981 - 1000 of 1652 posts:

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  • Grant Application: Maintaining Perl 5 Sun, 19-May-2013 by Karen Pauley

    We have received the following grant application, under the "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund, from Tony Cook. Before we vote on this proposal we would like to get feedback and endorsements from the Perl community. Please leave feedback in the comments or send email with your comments to karen at perlfoundation.org. Project Title: Maintaining Perl 5 Name: Tony Cook Synopsis Free up one of the Perl 5 core's contributors to

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 38 Fri, 10-May-2013 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: This month I worked on three 5.18 blocker tickets; all three being regressions related to my jumbo re_eval fix back in 5.17.1. The first, which I continued working on from last month, was the "Regexp::Grammars" bug. Basically, my reworking of the implementation assumed that a constant string segment like "foo" in /foo..../ would indeed be constant; but in the presence of bc. use overload::constant qr sub bless

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  • Alien::Base Grant - Report #9 (Final) Wed, 08-May-2013 by Makoto Nozaki

    Joel Berger wrote: Alien::Base Final Report Summary With this report I end my grant for Alien::Base. I consider it to be a reasonable success and have hope that the project will continue further. It became, as perhaps I should have expected, a larger project than anticipated; the problems were rarely the anticipated ones. In the end Alien::Base faced two major problems: compile-time linking of the library and the localization of

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  • 2013Q2 Grant Proposals Sat, 04-May-2013 by Alberto Simões

    For this quarter, TPF Grants Committee have four different proposals. Who invite the Perl Community to comment on the proposals and their relevance to the community. Please comment on each grant on their specific page. "YACT Yet Another Conference Tool":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/05/2013q2-gp-yact---yet-another-c.html by Torsten Raudssus _ "rpm.perl.it":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/05/2013q2-gp-rpmperlit.html by _Jozef Kutej "Review of Perl Web Frameworks":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/05/2013q2-gp-review-of-perl-web-f.html by Neil Bowers "Next Release of Pinto With Key Features":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/05/2013q2-gp-next-release-of-pint.html by Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer

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  • 2013Q2 GP: YACT - Yet Another Conference Tool Sat, 04-May-2013 by Alberto Simões

    Name: Torsten Raudssus Amount Requested: $3000 Synopsis The current Act software and their instances are an often discussed topic in the world of Perl. The migrating of those instances, and the move forward to more modern Perl solutions in the system are often discussed. Last year we were able to address and start a concept at the Quack and Hack Europe 2012, we called it YACT Yet Another Conference Toolkit,

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  • 2013Q2 GP: rpm.perl.it Sat, 04-May-2013 by Alberto Simões

    Name: Jozef Kutej Amount Requested: 2000 Synopsis Create similar page to http://deb.perl.it/ for RPM world. Benefits to the Perl Community For many sysadmins it's pretty common task to look for and install Perl distribution from Linux OS packages and only the rest via some CPAN shell. It would save them a lot of time if they can get this install instruction instantly via a web service. Deliverables http://rpm.perl.it/ RPM-PM distribution

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  • 2013Q2 GP: Review of Perl Web Frameworks Sat, 04-May-2013 by Alberto Simões

    Name: Neil Bowers Amount Requested: $1500 Synopsis A review of the main modern web frameworks for Perl, somewhat in the style of the other reviews I've done: http://neilb.org/reviews/ Benefits to the Perl Community A comparison of the main web frameworks, with the same sample application available for all of them in github. This will help people make informed decisions, and hopefully encourage more people to "have a go" at web

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  • 2013Q2 GP: Next Release of Pinto With Key Features Sat, 04-May-2013 by Alberto Simões

    Name: Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer Amount Requested: $3000.00 Synopsis Pinto is a turnkey solution for constructing and managing local CPAN-like repositories of Perl modules. This purpose of this grant proposal is to obtain funding for development of the next release of Pinto, which will include specific features described below. The Pinto project is less than 2 years old, but it has already gained a modest user base and is potentially relevant

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  • Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 18 Thu, 25-Apr-2013 by Karen Pauley

    Nicholas Clark writes: gcc 4.8.0 was released on 22nd March. This version of gcc has integrated Address Sanitizer, a Google project to provide a fast runtime heap and stack validation tool. I set it off building gcc from source, which pleasingly worked first time on the system I chose for the task. In turn blead built with it without problems, which is good in itself, and a known good starting

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  • YAPC::NA Call for Sponsors Tue, 23-Apr-2013 by Dan Wright

    The North American Yet Another Perl Conference is still seeking a few more sponsors to help make YAPC a success this year. "Benefits of being a sponsor":http://www.yapcna.org/yn2013/sponsorship.html include increasing your brand awareness, recruitment, and giving back to a language that give you so much. There are many different "levels of sponsorship ":http://www.yapcna.org/yn2013/levels-of-sponsorship.html with various perks available. So, please "become a sponsor":http://www.yapcna.org/yn2013/become-a-sponsor.html today.

