Paul writes: Hours: 2 builtin::is_inf is_nan 1 Tidying up PADNAMEf_TOMBSTONE 1 Revert PR 21915 2 C99 named initialisers in MGVTBL structs 4 perl 5.39.9 release Total: 10 hours ... read more |
Tony writes: 2024/01/02 Tuesday 0.18 #21759 review and approve 0.17 #21705 review and approve 0.08 #21736 review and approve 0.33 #21757 review and approve 0.22 #21749 review and approve 0.08 #21778 review and approve 1.43 #21745 review in progress 0.67 #21745 more review and approve, comment 3.16 2024/01/03 Wednesday 0.10 #21761 review and approve 0.32 extract RC_STACK pp_backtick from ... read more |
The Perl and Raku Conference is coming June 24-28. Get tickets to the conference at Sign up for a talk at Take advantage of our special room rate: ... read more |
Tony writes: 2023/12/04 Monday 0.42 #21677 minor fix. testing 0.23 #21661 check smoke results, minor commit message edit, make PR 21683 1.90 #21680 testing, debugging 1.28 #21680 fixes, testing, push for CI 1.42 #21651 testing and reproduce, try a fix and testing, push for CI 5.25 2023/12/05 Tuesday 0.30 #21677 research 0.95 #21664 apply to blead, perldelta, comment on original ... read more |
Paul writes: Hours: 1 Allow space in |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during Jan,Feb 2024 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I spent the last two months mainly on two goals. 1> Understanding XS better so that I can then decide how to update the XS ecosystem to better support a reference-counted stack; as an example, automatically removing the need to call XSUBs via a wrapper in some circumstances. Doing ... read more |
We are seeking nominations for the 2024 White Camel Awards, which honor remarkable non-technical contributions in the Perl community. The Board will consider all nominations and will seek input both from the Advisory Board and the Perl Steering Council. To nominate an individual, kindly complete the form at In light of our community’s growing diversity, we kindly ask that the rationale for each nomination be articulated in a manner ... read more |
Dave writes: This is my monthly report on work done during November-December 2023 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant. I mainly continued my work on making the perl stack reference counted. As well as "unwrapping" a few more ops, I also took the opportunity to introduce some basic optimisations to get the speed of a PERL_RC_STACK perl interpreter build back closer to a vanilla build. On my most ... read more |
TPRC 2024 is being held in Las Vegas, NV from June 24-28 2024. You can submit your talk Ideas for TPRC 2024 at Talk submission deadline is April 5th, Midnight UTC. Talks must be given live and in-person. If you are looking for any talk ideas, try out the conference wiki. New this year, we are accepting submissions for a peer reviewed Science track. Those talks should be submitted ... read more |
Tony Cook has submitted a report of his activity maintaining Core Perl ... read more |
PEVANS Core Developement It is difficult to narrow down the depth of PEVANS activity in the Perl Core. Continuing to modernise the Core is vital for the longevity of Perl and introduction of modern paradigms. To do this without breaking Perl is an extra challenge. FOSDEM provided such an opportunty to review what the Paul and the PSC has been upto, and may allow some insight of the |
The Perl and Raku Foundation fosters continued development and use of Perl and Raku. As an open source programming language with a largely open source minded community, contributions to Perl and Raku are rarely rewarded. One of the many activities of The Perl and Raku Foundationhas been to reward these activities through Grants. There are as many ideas as there are people reading this post, indeed it is likely that ... read more |
A new Grant application for Raku. Tony O'Dell is proposing a project to develop a Raku Ecosystem written in Raku. This gets rid of a dependency on other languages and proprietary code to create a more sustainable environment. Tony has a number of Raku projects including the very important |
Following a year of accelerating change in the Open Source and wider digital ecosystems, the Foundation continues to develop and build momentum. We have continued the monthly community meetings and are pleased to see new faces throughout. 2023 saw the publication of the second TPRF prospectus. This provides a valuable tool to share the aims and activities of the Foundation. The 2024 prospectus is in development and will be published ... read more |
We have received a Grant Application from Narcisse Mbunzama from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has a track record in AI and Digital Security. He has previously applied for grants. The grant applied for relates to a planned hackathon; although the timeline for funding looks tight, for the purposes of this appication may be ignored; the dates are flexible. Personally I do find that the Open Source Community benefits ... read more |