Early Bird Registration, and the last week of the CFP!
Thu, 06-Mar-2025 by
D Ruth Holloway
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Early Bird Registration remains open for the[ Perl and Raku Conference 2025 in Greenville, SC](https://tprc.us), at the early price of $275. Ticket prices go up to $350 on April 15, so get your tickets right away! The conference team is working hard to put together a great program of speakers to help celebrate the Perl and Raku languages. Come on down to the Palmetto State and spend time with friends and colleagues for two great days of talks on June 28 and 29, 2025! Purchase your ticket right away [at EventBrite](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-perl-raku-conference-in-greenville-sc-2025-tickets-1029312049047?aff=oddtdtcreator).
Our pre-conference class will be led again this year by Chris Prather, whose class, *Going Rogue with Metamodern Perl*, invites developers of all backgrounds to explore indie-style game development through the lens of Perl. Look for registration details for that class on Eventbrite soon. The class will be held on Friday, June 27, from 9-5, and lunch will be provided.
Speaking of speakers, you've been thinking of submitting a talk, haven't you? But in a true Perl community tradition, you've waited until the last minute to write up your idea and submit it, haven't you? Well, we're here to tell you that the last minute is indeed upon us! The CFP will close on March 15, a little over a week away! [Submit your session on PaperCall](https://www.papercall.io/tprcgsp2025) right away! If your talk is accepted, your admission to the conference will be **free!**
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