In "Perl Foundation"

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  • New Standards of Conduct published Thu, 04-Jul-2024 by D Ruth Holloway

    The Perl and Raku Foundation has a new Standards of Conduct taking effect on August 1, 2024, to help combat bullying, harassment, and abuse in our communities.

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  • Perl documentation audit project featured at conference Sat, 24-Sep-2022 by Nic Evans

    Khawar Latif presented the findings of his Google Season of Docs perl documentation audit at the IEEE ProComm 2022 and the conference paper, Documentation in Open-Source Organizations: Content Audit and Gap Analysis for Perl, is now published at IEEExplore. Khawar said: “Thanks to Jason McIntosh, Makoto Nozaki and Dan Book for their support, and everyone who helped with the project. I hope this helps Perl and Open Source organizations in

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  • TPF launches merch store Fri, 23-Sep-2022 by Nic Evans

    TPF has launched an online store with Perl merchandise celebrating the Perl 5.36 release. The marketing committee plan to do a custom celebratory collection for each release of Perl with revenue from each sale going to TPF's Perl fund. The store includes long- and short-sleeved t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies and stickers all featuring a new Raptor image for the 5.36 release. Please share the link via your socials!

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  • Thank you Japan Perl Association Thu, 22-Sep-2022 by Nic Evans

    Japan Perl Association came up with an innovative idea to raise money for The Perl Foundation from their annual event, YAPC::Japan. To promote the online 2022 YAPC::Japan conference, the organizers chose to donate to TPF 5 yen per tweet that included #yapcjapan, and 300 yen per blog. Contributors raised 15,630 yen What a great way to raise money and also to raise awareness of their event. We understand JPA is

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  • Do you want to support the Perl and Raku communities in a more strategic way? Sat, 18-Jun-2022 by Nic Evans

    Could you or someone you know be willing to invest a few days per month, offering skills and experience that would be useful to The Perl Foundation or Raku Foundation? Have you considered nominating yourself, or them, to join the Board? Potential Board members ideally will: want to get things done and add value be active in the open source community demonstrate professional and positive characteristics It would be great

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  • Could you support future development of Perl and Raku? Wed, 15-Jun-2022 by Nic Evans

    Billions of people around the world rely on Perl and Raku in some way without even realising it. A new prospectus from The Perl Foundation highlights how you can contribute to its ongoing development, either financially, or through volunteering time. By doing so you can: Ensure Perl and Raku are sustainably maintained and developed Gain valuable education opportunities for your teams at conferences Engage in important networking opportunities and build

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  • Take part in interviews to further enhance research findings Mon, 21-Mar-2022 by Nic Evans

    Published on behalf of TPF Board. Can you spare half an hour to take part in an interview for a research project into episodic, or occasional, participation in the Perl and Raku communities? In July last year we announced the launch of research conducted by Dr Ann Barcomb of the University of Calgary, in collaboration with The Perl Foundation. The results will be provided as a TPF report and will

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  • Perl & Raku featured in Linux Format magazine Fri, 04-Mar-2022 by Stuart J Mackintosh

    Our fantastic foundation administrator Nic Evans has secured a regular slot in Linux Format magazine where she is publishing Perl and Raku content as well as information on the Foundation. This magazine was selected as it talks to the general Linux user and has good coverage outside our existing audiences. We are also exploring other magazines with specific themes. The March 2022 edition includes a four-page article titled *Perl at

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  • Supporting TPF – potential tax savings Fri, 24-Dec-2021 by Nic Evans

    With the end of the year quickly approaching, The Perl Foundation want to thank you for all that you do in supporting us. Your support has allowed us to make significant strides in advancing the Perl and Raku languages, and the software behind them. There is, however, much work that still needs to be done. As you consider your year-end philanthropy, we want to highlight a few strategies that may

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  • Please spare ten minutes for the Calgary Research Study Mon, 25-Oct-2021 by Nic Evans

