix. testing 0.23 #21661 check smoke results, minor commit message edit, make PR 21683 1.90 #21680 testing, debugging 1.28 #21680 fixes, testing, push for CI 1.42 #21651 testing and reproduce, try a fix and testing, push for CI 5.25 2023/12/05 Tuesday 0.30 #21677 research 0.95 #21664 apply to blead, perldelta, comment on original ... read more |
Paul writes: Hours: 1 Allow space in |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during Jan,Feb 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I spent the last two months mainly on two goals. 1> Understanding XS better so that I can then decide how to update the XS ecosystem to better support a reference-counted stack; as an example, automatically removing the need to call XSUBs via a wrapper in some circumstances. Doing ... read more |
We are seeking nominations for the 2024 White Camel Awards, which honor remarkable non-technical contributions in the Perl community. The Board will consider all nominations and will seek input both from the Advisory Board and the Perl Steering Council. To nominate an individual, kindly complete the form at In light of our community’s growing diversity, we kindly ask that the rationale for each nomination be articulated in a manner ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during November-December 2023 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I mainly continued my work on making the perl stack reference counted. As well as "unwrapping" a few more ops, I also took the opportunity to introduce some basic optimisations to get the speed of a PERL_RC_STACK perl interpreter build back closer to a vanilla build. On my most ... read more |
TPRC 2024 is being held in Las Vegas, NV from June 24-28 2024. You can submit your talk Ideas for TPRC 2024 at Talk submission deadline is April 5th, Midnight UTC. Talks must be given live and in-person. If you are looking for any talk ideas, try out the conference wiki. New this year, we are accepting submissions for a peer reviewed Science track. Those talks should be submitted ... read more |
Tony Cook has submitted a report of his activity maintaining Core Perl ... read more |
PEVANS Core Developement It is difficult to narrow down the depth of PEVANS activity in the Perl Core. Continuing to modernise the Core is vital for the longevity of Perl and introduction of modern paradigms. To do this without breaking Perl is an extra challenge. FOSDEM provided such an opportunty to review what the Paul and the PSC has been upto, and may allow some insight of the |
The Perl and Raku Foundation fosters continued development and use of Perl and Raku. As an open source programming language with a largely open source minded community, contributions to Perl and Raku are rarely rewarded. One of the many activities of The Perl and Raku Foundationhas been to reward these activities through Grants. There are as many ideas as there are people reading this post, indeed it is likely that ... read more |
A new Grant application for Raku. Tony O'Dell is proposing a project to develop a Raku Ecosystem written in Raku. This gets rid of a dependency on other languages and proprietary code to create a more sustainable environment. Tony has a number of Raku projects including the very important |
Following a year of accelerating change in the Open Source and wider digital ecosystems, the Foundation continues to develop and build momentum. We have continued the monthly community meetings and are pleased to see new faces throughout. 2023 saw the publication of the second TPRF prospectus. This provides a valuable tool to share the aims and activities of the Foundation. The 2024 prospectus is in development and will be published ... read more |
We have received a Grant Application from Narcisse Mbunzama from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has a track record in AI and Digital Security. He has previously applied for grants. The grant applied for relates to a planned hackathon; although the timeline for funding looks tight, for the purposes of this appication may be ignored; the dates are flexible. Personally I do find that the Open Source Community benefits ... read more |
Grant report: This is the first report of Paul Evans' successful grant award. He continues his contributions to the Perl Core. His work is diverse and related to activities out of sight of much of the community. Currently we attribute much of the work of integrating a robust Perlish OOP Paradigm into the Core to Paul, but as member of the Perl Steering Council he has his hands on many ... read more |
Delightful tidings dance upon the air as we unveil R Geoffrey Avery as the distinguished recipient of the coveted White Camel Award for the year 2023. Geoffrey’s contributions to the Perl and Raku communities, especially volunteering for conferences and other TPRF activities, has earned him this coveted honor. Within the vibrant tapestry of Perl and Raku conferences, Geoffrey has gonged hundreds of lightning talks at over fifty conferences on two ... read more |
We would like to present Bruce Gray as a candidate to join the Board. The board will vote on Bruce's appointment at the board meeting 15th of December, 2023. Below are Bruce's responses to the application questions. Bio: I am Bruce Gray I reside in Alabama near Auburn University, with my wife of 22 years, and close to my stepson and my four school-aged grandchildren. I work as a business ... read more |
We would like to present Ruth Holloway as a candidate to join the Board. The board will vote on Ruth's appointment at the board meeting 15th of December, 2023. Below are Ruth's responses to the application questions. Bio: I have been a software developer and system administrator for nearly forty years, starting my first paid gig before I was even out of high school, in 1985. I started using Perl ... read more |