1021 - 1040 of 1652 posts:

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  • 2012Q4 Grant Proposals Sun, 04-Nov-2012 by Alberto Simões

    This quarter the TPF Grants Committee didn't receive any proposal for grant funding. In the next quarter we'll be receiving grant proposals again.

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  • Google Code-In Sun, 04-Nov-2012 by mdk

    Once again we will be attempting to participate in the ""Google Code-In":http://":http://www.google-melange.com/gci/homepage/google/gci2012

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  • Alien::Base Grant - Report #6 Sat, 27-Oct-2012 by Makoto Nozaki

    Joel Berger wrote: This month has been a good one for Alien::Base, and I'm happy to report that I believe that the grant is winding up. We saw a beta release and had a project night during which we hacked on a few issues, but also I was keenly observing people assessment of usability, which I consider key to the success of the project. I think I have only a

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  • Sponsoring MetaCPAN Thu, 25-Oct-2012 by mdk

    It isn't often enough that I get to speak about the way that the Perl Foundation spends the money that is so generously donated to it. Often they are the subjects of the annual reports from Karen and Dan and are presented at the yearly Yet Another Perl Conferences. Most of these funds are used as part of our excellent programmes to improve Perl via direct sponsorship of people such

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  • Improving Perl 5 Grant Extended Sun, 21-Oct-2012 by Karen Pauley

    I'm pleased to announce the Nicholas Clark's request for an extension to his "Improving Perl 5":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2011/08/grant-proposal-improving-perl.html grant has been approved. The extension will allow Nicholas to dedicate another 400 hours to this important work. I would like to thank everyone who provided feedback on this request and to all those who continue to provide financial support to the "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund.

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  • Adding tests to and refactoring the perl debugger - Grant Report #4 Thu, 18-Oct-2012 by Alan Haggai Alavi

    Shlomi Fish reported: 2012-Sep-25: Test o inhibit_exit. 2012-Sep-28: Add some tests for o PrintRet. Commit: 81de4a156bc803cb68a711f9ef9de78c75b86c20 2012-Sep-30: Yesterday and today I started refactoring lib/perl5db.pl. I'm glad to say that the test suite caught some bugs introduced by refactoring. Commit: 85b0ebc0aba46f02639bd872967061727fa43b06 Filed an rt.perl.org bug with patches: https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=115084 2012-Oct-04: Did more refactoring to the perl debugger. Fixed a without a line number: https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=115110 Commit:24a3c3702109c5e7485eb6cab7d581199c9888cd` 2012-Oct-05: More refactoring leading ampersands and

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  • YAPC::NA 2012 Closing Financial Report Mon, 15-Oct-2012 by Dan Wright

    I am pleased to announce that the books on YAPC::NA 2012 in Madison Wisconsin have now been closed. Thanks to the excellent management by the Madison Perl Mongers, the event was a success and has concluded with a net profit of $3,000. YAPC::NA 2012 details: Event Registration Income: $34,200 Sponsorship Income: $48,400 Less Expenses: -$79,600 Net Income: $3,000 Thanks, in particular, to the following financial contributors for helping to make

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  • Spanish Localization of the Perl Core Documentation - Grant Report #4 Wed, 10-Oct-2012 by Alan Haggai Alavi

    Enrique Nell and Joaquin Ferrero reported: Project status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkmrG_9Q4x15dC1MNWloU0lyUjhGa2NrdTVTOG5WZVE CPAN distribution: http://search.cpan.org/dist/POD2-ES/ Project host: https://github.com/zipf/perldoc-es In the context of our terminology extraction efforts, we decided to give priority to perlglossary.pod, one of the largest Perl docs Life will be a lot easier if we freeze the terminology at an early stage of the project. This file's word count nearly doubles the volume we have been releasing in previous months so

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  • YAPC::NA 2013 Call For Papers Tue, 09-Oct-2012 by Heath Bair

    The call for papers for YAPC::NA 2013 has been officially announced. Please email your papers to admin@yapcna.org On 11/8/2013 I was finally given the go ahead to release the dates for YAPC::NA 2013 "I just spoke with Will from Austin PM. We approve of you publishing the date Erica"

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  • Perl can help in a PhD Survey Tue, 09-Oct-2012 by mdk

    The Perl Foundation is pleased to be working with and promoting Kevin Carillo's research into newcomer experience and contributor behavior in Perl and other FOSS communities. You also can help by taking the time to "fill out this survey":https://limesurvey.sim.vuw.ac.nz/index.php?sid=89971&lang=en. Kevin is a PhD candidate in the School of Information Management at Victoria University of Wellington. His research topic is about the influence of newcomer experience on contributor behaviour and performance

