Ruth Holloway Candidacy for Board Membership

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Comments (5)

I think Ruth would be great as a board member and I agree with her that addressing abuse in the Perl community is vitally important.

I support Ruth being on the board. She will bring an important perspective.

I wholeheartedly support Ruth's bid for TPRF board membership. While she has a number of qualities that make her well suited for this, her dedication to establishing a code of conduct, and having the expertise to see it through, is important for the survival of our community. Ruth is a champion for underrepresented people in our community, and adding her to the board adds much needed perspective and voice in the Perl and Raku spaces.

I have only good thoughts about Ruth and hope to see her contributions to the TPRF soon.

I support, endorse, and recommend Ruth for Board membership. Every direct interaction I have had with her, and every observation-from-afar, predict sound decisions and focused participation from her, given this opportunity.

Her thoughts on providing services to subcommunities dovetail with my own plans. And frankly, her knowledge and willingness to oppose abuse meet a critical need for our community. We need her, and she is ready.

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