1161 - 1180 of 1652 posts:

<< < > >> Summaries on
  • Vienna.pm Donates Up To $10,000 Tue, 28-Jun-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    This week during "YAPC::NA":http://www.yapc2011.us/yn2011/ we announced the launch of a new fundraising drive to raise money for the "maintenance and improvement":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund of the Perl 5 core. I am delighted to announce that "Vienna.pm":http://vienna.pm.org/ have offered to kick-start this fund by offering matched funding for the first $10,000 of sponsorship that is raised. The Perl Foundation would like to thank Vienna.pm for their generous contribution.

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  • 2011Q2 Grant Proposal Voting Results Tue, 21-Jun-2011 by Alberto Simões
    in: Grants

    Dear community, informing that after TPF Grants Committee vote on "Port pmtools to Perl 6":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2011/06/2011q2-grant-proposal-port-pmt.html grant proposal, it was not selected for funding. Next round for grants proposals will start in two weeks.

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 15 Thu, 16-Jun-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the May period. I spent the month working on two bugs: making sv_clear non-recursive when freeing HVs 58:35 Total Numbers of tickets closed: bq. 2 tickets closed that have been worked on 1 tickets closed related to bugs that have been fixed 0 tickets closed that were reviewed but not worked on 3 Total Short Detail

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  • 2011Q2 Grant Proposal: Port pmtools to Perl 6 Sat, 04-Jun-2011 by Alberto Simões
    in: Grants

    This quarter, The Perl Foundation Grant Committee received one proposal for grant funding. The proposal is presented bellow, and it is open for discussion. Port pmtools to Perl 6 Name: Mark Leighton Fisher Amount Requested: $1200.00 Synopsis pmtools, the Perl module tools, are used by Perl 5 programmers every day to find, use, modify, and fix Perl modules. With over 90 modules already available for Perl 6, it is time

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  • Parrot Embed Grant - Report #6 Thu, 02-Jun-2011 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    Jonathan Leto wrote: I am excited to announce that I have completed my next grant milestone! I recently increased test coverage of extend_vtable.c to over 95% achieving the milestone with a half percent buffer. It definitely wasn't easy, but I changed the way I was approaching writing tests and it resulted in a "huge burst of productivity":https://github.com/parrot/parrot/compare/5dd8c543ab...8c04cc3e66. I went through a test coverage report and wrote down, on an actual

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  • YAPC::NA 2012 - Wisconsin or Texas? Fri, 27-May-2011 by Josh McAdams

    The Perl Foundation is excited to announce that we have two bids in for Perl Mongers groups to host YAPC::NA 2012. This year's bidders are the "MadMongers at Madison.pm":http://madmongers.org/ and the combined "Houston.pm":http://houston.pm.org/ and Austin.pm groups. The conference committee will be busy reviewing these bids over the next few weeks and the winner will be announced at "YAPC::NA 2011 in Asheville, NC":http://www.yapc2011.us/yn2011/. You can check out the bids to get

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  • Interim Grant Report: Meta-model Improvements and Natively Typed Attributes Thu, 26-May-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Jonathan Worthington writes: This is a report on the progress that I have made with my current Hague Grant, "Meta-model Improvements and Natively Typed Attributes":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2010/07/hague-grant-application-meta-m.html. My previous Hague Grants and much of the work on Rakudo up until the Rakudo Star release have had a focus on implementing Perl 6 language features, gradually building towards a compiler with more and more coverage of the language. Since the Rakudo Star release,

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  • Perl 5.14 Wed, 11-May-2011 by mdk

    A new version of Perl, 5.14, was officially released on 14th May following the successful test period, including the testing of release candidates. This is the first release of Perl 5 using the new annual schedule. There are a number of enhancements and alterations in this version, a full list of changes can be found at

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  • Six TPF Projects Accepted for Google Summer of Code Thu, 05-May-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: GSoC

    I would like to congratulate the six students who were accepted to work with The Perl Foundation for this year's Google Summer of Code. The successful students and projects are: "André Walker Rework Catalyst component setup code":http://perl.andrewalker.net/proposal-rework-catalyst-component-setup-code/ Mentored by Tomas Doran and Eden Cardim "Brian Neil Fraser Making the Perl Core UTF-8 clean":http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2011/hugmeir/1 Mentored by Florian Ragwitz and Zefram "Carlos Ivan Sosa Removing the upgrading necessity of the Dancer script

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 14 Tue, 03-May-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the April period. Again, I concentrated on bugs that were 5.14 blockers, and also spent a fair amount of time working to reduce smoke failures, which isn't being charged to the grant, as that work wasn't done against RT tickets. Over the last month I have averaged 8 hours per week. As of 2011/04/30: since the beginning

