881 - 900 of 1652 posts:

<< < > >> Summaries on
  • Grant Proposal: Nile - Visual Web App Framework Separating Code From Design Multi Lingual And Multi Theme Mon, 15-Sep-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We have received the following grant application "Nile Visual Web App Framework Separating Code From Design Multi Lingual And Multi Theme". Please leave feedback in the comments field by September 25th, 2014. Nile Visual Web App Framework Separating Code From Design Multi Lingual And Multi Theme Name: Ahmed Amin Elsheshtawy Amount Requested: USD 10,000 Synopsis The main idea in this framework is to separate all the html design,

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  • Outreach Program for Women: Intern's Summary Sun, 14-Sep-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: OPW

    Pattawan Kaewduangdee writes: First of all, I would like to say thank you to "The Perl Foundation":http://www.perlfoundation.org/ for giving me such a great opportunity to work on "MetaCPAN":https://metacpan.org/ as an intern in the "GNOME Outreach Program for Women":http://gnome.org/opw/. MetaCPAN is a really friendly part of the Perl community where I have learnt a lot from smart and specialized Perl developers. While I was participating in the program I improved the

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  • PPW 2014 Call for Talks Fri, 12-Sep-2014 by Dan Wright

    The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop Organizers are happy to announce our 7th annual event this November 7th through 9th in downtown Pittsburgh, PA. Our web site is now live and accepting registrations. We are also accepting talk submissions through September 26th: "http://pghpw.org":http://pghpw.org Thanks to Mark Jason Dominus and Tom Christiansen for volunteering talks for PPW already. And thanks to Infinity Interactive for covering the costs for John Anderson to come

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  • More Perl::Lint Progress Fri, 12-Sep-2014 by Tom Hukins

    It's a while since I "reported":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2014/07/perllint-progress.html on "Taiki Kawakami's grant to work on Perl::Lint":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2014/03/grant-proposal-perllint---yet.html, a static analyser for Perl 5. Taiki continues to work on Perl::Lint actively: you can track his progress in "the project's public Github repository":https://github.com/moznion/Perl-Lint. Recently he has implemented more policy checks and added filters to exclude policies. The impressive "Perl::Lint playground":http://perl-lint.moznion.net/ lets you experiment with the module from within your Web browser and the "preview release

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  • Grant Extension Request: Tony Cook Mon, 08-Sep-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook has requested an extension of $20,000 for his "Maintaining Perl 5 grant":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/05/grant-application-maintaining.html. This grant has been running successfully since July 2013. The requested extension would allow Tony to devote another 400 hours to the project. The funds for this extension would come from the "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund. As well as posting reports on the p5p mailing list Tony provides detailed monthly reports, the most recent of

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 13 Mon, 08-Sep-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook writes: Approximately 22 tickets were reviewed or otherwise worked on, and 3 patches were applied. With this month I've exceeded the hours in my grant. Hours Activity 8.36 #121159 code, tests #121159 debugging, coding #121159 refactor, testing 0.50 #121404 fix, retest, apply to blead and comment 1.12 #122005 review is_common ptr_table_* code, produce a crash, comment 0.10 #122024 review and close 0.57 #122107 re-test, apply to blead, comment

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  • Call for Grant Proposals (September round) Mon, 01-Sep-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    This announcement is essentially the same as the one from July. This is a bi-monthly reminder. The Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two months and another evaluation period has come. If you have an idea for doing some Perl work that will benefit the Perl community, consider sending a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 September 14th UTC.

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  • Outreach Program for Women: Mentor's Summary Mon, 25-Aug-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: OPW

    Randy Stauner writes: Thanks to the sponsorship of the Perl Foundation, this summer I had the pleasure of mentoring "Pattawan Kaewduangdee":http://oiami.blogspot.jp/ from Thailand as a "MetaCPAN":https://metacpan.org/ contributor through the "GNOME Foundation's Free and Open Source Program for Women":http://gnome.org/opw/. Pattawan was a great help to MetaCPAN and the Perl community. She's bright and ambitious and accomplished a lot during her internship. Her schedule adapted over the summer and she kept up

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  • New Grant Manager Thu, 21-Aug-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We are pleased to announce that Mark Jensen has joined the Grants Committee as a Grant Manager. Mark has been a core developer on the BioPerl project since 2009, and is the author of the Neo4j graph database Perl driver, REST::Neo4p. He currently manages the Data Coordinating Center team of The Cancer Genome Atlas. Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Mark.

