Another Grant Application from a key Raku develoer, Stefan Seifert. A member of the Raku Steering Council, Stefan is also an author of several Perl 5 modules including Inline::Python and Inline::Perl6. This Grant is to help advance AST or Abstract Syntax Tree. This is integral to Raku internals and allows designing and implementation of new language components, that can be converted into bytecode for execution by the interpreteter or "virtual ... read more |
A new Grant application for Raku. Tony O'Dell is proposing a project to develop a Raku Ecosystem written in Raku. This gets rid of a dependency on other languages and proprietary code to create a more sustainable environment. Tony has a number of Raku projects including the very important |
Call for Grants Applications - May 2023 ... read more |
The Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two months and another round is starting. If you have an idea for doing some work that will benefit the Perl or Raku communities, please consider submitting a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 January 29th, 2023, UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback through February 4th, and we ... read more |
After a bit of a pause, Jonathan Worthington has continued his work on the RakuAST grant. Find his progress report below. In addion, you might want to check out this really cool post about embedding BASIC in Raku based on the RakuAST branch. Things have moved slowly on the RakuAST work of late, between me needing more of a breather that I imagined after the new dispatch mechanism work, along ... read more |
Regarding the progress on his Raku CI Bot grant, Patrick Böker writes: In December and January I worked in different areas of RCB: I fixed smaller errors in all parts of the stack, so that now testing on the OBS backend works, ignoring errors caused by the still open bugs listed below. I started work on the website which currently allows viewing test status and results of a given test ... read more |
With the end of the year quickly approaching, The Perl Foundation want to thank you for all that you do in supporting us. Your support has allowed us to make significant strides in advancing the Perl and Raku languages, and the software behind them. There is, however, much work that still needs to be done. As you consider your year-end philanthropy, we want to highlight a few strategies that may ... read more |
Patrick Böker submitted his report for the Raku CI Bot grant, for the months of October and November: In October and November most of my time was spent on finding and fixing bugs. Several problems I encountered are bugs in third party systems. Some of those I tackled, some remain as bug reports. Reported and fixed bugs: Red: Boolean checking DateTime columns fails when using Pg #530 Red: Checking multiple ... read more |
Jonathan writes: My latest grant proposal was recently approved. I had the possibility to dedicate quality time to Raku work at the start of November, but knew I would be tied up with some other work in the latter part of the month. Thus I optimistically forged ahead with some grant work while I could, crossing my fingers for approval. This report covers what got done. The main completed task ... read more |
Daniel Sockwell has provided two updates to his Grant: Persistent Data Structures for Raku. The first update was already submitted in October, and not posted due to my own error. Enjoy the thorough description! Raku Persistent Data Structures Grant Report for September 2021 In September, I spent 28 hours on implementing Raku persistent data structures. That's a bit under the 10 hour/week I'd estimated that I'd spend, but I was ... read more |
Regarding his Raku CI bot grant, Patrick Böker writes: In September I: got the OBS interfacing component working, and got the GitHub interfacing component working. I hoped to manage to put a working system together this weekend. That didn't quite work out, but there is not much missing. So I'm hopeful to do so in the coming days. ... read more |
Jonathan completed the work on his grant. The changes were merged into Raku and will be productive in the next Raku release. We tank the sponsors for supporting this grant, Jonathan for his work; and also the other volunteers who helped with various tasks so this big change could be merged. ... read more |
Jonathan reports a lot of progress on his grant. We would like to thank the sponsors and Jonathan for his work. Here is his report: Raku Dispatch and Compiler Improvements Grant Update Since the approval of my grant in late June, I have been making a lot of progress with it. The grant allowed me to dedicate the vast majority of my working time in July and August to Raku ... read more |
Since 2012, Yet Another Society has also been officially known by its less confusing alias: The Perl Foundation. Now, it has a new alias: The Raku Foundation. Like the TPF alias, this new name is a dba – it doesn't change any of the realities of how YAS (aka TPF, aka TRF) is organized, governed, or structured. Pretty much the only legal effect is to allow YAS to cash checks made out to "The Raku Foundation" in the same way it can cash ones made out to "The Perl Foundation". ... read more |
Patrick Böker writes about the progress of his Raku CI Bot grant: Building on Khalids work, I improved the GitHub API auto-generation. Implemented and tested the logic to efficiently retrieve, package and store sets of Rakudo, NQP, MoarVM checkouts. I implemented and tested a nifty little helper to aid with asynchronous task processing. It's a trait that tacks onto a method and changes it so: It runs asynchronously. ... read more |
Regarding his RakuAST Grant, Jonathan Worthington reports some awesome progress for May 2021. Side note: due to a bug in the Markdown rendering in this blog post, the less-than and greater-than characters in code blocks are double-encoded. Please refer to this gist for a correctly rendered version. Anyway, here is Jonathan's report: During May I focused on filling out the regex part of RakuAST, with the result that the majority ... read more |
In April I focused on resumption of multiple dispatch using the new dispatch mechanism that is, using |
Jonathan wrote an update to his RakuAST grant RakuAST continues to grow to cover more of the Raku language, and the new RakuAST-based compiler frontend advances along with it. This month saw 30 further spectest files start passing in full using the new compiler frontend. New AST nodes were created and compilation implemented for the following language constructs: Placeholder parameters, both positional and named Sigilless variable declarations Loop labels The ... read more |
Regarding his Raku CI Bot grant, Patrick writes: In April I didn't find much time to work on the Raku CI Bot grant, because non computer things required my time. I added more API mappings to my clone of In particular I added relevant parts of the Checks, Pulls, OAuth and Issues APIs. I also rebased my changes on the fork of khalid who incidentally also started working on the ... read more |
Jonathan writes: March didn't see me doing that many grant hours; I was keeping my keyboard time down for the first half of the month, and then had a lot to catch up on in the second half On the upside, the time that was spent was productive: I got some way into implementing more of Raku's multiple dispatch semantics in terms of the new dispatcher. I've written a blog ... read more |