The Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two months and another round is here! If you have an idea for doing some work that will benefit the Perl community, please consider submitting a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 September 13th UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback through September 20th, and conclude the process ... read more |
Update for Revitalize We've had several changes in the GC staffing since this grant began; I'm taking over as the Grant Manager. André's last published status is here: Since then, he has received a DB dump so he can process actual data rather than "Lorem Ipsum" sample posts. This will allow him to run through the final iteration of work to attempt to process the exported posts and ... read more |
I am pleased to announce that the TPF Grants Committee has a new volunteer Grant Manager, Nadim ibn Hamouda ibn Othman El Khemir. Nadim has over fifteen years of perl experience with modules on, and Notably Asciio and Data::Dump::Tree He will start by taking up the management of the Perl 6 Networking support grant. ... read more |
I am pleased to announce that the TPF Grants Committee has voted to accept a new member, Sebastian Riedel. Sebastian's been a Perl user for almost 20 years now, both professionally and privately, and has been involved in Perl community in some way for most of that time. It was the Perl community that brought him to Open Source, and he's contributed to hundreds of CPAN modules over the years. ... read more |
I am pleased to announce that the TPF Grants Committee has voted to accept a new member, Nicolas R. Nicolas R. is an active Perl 5 developer, who took part of several Perl 5 toolchain summits and Perl 5 summits, where he provided a prototype for He's currently maintaining the Perl 5 Compiler at cPanel LLC, and has also provided several minor optimizations to core. atoomic is the author ... read more |
I am pleased to announce that the TPF Grants Committee has voted to accept a new member, Jason Crome. Jason has been hacking off and on in Perl since the early 2000s, and full time for about the last 7 years. He was an active member in the CGI::Application community back in the day, before moving on to Dancer. Presently, he is one of the Dancer Core Developers and the ... read more |
I am pleased to announce that the TPF Grants Committee has voted to accept a new member, Todd Rinaldo. Todd is a CPAN author, a contributor to p5p and has one dev release under his belt. Todd has both attended and helped to organize YAPC/TPC. He has been coding perl since his first class on CGI programming in 1995. ... read more |
Perrin Harkins has retired from the TPF Grants Committee. We appreciate his service to the community through the committee since 2008, and wish him well in his new endeavors. If you are interested in volunteering as a member on the committee, please reach out to me at ... read more |
The Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two month period and another round is here! If you have an idea for doing some Perl work that will benefit the Perl community, please consider submitting a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 July 12th UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback through July 19th, and conclude ... read more |
The Grants Committee has concluded the voting of the May/June 2019 round. There was one proposal this round, which was approved and will be funded. Voting results: 5 Yes votes with a score of 20 no No votes. Several members commented that this latest revision of the proposal addressed issues raised by the GC in the previous version. We accept proposals throughout the year; our next round of review will ... read more |
I am pleased to announce that the TPF Grants Committee has voted to accept a new member, Moritz Lenz. Moritz has been using Perl since at least 2003, and has been active on Perlmonks and in the German Perl community. Since 2007 he has also been active in Perl 6, become a core contributor to the Rakudo Perl 6 compiler and the official Perl 6 test suite, and has written ... read more |
Rafael Garcia-Suarez has retired from the TPF Grants Committee. We appreciate his service to the community over the years, and wish him well in his new endeavors. If you are interested in volunteering as a member on the committee, please reach out to me at ... read more |
The Grants Committee has received the following grant proposal for the May/June 2019 round. A Complete Perl 6 Course with Exercises Before the Committee members vote on any proposal, we like to solicit feedback from the Perl community. Review the proposals at their individual links and please comment there by June 14th, 2019. The Committee members will start the voting process following that and the conclusion will be announced shortly ... read more |
The Grants Committee has received the following grant proposal for the May/June 2019 round. Before the Committee members vote, we would like to solicit feedback from the Perl community on the proposal. Review the proposal below and please comment here by June 14th, 2019. The Committee members will start the voting process following that. A Complete Perl 6 Course with Exercises Name Andrew Shitov Amount Requested USD $10,000 ... read more |
The Grants Committee is accepting grant proposals all the time. We evaluate them every two month period and another round is here! If you have an idea for doing some Perl work that will benefit the Perl community, please consider submitting a grant application. The application deadline for this round is 23:59 June 7th UTC. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback through June 14th, and conclude ... read more |
The Grants Committee has concluded the voting of the November 2018 round. There was one proposal this round, which was not approved. Perl 6 Course with Exercises Voting results: Not approved: 3 YES votes with a score of 11 4 NO votes This was a close vote. Many members were very enthusiastic about this project. Others, while agreeing that a course like this would be good for the language, were ... read more |
We are looking for new members to join the Grant Committee. We have a few members who are ready to retire, and so we have a few positions to consider filling. Voting members review proposals every two months, including community feedback, and vote on whether to approve/fund the grant. Grant Managers ... read more |