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  • Grant Extension Request - Improving Perl 5 Mon, 08-Oct-2012 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Nicholas Clark has requested an extension of $20,000 for his "Improving Perl 5 grant":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2011/08/grant-proposal-improving-perl.html. This grant has been running since September 2011 and is on track to finish successfully this month. The requested extension would allow Nicholas to devote another 400 hours to the project. Nicholas provides detailed monthly reports and the recent ones can be found in the following blog posts: "June 2012":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2012/07/improving-perl-5-grant-report-7.html "July 2012":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2012/09/improving-perl-5-grant-report-8.html "August 2012":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2012/09/improving-perl-5-grant-report-9.html "September 2012":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2012/10/improving-perl-5-grant-report-10.html

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  • Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 13 Thu, 04-Oct-2012 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Nicholas Clark writes: In September I finally emerged from the rabbit hole of PL_main_start, that I entered into at some point in mid July. Father Chrysostomos has refactored OP allocation to always use a slab allocator, as part of fixing some very long standing bugs to do with OPs. At the start of parsing, a new slab is allocated. While parsing is ongoing, the slab is "owned" by the CV

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 31 Wed, 03-Oct-2012 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the September period. This month I mostly spent my time: 1> Making regexes only copy the needed part of a string. In general when a regex is executed, and it is seen that captures exist or implicitly in the presence of or then perl makes a copy of the string that was matched against, so that subsequent

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  • 2012Q4 Call for Grant Proposals Tue, 02-Oct-2012 by Alberto Simões
    in: Grants

    The Perl Foundation is looking at giving some grants ranging from $500 to $2000 in November 2012. You don't have to have a large, complex, or lengthy project. You don't even have to be a Perl master or guru. If you have a good idea and the means and ability to accomplish it, we want to hear from you! Do you have something that could benefit the Perl community but

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  • Adding tests to and refactoring the perl debugger - Grant Report #3 Sat, 22-Sep-2012 by Alan Haggai Alavi
    in: Grants

    Shlomi Fish reported: 2012-Sep-08: Added a test for the w command for setting a watch expression. Added a test for theW command for removing a watch expression. Added a test for the W command for removing all watch expressions. Added a test for theocommand Added a test for theo anyoption?command. Added a test for theo option=value` command. Added a test for the Added a

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  • Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 12 Mon, 17-Sep-2012 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Nicholas Clark writes: A fair chunk of the month was taken up with investigating three related areas: How code such as -e 'BEGIN {1}' is compiled, and the interaction between PL_main_cv, CvSTART PL_main_root and PL_main_start Code in op.c which calls CopLINE_set and warnings from multi-line constructions Building with -DPERL_DEBUG_READONLY_OPS to force shared ops to be read-only, and determining the causes of code trying to write to read-only ops Of these,

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  • Devel::Cover Grant Report for August Thu, 13-Sep-2012 by mdk

    Paul Johnson writes: In accordance with the terms of my grant from TPF this is the monthly report for my work on improving Devel::Cover covering August 2012. This month I released Devel::Cover 0.93. The bulk of this report is taken from my weekly reports, so if you have read them there is little new here. One of the nice things about having this grant and being able to spend more

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Months 29 & 30 Wed, 12-Sep-2012 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the July/August period. I spent a bit of time fixing a few issues causes by my rewriting of the implementation, then started to look into the last unclosed ticket still attached to the re_eval meta-ticket. This concerns code within that modifies the string being matched against, and generally causes assertion failures or coredumps: bc. my $text "a";

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  • Spanish Localization of the Perl Core Documentation - Grant Report #3 Fri, 07-Sep-2012 by Alan Haggai Alavi
    in: Grants

    Enrique Nell and Joaquin Ferrero reported: Project status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkmrG_9Q4x15dC1MNWloU0lyUjhGa2NrdTVTOG5WZVE CPAN distribution: http://search.cpan.org/~enell/POD2-ES- Project host: https://github.com/zipf/perldoc-es This month we updated POD2::ES from v5.16.0 to v5.16.1. It was a swift operation, since only one document changed Translated files not included in the distribution were also updated to v5.16.1. As mentioned in a previous report, v5.16.0 fixed the issues that prevented displaying correctly the extended characters in UTF-8 encoded files using perldoc in

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  • Adding tests to and refactoring the perl debugger - Grant Report #2 Fri, 07-Sep-2012 by Alan Haggai Alavi
    in: Grants

    Shlomi Fish reported: 2012-Sep-01: Plans for today: 1. Report the segfaults in Devel::Cover. Done: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=79338 2. Add more tests. 3. Respond to this message by Rocky Bernstein: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2012/08/msg191414.html Done: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2012/09/msg191426.html 4. Blog about the grant on my blogs.perl.org blog Also mention the new CPAN distributions I have uploaded. Mention the fact I made use of the `b feature for debugging Games-Solitaire-Verify. Done: http://blogs.perl.org/users/shlomi_fish/2012/09/grant-for-improving-the-perl-debugger-new-cpan-distributions.html 2012-Sep-02: Plans for today: Handle the correspondence

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