The first deadline for the 2025 TPRC papercall is on January 15th! Get those papers in! Go to for more information! ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during November 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I spent most of last month continuing to do various bits of code refactoring and test-adding on Extutils::ParseXS, as a precursor to adding reference-counted stack abilities to XS. Summary: 5:09 process p5p mailbox 39:10 refactor Extutils::ParseXS Total: 44:19 TOTAL ... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/10/01 Tuesday 1.17 #22547 work on revert, test code, testing, make PR 22635 0.08 #22633 review and approve 0.22 #22634 review and approve 1.17 #22629 review and comments 0.20 #22547 work on more tests 2.84 2024/10/02 Wednesday 0.23 #22629 review and approve 0.15 github notifications 0.30 #22639 review and comment 0.33 #22638 review and comment 0.50 #22614 ... read more |
We are pleased to announce Olaf Alders as the White Camel Award 2024 recipient. Most likely people recognize Olaf as the guy behind MetaCPAN. He co-founded the project in late 2010 as a means to aggregate data for an iOS application. The phone app fizzled, but MetaCPAN took on a life of its own. Olaf has been part of the team working on it ever since. MetaCPAN is a user-friendly ... read more |
Paul writes: I had a suddenly much more productive month in November, as a lot of little logjams and other things in the way all got cleared. Hours: 4 Optimise foreach on builtin::indexed 8 "faster signatures" experiment 3 valid_identifier function family 1 :writer attribute on fields 7 Implementing any and all 1 Fix B::Deparse on method ... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/09/02 Monday 0.12 #22547 comment 0.13 #21246 review and comment 1.58 #22415 research and comment 0.22 #22541 review and approve 0.20 #22125 comment 0.13 #22539 review and approve 0.43 #22380 apply to blead, perldelta 0.93 #22552 review and approve with comment 3.74 2024/09/03 Tuesday 0.77 #22563 review, research and approve 2.22 #22542 debugging, research and comment ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during October 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I spent most of last month continuing to do various bits of code refactoring and test-adding on Extutils::ParseXS, as a precursor to adding reference-counted stack abilities to XS. SUMMARY: 9:23 process p5p mailbox 47:46 refactor Extutils::ParseXS Total: 57:09 ... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/08/01 Thursday 0.42 #22450 review updates, discussion, approve with comment 0.47 #22451 review, testing and approve 0.17 #22436 review and approve with comment 0.62 #22441 review and comment 1.28 #21524 provide patches to Promise-ES6 1.20 #1420/#19124 more review, cleanup, push for CI 4.16 2024/08/05 Monday 0.10 #22444 no follow-up discussion, recheck and approve 0.37 #20317 research and comment ... read more |
Paul writes: Hours: 4 |
Jason has submitted a midway report of his Dancer 2 Documentation project. While the project is undoubtedly an important piece of work, his report is also a perfect example of how grants (or indeed any project) should be done. There is a professional demonstration of discipline, identifying goals, challenges, and success. ... read more |
The conference organizing team is excited to present details of the 2025 Perl and Raku Conference, to be held June 27-29 in Greenville, SC. Registration for the conference will open soon, but you can start planning now to attend. We'd love to see you in the Palmetto State next summer! Streamlined conference, new schedule! The Perl and Raku Conference 2025 is changing things up a little. We're streamlining the conference ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during September 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I spent most of last month continuing to do various bits of code refactoring and test-adding on Extutils::ParseXS, as a precursor to adding reference-counted stack abilities to XS. SUMMARY: 5:02 process p5p mailbox 2:06 reduce smoke failures 54:15 refactor Extutils::ParseXS Total: 61:23 TOTAL ... read more |
The Open Source Pledge We at The Perl and Raku Foundation are supporting the Open Source Pledge initiative. The Open Source Pledge consists of companies with a shared commitment to paying the maintainers of the open source software they consume, therefore aims to help address sustainability challenges facing the Open Source community. The Sustainability Challenge in OSS Open source software is the backbone of much of today’s technology, but it ... read more |
Paul writes: With the 5.40 release well out of the way, and freed from my PSC commitments, I managed to find a bit more time this month to actually write some useful code. Hours: 2 Improvements to |
The Japan Perl Association made a generous donation to The Perl and Raku Foundation following their fundraising activity at YAPC::Hiroshima Here is a thank you message from Olaf Adler: Japanese translation below: 日本語抄訳 こんにちは。Olaf Alderと申します。The Perl Foundationで後援者様向け広報の担当をしています。今日は日本のPerlコミュニティの皆様に感謝の意を表したく、ご連絡差し上げました。 Japan Perl AssociationとYAPC::Japanの皆様には、長年にわたるご支援を誠に「ありがとう」ございます。特に先日のYAPC::Hiroshimaの大盛況をお祝い申し上げます。写真で見た酒樽募金箱は印象的で、今後、私は日本酒を飲むたびにこのイベントを思い出すでしょう。 YAPCの継続的な成功は素晴らしいです。日本チームの秘訣を世界に伝えてほしいと願っています。私たちも多くを学びたいと思います。 Japan Perl AssociationはThe Perl Foundationの大切なパートナーです。今後とも協力し、Perlの発展に努めましょう。YAPC::Hakodateの盛会をお祈りしています。ありがとうございます! ... read more |