written by adeuel

1 - 20 of 35 posts:

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  • TPRC 2024 after action report Wed, 11-Sep-2024 by Amber Krawczyk

    TPRC 2024 was held in Las Vegas. The foundation has gathered feedback from the community/conference data and composed the following after action report. We look forward to seeing everyone next year in Greenville, SC.

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  • TPRC 2024 Feedback Form Thu, 27-Jun-2024 by Amber Krawczyk

    Please help us by filling out our brief TPRC feedback form at https://forms.gle/DcUDX6JzWT72yXTY7 Couldn't make it this year? We still want your feedback!

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  • Time is dwindling to book your trip to TPRC! Sat, 01-Jun-2024 by Amber Krawczyk
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  • TPRC Call for volunteers Sat, 27-Apr-2024 by Amber Krawczyk

    We hope you are coming to in Las Vegas June 24-28! Plans are underway for a wonderful TPRC. But a conference of this type is only possible because of volunteers who give their time and expertise to plan, promote, and execute every detail. We need volunteers! You may have already volunteered to speak at the conference; if so, wonderful! If you are not presenting there are many ways to help.

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  • TPRF 2024 Call For Papers is now open! Thu, 15-Feb-2024 by Amber Krawczyk

    TPRC 2024 is being held in Las Vegas, NV from June 24-28 2024. You can submit your talk Ideas for TPRC 2024 at https://tprc.us/talks Talk submission deadline is April 5th, Midnight UTC. Talks must be given live and in-person. If you are looking for any talk ideas, try out the conference wiki. New this year, we are accepting submissions for a peer reviewed Science track. Those talks should be submitted

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  • 2024 Letter from the President Fri, 19-Jan-2024 by Amber Krawczyk

    Following a year of accelerating change in the Open Source and wider digital ecosystems, the Foundation continues to develop and build momentum. We have continued the monthly community meetings and are pleased to see new faces throughout. 2023 saw the publication of the second TPRF prospectus. This provides a valuable tool to share the aims and activities of the Foundation. The 2024 prospectus is in development and will be published

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  • White Camel Award for 2023 Mon, 18-Dec-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    Delightful tidings dance upon the air as we unveil R Geoffrey Avery as the distinguished recipient of the coveted White Camel Award for the year 2023. Geoffrey’s contributions to the Perl and Raku communities, especially volunteering for conferences and other TPRF activities, has earned him this coveted honor. Within the vibrant tapestry of Perl and Raku conferences, Geoffrey has gonged hundreds of lightning talks at over fifty conferences on two

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  • Bruce Gray Candidacy for Board Membership Tue, 05-Dec-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    We would like to present Bruce Gray as a candidate to join the Board. The board will vote on Bruce's appointment at the board meeting 15th of December, 2023. Below are Bruce's responses to the application questions. Bio: I am Bruce Gray I reside in Alabama near Auburn University, with my wife of 22 years, and close to my stepson and my four school-aged grandchildren. I work as a business

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  • Ruth Holloway Candidacy for Board Membership Tue, 05-Dec-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    We would like to present Ruth Holloway as a candidate to join the Board. The board will vote on Ruth's appointment at the board meeting 15th of December, 2023. Below are Ruth's responses to the application questions. Bio: I have been a software developer and system administrator for nearly forty years, starting my first paid gig before I was even out of high school, in 1985. I started using Perl

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  • Raku Advent Calendar 2023 is Live! Fri, 01-Dec-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    The Raku Advent Calendar

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  • Perl Advent Calendar is Live! Fri, 01-Dec-2023 by Amber Krawczyk


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  • Fosdem mini grants Fri, 17-Nov-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    One of the goals TPRF would like to achieve, now that conferences are becoming increasingly available in person, is to spread awareness of current Perl and Raku projects. In support of this goal, TPRF will be issuing a limited number of mini grants of up to $300 to participants interested in holding Perl/Raku based talks in TPRF's FOSDEM 2024 dev room. In addition, TPRF will have a 2 day stand

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  • FOSDEM 2024, call for participation Tue, 14-Nov-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    The Perl and Raku Foundation is thrilled to announce that the FOSDEM organising team has accepted our proposal to set up a DevRoom on Saturday, February 3rd 2024. It has been quite a few years since the last Perl DevRoom at FOSDEM. Historically, they have always been well attended and packed. Time for an Update Since last time, a lot has happened, and TPRF is excited to help create this

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  • Science Track Interest Survey Wed, 01-Nov-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    Greetings Perl People! There is a strong official consideration by The Perl and Raku Foundation of including a new kind of track to the 2024 Perl and Raku Conference in Las Vegas. Survey URL: https://forms.gle/DDPWsNqEsZW8AyWX7 The track would target academic and industrial STEM applications, and emulate in some way traditional science conference tracks; meaning the talks would be based on paper and poster submissions. If this came to pass, the

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  • The Perl and Koha Conference Thu, 14-Sep-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    The first ever Perl and Koha conference was held in Helsinki, Finland this year. It featured three main days of Perl and Koha presentations and two days of workshops. Workshops included a Perl training session, a masterclass for new Koha developers, Koha improvement initiatives, discussions on the future of Perl as a language, and more. Koha is the first free open source software library automation package. In use worldwide its

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  • Hello (TPRF) World! Thu, 01-Jun-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    Check out our new newsletter! It's packed full of updates and conference information! Hello World 1.pdf Don't want to click that? Here's the text version of the info: **Hello World! Welcome to the first installment of the TPRF Newsletter. Time for another TPRC 2023 update! A reminder to all folks traveling from outside Canada to attend TPRC 2023, go ahead and check that you have your passport! You're going to

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  • Time for another TPRC 2023 update! Thu, 18-May-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    A reminder to all folks travelling from outside Canada to attend TPRC 2023, go ahead and check that you have your passport! You're going to have to show that off to the folks at the border. Dave Rolsky's course on Go is now available on Eventbrite. The cost of the course is $125USD, and it's taking place at the Doubletree Hilton on Friday July 14, right after the TPRC 2023

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  • 2023 TRPC Hackathon Tue, 16-May-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    The Perl and Raku Conference for 2023 will again feature a Hackathon Room. On July 10th, the Marketing Committee plans to coordinate activities for projects that have a broad impact on Perl. We hope to involve 2-3 high impact projects and any number of smaller projects. The committee will provide logistical and non-coding support for projects that want it. We want to help by: matching people to projects and projects

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  • TPRC Paper Call Extended! Mon, 03-Apr-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    Alex Beamish, our TPRC 2023 event coordinator, visited the Doubletree last week for a reception, and got a chance to talk with Daria and Tumer, who will be our hosts in July. The reception featured a variety of food, and it was all delicious. We're a few papers short for the conference, so the **Call For Papers has been re-opened briefly get those papers in by Friday, April 7 at

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  • Now Accepting: TPRC Proposals for 2024 Wed, 22-Mar-2023 by Amber Krawczyk

    It’s time to plan TPRC 2024. If you are interested in organizing the event in your city, please submit a proposal by April 28th. Please view the information, along with a sample RFP you can send to possible vendors here. When ready to submit your proposal, please use the same form. If you have any questions, please contact us at hello@perlfoundation.org

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