941 - 960 of 1652 posts:

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  • YACT - Yet Another Conference Tool - Grant Report #2 Fri, 14-Feb-2014 by Alan Haggai Alavi
    in: Grants

    Torsten Raudssus reported: The next phase working on YACT was at the patch -p1 Hackathon in Paris from 6.-8. December 2013. At this time it was very often my mission to explain to others how the YACT project is organized so trying to spread the awareness. But as usual this didn't kicked on, no pull requests or any involvement, but still it was a bit of a prove that the

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  • Perl 5 Grant Application: Travel to QA Hackathon Fri, 07-Feb-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    We have received the following Perl 5 grant application from David Golden. Before we vote on this proposal we would like to have a period of community consultation that will last seven days. Please leave feedback in the comments or if you prefer send email with your comments to karen at perlfoundation.org. Name David Golden Project Title Perl QA Hackathon 2014 Amount Requested $1200 Synopsis This grant will be used

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  • Grants Committee Changes Wed, 05-Feb-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We are pleased to announce that Daisuke Maki has joined the Grants Committee. Daisuke was involved in the world's largest YAPC, YAPC::Asia Tokyo, since its inception in 2006, and has been the main organizer since 2009. He was also the main person behind creating and incorporating the Japan Perl Association. He received the White Camel Award in 2011. We regret to announce that Renée Bäcker, one of the Grant Managers

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  • Google Summer of Code 2014 Tue, 04-Feb-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: GSoC

    Mark Keating writes: The Perl Foundation are participating as a mentor organization in GSoC 2014! Student applications may be submitted starting March 10th and are due by March 21st, but students should start getting involved with their communities and the "TPF Summer of Code Students mailing list":https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tpf-gsoc-students and start thinking about project ideas now. You can see a list of project ideas "here":http://wiki.enlightenedperl.org/gsoc2014/ideas. NOTE: Students are encouraged to come up

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  • New Secretary Elected for the Grants Committee Sat, 01-Feb-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    We are pleased to announce that Makoto Nozaki has been elected as the new Secretary of the Grants Committee. Makoto has a background in project management and has been an integral part of the Grants Committee as a Grant Manager, where all of his managed grants have been completed successfully. The outgoing Secretary, Alberto Simões, has held this position since October 2007. We would like to thank Alberto for his

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  • Perl 5 Grant Application: Travel to QA Hackathon Wed, 29-Jan-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    We have received the following Perl 5 grant application from Ricardo Signes. Before we vote on this proposal we would like to have a period of community consultation that will last seven days. Please leave feedback in the comments or if you prefer send email with your comments to karen at perlfoundation.org. Name Ricardo Signes Project Title Perl QA Hackathon 2014 Amount Requested $1200 Synopsis This grant will be used

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 5 Wed, 29-Jan-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook writes: Approximately 30 tickets were worked on, and 10 patches were applied. "perl #120384":https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=120384 This month I re-worked Data::Dumper's pure-perl and XS output of hash keys to be consistent with both each other, and with the Quotekeys configuration. "perl #82948":https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=82948 Also on Data::Dumper, I modified the code that dumps qr// objects to output them as qr/original re/flags rather than the qr/ form that tends to expand each time

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 3 (Dec 2013) Mon, 20-Jan-2014 by Karen Pauley

    Dave Mitchell writes: I spent the majority of my time last month working on a function called Perl_re_intuit_start in the regex engine. This function is one of the major optimisations in the regex engine. For each compiled pattern, it is noted what is the longest fixed and floating strings that must appear in the string for the match to succeed, along with what char class the pattern must start with.

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  • Next Release of Pinto With Key Features - Grant Report #4 Mon, 20-Jan-2014 by Alan Haggai Alavi
    in: Grants

    Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer reported: This past May, The Perl Foundation awarded a grant to fund development of a couple features in Pinto. Pinto is a robust tool for curating a private repository of CPAN modules, so you can build your application with the right modules every time. This is my fourth progress report on that work. I've done quite a lot of work on Pinto the last few weeks. And

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 2 (Nov 2013) Tue, 14-Jan-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: I spent the majority of my time last month fixing compiler warnings in smokes; along with fixing a few bugs, "working" my p5p mailbox etc. Over the last month I have averaged 17.1 hours per week. As of 2013/11/30: since the beginning of the grant: bq. 6.9 weeks 115.6 total hours 16.8 average hours per week There are 284 hours left on the grant. bq. 7:55 RT#119847