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  • New Marketing Committee Chair Tue, 03-May-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Marketing

    I am pleased to announce that Mark Keating is joining TPF as the chair of the marketing committee. Mark is well known in the Perl community for his work with the Enlightened Perl Organisation, NorthWestEngland.pm, and the London Perl Workshop. His interest and enthusiasm in promoting Perl can clearly be seen through his blogging and the numerous projects he has worked on in the past couple of years. I am

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  • Parrot Embed Grant - Report #5 Sat, 30-Apr-2011 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    Jonathan Leto wrote: I am still on the path of increasing "test coverage in src/extend_vtable.c":https://github.com/parrot/parrot/blob/master/t/src/extend_vtable.t. It is much like a zen study, where you methodically concentrate on many tiny little pebbles, one at a time, moving them in the sand, to just the right place. According to the latest code coverage statistics, we are now at "72% code coverage":http://tapir2.ro.vutbr.cz/cover/latest-c_cover/src-extend_vtable-c.html, which is an increase of about 8% since my last report.

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  • Pittsburgh Perl Workshop Call for Presentations Fri, 22-Apr-2011 by Dan Wright

    The 5th Annual Pittsburgh Perl Workshop will be held at the Carnegie Mellon University's Gates Hillman Complex on October 8 and 9, 2011. The call for presentations is now open and closes on Wednesday, May 18th. Please view The PPW announcement for more information.

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 13 Wed, 13-Apr-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the March period. I concentrated on bugs that were 5.14 blockers, and also spent a fair amount of time working to reduce smoke failures, which isn't being charged to the grant, as that work wasn't done against RT tickets. Over the last month I have averaged 5 hours per week. As of 2011/03/31: since the beginning of

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  • 2011Q2 Call for Grant Proposals Sun, 10-Apr-2011 by Alberto Simões
    in: Grants

    Its that time of the year, again. The Perl Foundation is looking at giving some grants ranging from $500 to $2000 in May 2011. In the past, we've supported Adam Kennedy's PPI, Strawberry Perl and Perl on a Stick, Nicholas Clark's work on Perl internals, Jouke Visser's pVoice, Chris Dolan on Perl::Critic and many others You don't have to have a large, complex, or lengthy project. You don't even have

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  • Parrot Embed Grant - Report #4 Wed, 06-Apr-2011 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    Jonathan Leto wrote: This wayward son is still on his treacherous journey to increase "test coverage in src/extend_vtable.c":https://github.com/parrot/parrot/blob/master/t/src/extend_vtable.t. When we last left off our traveler, he explained what the mythical VTABLE beast looked like, and we shall continue with the study of this chimerical fauna. According to the latest code coverage statistics, we are now at "64% code coverage":http://tapir2.ro.vutbr.cz/cover/latest-c_cover/src-extend_vtable-c.html, which is an increase of about 10% since my last report.

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  • Structured Error Message Grant Accepted Mon, 04-Apr-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    I am pleased to announce that Moritz Lenz's Hague Grant for "Structured Error Messages":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2011/02/hague-grant-application-struct.html has been accepted. Will Coleda has agreed to be the grant manager for this project. We received a lot of positive feedback regarding this grant and we are delighted that we are able to fund this work. If you would like to help fund grants like this or any of our other projects please visit "https://donate.perlfoundation.org":https://donate.perlfoundation.org/.

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  • Sign up to Perl GSoC now! Sat, 02-Apr-2011 by Florian Ragwitz

    Countdown... We are into the final week for students to sign up to the Google Summer of Code. The program is accepting submissions from students and mentors until Friday 8th April so now is the time to get involved before it is too late and you suffer from last regrets. What can I do? Students can suggest any topic to work on, but for those wishing to try something new,

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  • YAPC::EU 2011 Call For Speakers Open Through July 17th Sun, 20-Mar-2011 by Josh McAdams

    The organizers of "YAPC::EU 2011":http://yapceurope.lv/ye2011/ recently announced that they are "accepting proposals for talks":http://yapceurope.lv/ye2011/news/686 at YAPC::EU 2011. They are also looking for teachers and sponsors. "Click through":http://yapceurope.lv/ye2011/news/686 to read all of the details.

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 12 Sun, 20-Mar-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the February period. Spent most of the month fixing many taint issues associated with s///, which I discovered as a side-effect of looking into the \p{$tainted} issue. Over the last month I have averaged 13 hours per week. Over the 50 weeks of the grant I have done 639 hours, averaging 12.8 hours per week. There are

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