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  • Outreach Program for Women Moves Forward with €1000 Pledge Mon, 22-Apr-2013 by Karen Pauley

    TPF is looking for contributions to the Outreach Program for Women and I am pleased to announce that Renée Bäcker has started us off with a pledge of 1000 Euros. Together with existing funding this gets us one intern so far in the first round, and a opening for the second. Now we need additional generous donations to keep this rolling. If you would like to donate to this program

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 37 Mon, 22-Apr-2013 by Karen Pauley

    Dave Mitchell writes: This month I mainly worked on one of the 5.18 blocker tickets; in this case how bq. overload::constant qr sub interacts with "constant" regexes such as qr/foo/ and qr/foo if the sub replaces constant strings like "foo" with an overloaded object. It turns out this was something I hadn't anticipated in my re_eval reworking, and my code didn't handle it at all well. I'm now about 3/4

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  • Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 17 Mon, 22-Apr-2013 by Karen Pauley

    Nicholas Clark writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the February period. The first significant thing I worked on in February was a detailed review of Peter Martini's work towards an API for subroutine signatures. In particular, I wondered how much of the existing call checker hooks they could use. In turn, I wondered whether the call checker hooks were robust against some of the torture

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  • Perl 5 Grant Completion Wed, 17-Apr-2013 by Dan Wright

    Ricardo Signes' "Perl QA Hackathon":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/02/perl-5-grant-application-trave-1.html grant has been successfully completed and closed. Details regarding the grant may be found on "his blog":http://rjbs.manxome.org/rubric/entry/1992. Please consider "making a donation of any amount":https://secure.donor.com/pf012/give to help support projects such as this. Details regarding the Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund may be found on "The Perl Foundation's web site":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund.

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  • 2013Q2 Call for Grant Proposals Sun, 31-Mar-2013 by Alberto Simões

    As you might have noticed, TPF has been grating money for some big tasks, like funding Nicholas Clark or Dave Mitchel work on Perl 5. Nevertheless, TPF has a Grants Committee with its own budget to give grants for smaller projects, ranging from $500 to $3000. With this amount we do not expect to fund full-time work, but instead, use it as an incentive to complete some specific task. Therefore,

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  • Outreach Program for Women Wed, 27-Mar-2013 by Karen Pauley
    in: OPW

    I am pleased to announce that we will be taking part in the next round of the "Free and Open Source Outreach Program for Women.":https://live.gnome.org/OutreachProgramForWomen This successful program was started in 2006 by the GNOME Foundation to encourage women to participate in the FOSS community. This round of the program is open to women looking for internships between June and September of 2013. Full details of the eligibility requirements can

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Months 35 & 36 Mon, 25-Mar-2013 by Karen Pauley

    Dave Mitchell writes: Got out of the habit of fixing bugs for the last couple of months. Spent most of the time that I was able to devote to perl mainly doing other stuff; in particular, pumpkining the 5.14.4 security release, and trying to keep up-to-date with my p5p inbox, which seems to be a full-time job these days. Hopefully I'll be able to put lots of effort into working

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  • Improving Perl 5 Grant Extended Mon, 04-Mar-2013 by Karen Pauley

    I am pleased to announce that Dr Nicholas Clark's "Improving Perl 5":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2011/08/grant-proposal-improving-perl.html grant has been extended by another 400 hours. I would like to thank everyone who commented on this "request":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/02/grant-extension-request---impr-3.html for their feedback. I would also like to thank all those who continue to provide financial support to the "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund.

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  • Perl 5 Grant Application Accepted Mon, 25-Feb-2013 by Karen Pauley

    I am pleased to announce that Ricardo Signes's "grant application":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/02/perl-5-grant-application-trave-1.html for travel to the "Perl QA Hackathon":http://2013.qa-hackathon.org/qa2013/ has been accepted. I would to thank everyone who took the time to provide feedback on this grant application. The Perl QA Hackathon is taking place in Lancaster from Friday April 12th to Sunday April 14th 2013. If you would like to contribute directly to the 2013 Perl QA Hackathon they are "accepting

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  • Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 16 Tue, 19-Feb-2013 by Karen Pauley

    Nicholas Clark writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the January period. After catching up with some of the e-mail backlog, I tried having another prod at the awkward clang/ASAN problem described last month. It turned out that I missed something. Key to replicating the problem was that one must turn on clang's optimiser. Of course, trying to debug a problem in the C code, I'd

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