    Have you completed the online survey which forms part of the research by Dr. Ann Barcomb of the University of Calgary to understand episodic, or occasional, participation in the Perl and Raku communities. The research is being undertaken in collaboration with The Perl Foundation. More information is in the launch article. The survey requires 125-150 participants before analysis of the results can begin. To date 95 people have completed the

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  • Season of Docs project supporting newcomers and perl docs team Thu, 30-Sep-2021 by Nic Evans

    Work continues at pace on the comprehensive audit of Perl's core documentation collection, which is funded through Google’s Season of Docs. The project was announced and began in May. As planned, it is expected to complete before the end of November. Technical writer and communications specialist, Khawar Latif Khan is working in stages and has completed a full content audit alongside members of the community who have helped to test

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  • CAT open session – your thoughts and ideas Mon, 27-Sep-2021 by Nic Evans

    DATE CONFIRMED 20 October 2021, 1730 UTC TPF is hosting this community open session to discuss the Community Affairs Team and next steps. We want your thoughts and your ideas. It would be great to see a broad section of the community, including people who don't normally engage in these discussions. If you have something to say, this is your opportunity.

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  • Board update September 2021 Thu, 16-Sep-2021 by Stuart J Mackintosh

    Board update There have been many changes at the Foundation over the last year including a number of changes to our Board. Welcome At our last formal meeting in August, we welcomed Daniel Sockwell to the Board of Directors. Daniel has worked with the Foundation over the last year by serving on the Legal/Commercial Committee and by participating in the monthly community meetings. In his responses to questions during nomination,

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  • Daniel Sockwell candidacy for Board positon Mon, 16-Aug-2021 by Stuart J Mackintosh

    We would like to present Daniel Sockwell as a candidate to join the Board. He has worked with the foundation over the last year, participated in the monthly community meetings and presented Raku at a variety of events. The board will vote on Daniel's appointment at the board meeting 27th August 2021. Below are Daniel's responses to the application questions. Brief biography Before becoming a programmer, I earned a J.D.

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  • Board review: Community Affairs Team Sat, 07-Aug-2021 by Stuart J Mackintosh

    The Perl foundation’s board members have had an opportunity to review the Community Affairs Team (CAT), actions and its processes. As a result, the board has chosen to put the CAT on hiatus while its charter is formalized, and is retracting the public announcements of previous investigations.

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  • Perl is part of Google's Season of Docs 2021 Thu, 13-May-2021 by Jason McIntosh

    The Perl Foundation is among the thirty open-source software organizations that Google has chosen to participate in 2021's Season of Docs program. Through this program, Google will fund a comprehensive audit of Perl's core documentation collection, a project proposed by Jason McIntosh earlier this year. For this project a hired expert will perform a gap analysis of the documentation's content and presentation. This work will compare the documentation's present state

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  • Community Affairs Team Transparency Report Update Sun, 02-May-2021 by Nic Evans

    This statement has been retracted on 07 August 2021. Further details here:

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  • Community Affairs Team Transparency Report Mon, 19-Apr-2021 by Nic Evans

    This statement has been retracted on 07 August 2021. Further details here:

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  • Grants Committee Takes on Expanded Role in TPF Sat, 16-Jan-2021 by Jason A. Crome

    Starting in 2021, the Grants Committee will be taking on an expanded role in supporting the development of Perl and Raku within The Perl Foundation. In addition to the usual set of grants that benefit the greater Perl and Raku communities, the Grants Committee will also be the caretakers of the Perl and Raku Development Funds, and therefore responsible for awarding grants that directly benefit the core development of these

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  • FOSDEM 2021 - guidance for speakers Wed, 13-Jan-2021 by Stuart J Mackintosh

    Speaking at FOSDEM? Here’s what you need to know Thank you to all speakers who have put themselves forward to speak at this year’s FOSDEM. As it’s a virtual event, all talks need to be pre-recorded by the speakers. This is the first time FOSDEM has operated in this way so please be aware that there may be some bumps along the way everyone is working this out as they

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