1141 - 1160 of 1652 posts:

<< < > >> Summaries on
  • Improving Perl 5: Report for Month 1 Mon, 17-Oct-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Nicholas Clark writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the September period. Highlights are: POSIX: POSIX::Termios and POSIX::SigSet no longer crash with ithreads The XS code has been refactored to reduce the size of the shared object by about 12%, with no change in functionality. More POSIX functions now have tests. Storable: Should now pass tests with older version of Test::More Should now build all the

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 19 Tue, 11-Oct-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the September period. Spent it mainly continuing to work on fixing the design flaws in re_evals I'm currently working on literal code within qr//. Over the last month I have averaged 6.5 hours per week. As of 2011/09/30: since the beginning of the grant: 82.4 weeks 892.9 total hours 10.8 average hours per week

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs - Grant Extension Requested Tue, 27-Sep-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell has requested an extension of $20,000 for his "Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2010/02/grant-proposal-fixing-perl5-co.html grant. During this grant he has sent weekly reports to the p5p mailing list as well as providing monthly summary reports that have been published on this blog. He has also provided the following summary of his work to date: In the course of the last year and a half, I have closed 68 bug tickets

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 18 Mon, 26-Sep-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the August period. Spent it mainly working on fixing the design flaws in re_evals I now have it mostly fixed for the literal and non-qr case, in the branch davem/re_eval Over the last month I have averaged 14 hours per week. As of 2011/08/31: since the beginning of the grant: 77.4 weeks 864.2 total hours

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  • Liquid Web Donate to P5 CMF Thu, 22-Sep-2011 by mdk

    Liquid Web are the latest company to donate the significant sum of $10,000 to the Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund, Liquid Web wish to "assist in the continued development and maintenance of the dynamic and powerful Perl programming language". "Liquid Web, Inc.":http://www.LiquidWeb.com are a rapidly growing managed Web Hosting company, with locations in Michigan and Arizona with a clear commitment to innovation and development. Liquid Web has developed much of

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  • Hague Grant Application: Implementation of Macros in Rakudo Thu, 08-Sep-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    We have received the following Hague Grant application from Carl Mäsak. Before we vote on this proposal we would like to have a period of community consultation. Please leave feedback in the comments or if you prefer send email with your comments to karen at perlfoundation.org. Name Carl Mäsak Project Title Implementation of macros in Rakudo Synopsis This project will provide Rakudo Perl with AST-based macros. Recently I started discussing

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  • Perl 5 Core Maintenance Grant Accepted Mon, 05-Sep-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    I am happy to announce that Dr. Nicholas Clark's grant proposal, "Improving Perl 5":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2011/08/grant-proposal-improving-perl.html, has been accepted. Thanks goes to the community members who took time to provide feedback on this proposal, to Jesse Vincent, and to all those who have made donations to the "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund.

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  • Perlverse: $foo and Renée Bäcker Sat, 03-Sep-2011 by mdk
    in: Marketing

    Series Introduction This is a series of articles on various elements of the Perl community that I like to refer to as the 'Perlverse'. The series is not in a particular order and election to it is entirely subjective and mostly based around my knowledge of the person or item. They are intended to highlight the rich variety of people, companies, projects and events that happen in the Perl world

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  • GSoC - Final Wrap Fri, 02-Sep-2011 by mdk
    in: GSoCMarketing

    This year's Google Summer of Code came to an official close on Monday 29th September 2011. Let me briefly remind you of our students and mentors: André Walker Rework Catalyst component setup code Mentored by Tomas Doran and Eden Cardim Brian Neil Fraser Making the Perl Core UTF-8 clean Mentored by Florian Ragwitz and Zefram Carlos Ivan Sosa Removing the upgrading necessity of the Dancer script with

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  • Net-A-Porter Champions Web Development Wed, 31-Aug-2011 by mdk

    As announced by Karen Pauley at this year's YAPC::EU in Riga, Latvia, "NET-A-PORTER.COM":http://www.net-a-porter.com, the world's premier online luxury fashion retailer, will donate $10,000 to the Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund. "NET-A-PORTER":http://www.net-a-porter.com is committed to innovations in web technology and has created a bespoke e-Commerce platform to offer its customers a fast, responsive and interactive user experience. It uses Perl for a number of its programs and makes this donation as

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  • LOVEFiLM: Helping support the community Tue, 30-Aug-2011 by mdk
    in: Marketing

