901 - 920 of 1652 posts:

<< < > >> Summaries on
  • Grant Proposal: Start ACT - Voyager Wed, 16-Jul-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We have received the following grant application "Start ACT Voyager". Please leave feedback in the comments field by July 25th, 2014. Start ACT Voyager Name: Theo van Hoesel Amount Requested: 1.000 DBIx::Class 2.000 Dancer implementation 1.000 REST api 2.000 Theme Based templates 6.000 TOTAL Synopsis The Perl Community is a social community that gathers at several places around the world during Conferences and WorkShops

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  • Grant Proposal: Book: Practical Approach to Web Programming with Perl 5 Wed, 16-Jul-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We have received the following grant application "Book: Practical Approach to Web Programming with Perl 5". Please leave feedback in the comments field by July 25th, 2014. Book: Practical Approach to Web Programming with Perl 5 Name: Ahmad Bilal Amount Requested: USD 1000 Synopsis This book would teach web programming from ground up through a practical and minimalist approach. Benefits to the Perl Community 2 years back, when

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 8 (May 2014) Tue, 08-Jul-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: I mainly spent May helping to get blead ready for release; in particular by trying to reduce smoke failures and by looking at 5.20 blocker tickets. Summary bq. 0:24 #95493 for Devel-Size: broken by bleadperl 1:00 #95940 for Cache-Mmap: Test suite segfaults with Perl 5.20.0-RC1 2:04 document/publicize THINKFIRST 1:15 Bleadperl v5.19.3-16-gce0d59f breaks the CPAN 2:10 Bleadperl v5.19.6-171-g437e3a7 breaks ROBIN/Want-0.21.tar.gz 4:08 COW related performance regression in 5.19 1:41

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 10 Tue, 08-Jul-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook writes: Approximately 80 tickets were reviewed or otherwise worked on, 1 change was applied to blead Hours Activity 3.11 #116925 review new discussion #116925 review discussion and update patch 0.47 #119425 review and comment 3.72 #119593 code review and debugging #119593 more debugging, review, produce patch and comment #119593 add explanation to patch 8.53 #121332 applying 5.21.1 blockers patches #121332 more 5.21.1 blockers #121332 apply more 5.21.1 blocker

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  • Call for Grant Proposals (July round) Tue, 01-Jul-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    As communicated at the May round closure the Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two months and another evaluation period has come. If you have an idea for doing some Perl work that will benefit the Perl community, consider sending a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 July 15th UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback

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  • Grants Cancellation Sun, 29-Jun-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    The following grants have been cancelled and no payments will be made to the grantees. YACT Yet Another Conference Tool The grant was started on May 2013 and has been cancelled as the grantee opted to cancel it. Next Release of Pinto With Key Features The grant was started on May 2013 and has been cancelled due to the rules of operation 2.6. Perl 6 Tablets The

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  • Work on Perl::Lint, a Perl 5 Static Analyzer, Begins Tue, 03-Jun-2014 by Tom Hukins

    Taiki Kawakami started work on "his Perl::Lint grant":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2014/03/grant-proposal-perllint---yet.html in May. You can track his work in a "public repository":https://github.com/moznion/Perl-Lint at Github. Encouragingly, Taiki reports that he has already completed a third of his work.

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 9 Sun, 01-Jun-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook writes: Approximately 68 tickets were worked on, and 7 patches were applied. Jarkko starts his long stream of patches for Coverity issues this month, which I spent a lot of time reviewing. Hours Activity 3.87 #116925 reply to comments, work on patch changes #116925 reply to comments #116925 work on patch #116925 editing, comment with updated patch 1.40 #119949 review 5.18.3 blockers, backport fix and apply 0.35 #119973

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  • May 2014 Grant Votes Sat, 31-May-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    The Grants Committee is pleased to announce the voting result of the May round. The following grant is approved and funded: Modern Object Oriented Programming in Perl, Toby Inkster, USD 4,000 Voting result: Title Yes No Score Modern Object Oriented Programming in Perl 6 0 25 5+5+5+5+3+2 Definition of score is found in 3.2 of the rules. We would like to express gratitude for those who took time to give

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  • Devel::Cover grant report April 2014 Tue, 27-May-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Paul Johnson writes: In accordance with the terms of my grant from TPF this is the monthly report for my work on improving Devel::Cover covering April 2014. This month I released versions 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13. I finished up the work I was doing to the test system. Part of this included improving the tests for merged databases, and imposing more of an ordering on STDOUT and STDERR within

