The Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two months and another round is starting. If you have an idea for doing some work that will benefit the Perl or Raku communities, please consider submitting a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 April 2, 2021, UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback through April 9th, and we ... read more |
The Grants Committee has concluded voting on the January 2021 round. Two grant requests were submitted: Grant Proposal: Raku CI integration bot VOTING RESULTS: Approved. 10 YES vote 0 NO votes There was overwhelming support from the Grants Committee for this proposal. We're excited to see work commence on this. Grant Proposal: Maintaining Perl VOTING RESULTS: Approved. 10 YES vote 0 NO votes Tony's work speaks for itself, and we ... read more |
Name Anthony Cook TonyC on Synopsis Free up one of the Perl core's contributors to work non-stop on making Perl better. Project Details This grant provides the Perl Steering Committee with a development resource to target as they will, while still providing for more general bug fixes and other improvements to the perl core. Deliverables I propose to follow the same model as my current Perl 5 Core Maintenance ... read more |
The Grants Committee has received the following grant proposals for the January 2021 round: Raku CI integration bot Maintaining Perl Before the Committee members vote on any proposal, we like to solicit feedback from the Perl and Raku communities. Review the proposals at their individual links and please comment there by February 5, 2021. The Committee members will start the voting process following that and the conclusion will be announced ... read more |
Synopsis Implement a software, named Raku CI Bot which can orchestrate the testing process of the Rakudo, NQP and MoarVM projects. Author Patrick Böker Why The three Rakudo core projects named above have a longish history of troubles with its testing infrastructure. Public and free CI platforms often inhibit one of several problems: Imposing limits on CPU or wallclock time Not supporting all needed platforms Unreliability Usability The proposed software ... read more |
The Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two months and another round is starting. If you have an idea for doing some work that will benefit the Perl or Raku communities, please consider submitting a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 January 27, 2021, UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback through February 3rd, and we ... read more |
Starting in 2021, the Grants Committee will be taking on an expanded role in supporting the development of Perl and Raku within The Perl Foundation. In addition to the usual set of grants that benefit the greater Perl and Raku communities, the Grants Committee will also be the caretakers of the Perl and Raku Development Funds, and therefore responsible for awarding grants that directly benefit the core development of these ... read more |
We received no grant proposals for Perl or Raku in time for the November voting round. The next round of voting will be held starting in early January. But... there's no need to wait until then. We accept grant proposals all year round. To apply, please read How to Write a Proposal, GC Charter, Rules of Operation and Running Grants List will also help you understand how the grant process ... read more |
The Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two months and another round is starting. If you have an idea for doing some work that will benefit the Perl or Raku communities, please consider submitting a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 November 13 2020, UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback through November 19th, and we ... read more |
Jason McIntosh has shared his progress on Perl 7 documentation standards for the month of October, and has delivered his final report on the grant: *"October saw me very busy with the documentation standards project. After continuing the research I began in September, I spent much of the month writing a draft style guide to which I’ve given the filename “perldocstyle.pod”. Per my project proposal, I did seek comment on ... read more |
The Grants Committee has concluded voting on the September 2020 round. Two grant requests were submitted: General Perl OpenAPI Validator Interpreter VOTING RESULTS: Not Approved. 1 YES vote 5 NO votes, 3 abstentions Some comments and concerns brought up by the Grants Committee members include: Would like to see more tangible deadlines A better analysis of why this is needed Timeframe seems overly optimistic Ć-to-Raku translator **VOTING RESULTS: Not Approved. ... read more |
During the work for this grant, the author stumbled upon some issues that block further progress on the existing grant as it is currently written. At Ben’s request, the grant as it exists now is being cancelled, to be replaced with a new proposal to address the issues he encountered, as well as revised proposals to cover the remaining ideas from the original grant. The new grants will follow the ... read more |
Nicolas R. has shared Jason McIntosh's updates for September for the Establishing Documentation Standards for the Perl 7 Era grant: Major steps towards my goal accomplished in September: Announced my starting this project on #p5p on Freenode, and collecting some basic information there Gathering Perl’s documentation style policy information Touring other FOSS languages and technologies with their own documentation sub-projects, and comparing them to what Perl has. Projects studied so ... read more |
Synopsis Develop a clean and easy interface for managing OpenAPI 3.x schemas. Proposal OpenAPI is a format that makes use of the JSON-Schema specification to communicate what a web API can do in a machine-readable way. The current module that is most active for JSON-Schema support in Perl is JSON::Validator. The feeling in the community is that the JSON::Validator interface is difficult to work with. This is possibly because it ... read more |
Author Piotr Fusik Motivation Ć is a programming language with the motto "There Is More Than One Language To Do It". As a seasoned programmer writing a reusable component you'd like to make it easily available from several programming languages with little effort or boring work. Ć enables just that. Write in Ć, then translate your code automatically to C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Swift, OpenCL C and Raku. ... read more |
Synopsis Create a standalone implementation of OpenAPI 3.0 to facilitate parsing, creating, and validating OpenAPI specifications. Overview It is common contemporary practice to provide a OpenAPI schema^ to communicate to clients the available functionality of a RESTful web API. It is well documented and flexible, and well known to application developers. There exists no Perl module to facilitate working with an OpenAPI 3.0 schema. Project-specific modules exist for Swagger 2.0, ... read more |
The Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two months and another round is starting. If you have an idea for doing some work that will benefit the Perl or Raku communities, please consider submitting a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 October 1st 2020, UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback through October 8th, and we ... read more |
The Grants Committee has concluded voting on the July 2020 round. Two grants were submitted, one of them was approved. Establishing Documentation Standards for the Perl 7 Era VOTING RESULTS: Approved. 8 YES Votes, 1 NO vote, 1 abstention There was a lot of excitement and support for this grant. Raku Ecosystem VOTING RESULTS: Not Approved. 4 YES votes, 5 NO votes, 1 abstention Voting on this grant was close. ... read more |
Raku Ecosystem Name: tony o'dell Amount Requested: $12,000 Synopsis Redesign the raku/zef ecosystem to be robust and to make easier the distribution submission for the raku ecosystem. Benefits to the Raku Community Currently the process for maintaining the ecosystem in raku is either uploading to cpan, which comes with its own set of limitations as cpan was not designed to handle the way raku uses distributions The other way this ... read more |
Title Establishing documentation standards for the Perl 7 era Synopsis I propose to build on my revisions to the |