RakuAST Grant Report 2021-04
Mon, 17-May-2021 by
Moritz Lenz
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Jonathan wrote an update to his RakuAST grant (already a week ago, publishing delay is my fault):
RakuAST continues to grow to cover more of the Raku language, and the new RakuAST-based compiler frontend advances along with it. This month saw 30 further spectest files start passing in full using the new compiler frontend.
New AST nodes were created and compilation implemented for the following language constructs:
* Placeholder parameters, both positional and named
* Sigilless variable declarations
* Loop labels
* The `!` infix prefix meta-operator
* Code blocks in regexes
* The `**` regex quantifier with literal and calculated values
Furthermore, some existing AST nodes were made more complete and some other shortcomings were addressed:
* Correctly compile the smartmatch operator (the RHS should be evaluated with the LHS as the topic)
* Compile the `:=` bind operator, except signature-based destructuring
* Fix a bug in the compilation of `loop` without a condition
* Parse and attach parameter traits
* Implement compilation of signature binding for the `is rw` and `is raw` traits
* Parse `my sub ...`
* Fix a compilation bug with `if /foo/ {}`
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