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 7 (April 2014) Mon, 26-May-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: I mainly spent April helping to get blead ready for release; in particular by trying to reduce smoke failures and by looking at 5.20 blocker tickets, including: Get PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT and PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT_PRIVATE builds to smoke successfully under ithreads: there were a number of race conditions. Fix a race condition in File-Glob/t/basic.t that caused occasional smoke failures. Stop t/run/locale.t from producing spurious warnings under some shells. Make ExtUtils::Install handle

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 8 Thu, 15-May-2014 by Karen Pauley

    Tony Cook writes: Approximately 16 tickets were reviewed or otherwise worked on. This is the start of my third grant. I mostly worked on 5.20 blockers for this week. |Hours Activity 0.37 #116296 review 1.52 #116925 research and write documentation, comment twice 0.08 #120670 comment and resolve 0.47 #120939 review latest patch and comment 0.45 #121198 work on patch to make croaks into warnings 0.35 #121335 comment 0.33 review 5.20

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  • May 2014 Grant Proposal Sun, 11-May-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    The Grants Committee has received one grant proposal for the May round. Before the Committee members vote, we would like to solicit feedback from the Perl community on the proposal. Review the proposal below and please comment there. The Committee members will start the voting process on May 22nd and the conclusion will be announced by May 31st. Modern Object Oriented Programming in Perl, Toby Inkster, USD 4,000

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  • Grant Proposal: Modern Object Oriented Programming in Perl Sun, 11-May-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We have received the following grant application. Please leave feedback in the comments field by May 22nd, 2014. Modern Object Oriented Programming in Perl Name: Toby Inkster Amount Requested: USD 4,000 Synopsis The proposal is to write a book on Modern OO programming techniques using Moose, Moo, and Class::Tiny. This would be written in a similar style to chromatic's Modern Perl book, following the same test-driven approach to

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  • Outreach Program for Women Internship Begins in May Sat, 03-May-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: OPW

    I would like to congratulate "Pattawan Kaewduangdee":http://oiami.blogspot.jp/ on her successful application to work with Perl in the current round of the "Outreach Program for Women":https://gnome.org/opw/. Pattawan will begin her internship working on "MetaCPAN":https://metacpan.org/ on May 19th with "Olaf Alders":http://blogs.perl.org/users/olaf_alders/ as her mentor. We wouldn't be able to take part in this program without the support of our sponsors or the support of the mentors. I would like to thank Olaf

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  • Call for Grant Proposals (May round) Thu, 01-May-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    The Grants Committee calls for grant proposals every two months. It's time for the May round! If you have an idea for doing some Perl work that will benefit the Perl community, consider sending a grant application. The application deadline is 23:59 May 10th UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback and conclude the acceptance by May 31st. The format will be the same as the March

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  • Devel::Cover grant report March 2014 Tue, 29-Apr-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Paul Johnson writes: In accordance with the terms of my grant from TPF this is the monthly report for my work on improving Devel::Cover covering March 2014. Those of you who have been paying close attention may have noticed that it has been some months since my last report. Unfortunately I got rather busy and Devel::Cover work was one of the casualties. However, with the approval of my grant managers

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  • Tony Cook's Grant Extended Tue, 22-Apr-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    I am pleased to announce that Tony Cook's grant "Maintaining Perl 5":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2014/03/grant-extension-request-from-t.html grant has been extended by another 400 hours. Thank you to everyone who responded to the call for comments and who provided feedback on this grant extension. I would also like to thank all those who continue to provide financial support to the "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund.

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 6 (March 2014) Wed, 09-Apr-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: Apart from a bit of time spent on a few miscellaneous bugs, I mainly continued working on refactoring re_intuit_start During the course of the month I merged two sets of commits back into blead. At this point I have now audited the whole of the body of code for general correctness, and in particular for utf8 bugs and inefficiencies, and for correct treatment of anchors, especially \G.

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  • Grant Extension Request: Maintaining the Perl 5 Core Fri, 04-Apr-2014 by Karen Pauley

    As his "Maintaining the Perl 5 Core":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/09/grant-application-maintaining-1.html grant is about to be successfully completed, Dave Mitchell has requested an extension of $20,000. This will allow him to dedicate another 400 hours to this work. During this grant he sent weekly reports to the p5p mailing list as well as providing monthly summary reports that have been published on this blog, the most recent of which are linked below: "Report for

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