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 1 Wed, 11-Dec-2013 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    I am pleased to announce that Dave Mitchell's grant application, "Maintaining the Perl 5 Core":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/09/grant-application-maintaining-1.html, was accepted. This is his first report. Dave Mitchell writes: I spent my time mainly working on several bug reports, applying patches, fixing smokes, and "working" my p5p mailbox etc. None of the fixes are particularly noteworthy. Over the last month I have averaged 16.1 hours per week. As of 2013/10/31: since the beginning of

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  • Next Release of Pinto With Key Features - Grant Report #3 Wed, 20-Nov-2013 by Alan Haggai Alavi
    in: Grants

    Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer reported: This past May, The Perl Foundation awarded a grant to fund development of a couple features in Pinto. Pinto is a robust tool for curating a private repository of CPAN modules, so you can build your application with the right modules every time. This is my third progress report on that work. I've been preoccupied with Stratopan lately, so I have no progress to report this

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  • YACT - Yet Another Conference Tool - Grant Report #1 Fri, 01-Nov-2013 by Alan Haggai Alavi
    in: Grants

    Torsten Raudssus reported: In July 2013 I started work on my grant, using time off given by my empoyer for such projects. Unfortunately, after my first week of work, the NSA Snowden Affair brought a massive influx of interest towards DuckDuckGo, forcing me to pause my progress. At the Patch -p1 event I plan to continue my work on the grant. In the first week, I concentrated on forming a

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  • Grant Extension Request - Maintaining Perl 5 Tue, 29-Oct-2013 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook has requested an extension of $13,000 for his "Maintaining Perl 5 grant":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/05/grant-application-maintaining.html. This grant was started in July 2013 and was successfully completed. The requested extension would allow Tony to devote another 260 hours to the project. The funds for this extension would come from the "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund. Tony provided detailed monthly reports of the work he completed and these can be found in the

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  • Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 22 Thu, 24-Oct-2013 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Nicholas Clark writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the August period. Multiple cores are the future! And we need to enjoy this, because we aren't going to get any choice about it. The current hardware for the hot backup for perl5.git.perl.org has 24 cores, and even mobile phones are thinking about going quad-core. The upshot of this is that the more that you can get

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  • Next Release of Pinto With Key Features - Grant Report #2 Tue, 15-Oct-2013 by Alan Haggai Alavi
    in: Grants

    Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer reported: This past May, The Perl Foundation awarded a grant to fund development of a couple features in Pinto. Pinto is a robust tool for curating a private repository of CPAN modules, so you can build your application with the right modules every time. This is my second progress report on that work. The next deliverable on the grant proposal is a merge command. The idea here

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  • Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 21 Tue, 15-Oct-2013 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Nicholas Clark writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the July period. The main theme for this month seems to be "clean up parts of the build". perl was first developed on a Unix system, back in the times when there dozens of different Unix variants. Hence portability was initially across the different C libraries Figuring out precisely what the system could do was performed by

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 3 Sun, 29-Sep-2013 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook writes: The most interesting changes this month were probably: "115928":https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=115928 a common rand implementation "117265":https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=117265 failing system calls on embedded NULs "3330":https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=3330 warning on ++$foo when $foo isn't a number, or magically incrementable "85104":https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=85104 preserving $^E across signal handlers

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  • Hague Grant Application Accepted Tue, 24-Sep-2013 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    I'm pleased to announce that diakopter's grant proposal, "Wrap up Perl 5 Interop for Rakudo Perl 6 on MoarVM":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/07/hague-grant-application.html, has been accepted. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to comment on the proposal. If you would like to help fund grants like this or any of our other projects please visit our "donation system":https://secure.donor.com/pf012/give.

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  • Devel::Cover Grant Report (August) Tue, 03-Sep-2013 by mdk

    In accordance with the terms of my grant from TPF this is the monthly report for my work on improving Devel::Cover covering August 2013. This month I released Devel::Cover versions 1.07 and 1.08. Version 1.07 was primarily concerned with getting Devel::Cover to work with recent Perl releases: 5.18.1, 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and 5.19.3. The main problem was with 5.18.1 which is a stable, maintenance release of Perl and which was causing

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