    It has been recently announced that "LOVEFiLM":http://www.lovefilm.com/, Europe's largest subscription service, are supporting the Perl community by assisting with the maintenance of regular programs such as memberships and grants. The people at "LOVEFiLM":http://www.lovefilm.com/ have seen a rapid expansion of both their service and product over the past seven years and they are all proud of its system built upon Perl. Mike Blakemore, Chief Technology Officer at "LOVEFiLM":http://www.lovefilm.com/ states: "Perl underpins

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 17 Tue, 23-Aug-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the July period. Spent it mainly working on fixing the design flaws in re_evals Over the last month I have averaged 6 hours per week. As of 2011/07/31: since the beginning of the grant: 73.0 weeks 799.0 total hours 10.9 average hours per week There are 101 hours left on the grant. Report for period 2011/07/01 to

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  • Grant Proposal: Improving Perl 5 Sun, 21-Aug-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Nicholas Clark has submitted a grant proposal under our new "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund. Before we vote on this proposal we would like to get feedback and endorsements from the Perl community. Please leave feedback in the comments or send email with your comments to karen at perlfoundation.org. Name: Dr. Nicholas Clark Contact Information: IRC: nicholas Email: nick@ccl4.org Project Title: Improving Perl 5 Synopsis: Free up one of the

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  • GSoC: Midterm Evaluations Wed, 27-Jul-2011 by mdk

    This year we have six students undertaking projects for the Google Summer of Code those of you who have been following The Perl Foundations 2011 students will know that two weeks ago there was an evaluation period known as the Midterm. This period is when the students, and their mentors, submit reports on the situation so far, this includes making an analysis of the work completed and the general abilities

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 16 Tue, 26-Jul-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the June period. Bit of a sparse month. Fixed or otherwise closed a few security-related tickets and a few other misc bits and pieces, but spent quite a bit of time on perl-related but not TPF-grant-related stuff: reducing random smoke test failures and refactoring the numeric ops. Over the last month I have averaged 4 hours per

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  • cPanel Sponsor P5CMF Tue, 19-Jul-2011 by mdk

    It is my pleasure to announce that the Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund has attracted sponsorship from cPanel. cPanel approached Karen Pauley, president of The Perl Foundation, during the recent YAPC::NA conference in Asheville and announced their intent to sponsor this fund. Karen was both pleased and delighted at the generosity of cPanel who have decided to sponsor $10,000. cPanel has been developed in Perl and they have been sponsoring

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  • Booking.com Sponsor P5CMF Tue, 19-Jul-2011 by mdk

    It is my pleasure to announce that Booking.com approached Karen Pauley, president of The Perl Foundation, during the recent YAPC::NA conference in Asheville and announced their intent to sponsor the Core Maintenance Fund. Karen was both pleased and delighted at the generosity of Booking.com who have decided to sponsor $10,000. Booking.com have sponsored Perl events and initiatives for many years and have also been host to Perl events at their

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  • Successful Grant Application Tue, 19-Jul-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    I am pleased to announce that Patrick Michaud's Hague Grant application for a "travel grant ":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2011/07/hague-grant-application-travel.html to attend "YAPC::EU":http://yapceurope.lv/ye2011/ has been accepted. I would like to thank everyone who provided feedback on this proposal.

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  • Parrot Embed Grant - Report #7 (Final) Tue, 12-Jul-2011 by Makoto Nozaki

    Jonathan Leto wrote: Really TLDR: The Parrot has landed. It brings me great joy to announce that I have completed all milestones for my "TPF":http://perlfoundation.org/ grant regarding the Parrot "Embed/Extend subsystems":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2010/11/2010q4-grant-proposal-improve.html! Not only that, but all of my grant work was included in the most recent release of Parrot, "3.5.0 "Menelaus"":http://parrot.org/news/2011/Parrot-3.5.0. The actual TLDR of this update is "many tests were written, code coverage is above "95%":http://tapir2.ro.vutbr.cz/cover/latest-c_cover/src-embed-api-c.html "for all":http://tapir2.ro.vutbr.cz/cover/latest-c_cover/src-extend-c.html "systems

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  • Hague Grant Application: Travel to YAPC::EU Wed, 06-Jul-2011 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    We have received a request from Patrick Michaud asking for a travel grant to enable his attendance at "YAPC::EU":http://yapceurope.lv/ye2011/ which is taking place in Riga during August. As well as attending and "speaking":http://yapceurope.lv/ye2011/talk/3520 at the conference this would give Patrick the opportunity to participate in an all-day "Perl 6 hackathon":http://yapceurope.lv/ye2011/talk/3388 scheduled for the Saturday before the conference. Patrick is the lead architect, developer, and project manager for what is now

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