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 10 (July 2014) Sat, 09-Aug-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: I spent July mainly processing my p5p mailbox, and looking at various bugs, especially ones which appear that they may be 5.20.0 regressions. Summary bq. 2:45 "Malformed UTF-8 character 1:41 Bad STORE call for tied hash 0:13 Possible regexp memory explosion in 5.20.0 1:28 OOK hack example in perlguts is outdated with COW 0:25 Pathological performance of a pattern match 0:30 cpan/Time-HiRes/t/itimer.t persistently fails with clang 2:24

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  • The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop 2014 Tilt Campaign Fri, 08-Aug-2014 by Dan Wright

    The organizers of The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop have announced the tentative dates of November 8 and 9, 2014 for this year's PPW. The event is conditional on having 30 signups by September 1st. They have established a Tilt campaign to determine if there is sufficient community interest to host the event.

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 12 Wed, 06-Aug-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook writes: Approximately 67 tickets were reviewed or otherwise worked on, and 11 patches were applied. I spent some more time on this month, finding a bug in pthreads on NetBSD. Thread specific storage should be initialized to NULL, but under some circumstances this doesn't happen on NetBSD, including NetBSD 6.1.3. This is apparently fixed in NetBSD current. I produced a candidate patch for this ticket, LeonT asked me

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 11 Mon, 04-Aug-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook writes: Approximately 63 tickets were reviewed or worked on, and 10 patches were applied. Probably the most interesting task this month was attempting to optimize regen/regcharclass.pl which became noticably slower when extra EBCDIC code pages were added to the build. Two fairly simple optimizations fell out of the profile from Devel::NYTProf. get_a2n and get_I8_2_utf were each called over 150,000 times, and returned their mappings as a list, while

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  • Devel::Cover grant report May and June 2014 Sun, 03-Aug-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Paul Johnson writes: In accordance with the terms of my grant from TPF this is the monthly report for my work on improving Devel::Cover covering May and June 2014. Actually, it's really only for May. I did some work on Devel::Cover in June, but I am not charging that to the grant, so the month referred to here is May. This month I released versions 1.14 and 1.15. Perls 5.20.0

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  • Grants Committee Looking For Volunteers Sat, 02-Aug-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who can make contributions to Perl development through the Grants Committee. Currently we have a couple of openings for Grant Managers. Responsibilities Work with grantees and help grants be delivered successfully. Ensure the grant progress is published to the community every month. Become the communication hub between grantees and the Committee. Join the Committee's discussion to improve the grant program. Preferred qualifications Medium or

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  • YAPC::NA::2015 in Salt Lake City, Utah Thu, 31-Jul-2014 by Heath Bair

    The Salt Lake Perl Mongers User Group has been selected to host the YAPC::NA::2015. The conference will be held June 8-10th, 2015. The Salt Lake Perl Mongers and the local Provo Linux Users Group will combine to host this national event. Salt Lake City is well known as a technology hub for both start-ups and large corporations. Companies such as Adobe, Intel, Bluehost, Overstock.com, Boeing, and ATK call Salt Lake

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  • July 2014 Grant Votes Thu, 31-Jul-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    The Grants Committee has concluded the voting of the July round. Proposals in this round Start ACT Voyager, Theo van Hoesel, USD 6,000 Book: Practical Approach to Web Programming with Perl 5, Ahmed Bilal, USD 1,000 Voting Results Title Yes No Score Start ACT Voyager 5 2 18 5+4+3+3+3 Book: Practical Approach to... 2 7 Definition of the score is found in 3.2 of the rules. Details Start ACT Voyager

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  • Perl::Lint Progress Sun, 20-Jul-2014 by Tom Hukins

    During June, Taiki Kawakami continued work on "his grant to write Perl::Lint, a static analyzer for Perl 5":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2014/03/grant-proposal-perllint---yet.html. Taiki has implemented more than half the policies and has almost finished work representing complex structures such as block scope. If you would like to see this work in progress, please take a look at the project's "public GitHub repository":https://github.com/moznion/Perl-Lint or attend "Taki's talk about Perl::Lint at YAPC::Asia":http://yapcasia.org/2014/talk/show/6e5b28f4-0191-11e4-b7e8-e4a96aeab6a4. If you have any

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 9 (June 2014) Fri, 18-Jul-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: I spent June mainly processing my p5p mailbox, and looking at various bugs, half of which appeared to be 5.20 regressions. Summary bq. 6:40 COWification seems expensive in PADMY variables 0:28 newSVpvf slow in perl 5.20.0 0:28 Benchmark.pm uses excessive CPU on OpenBSD 0:07 PL_sv_no weirdness 1:16 Bleadperl v5.21.0-274-ga7ab896 breaks SHURIKO/String-Simrank-0.079.tar.gz 1:39 Perl regression bug since 5.13.11 bq. 4.3 weeks 36.6 total hours 8.5 average hours per

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  • July 2014 Grant Proposals Wed, 16-Jul-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    The Grants Committee has received two grant proposals for the July round. Before the Committee members vote, we would like to solicit feedback from the Perl community on the proposal. Review the proposals below and please comment there. The Committee members will start the voting process on July 26th and the conclusion will be announced by July 31st. Book: Practical Approach to Web Programming with Perl 5, Ahmed Bilal, USD

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