921 - 940 of 1652 posts:

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  • Booking.com Donates to Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund Wed, 02-Apr-2014 by Karen Pauley

    It is my pleasure to announce that "Booking.com":http://www.booking.com/ approached Karen Pauley, President of The Perl Foundation, to announce further sponsorship of the "Perl5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund. Booking.com have been generous contributors and supporters of this fund since its inception and this latest generous support is for the incredible amount of €10,000 Booking.com have sponsored Perl events and initiatives for many years and have also been host to Perl events at

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  • March 2014 Grant Votes Mon, 31-Mar-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    The Grants Committee is pleased to announce the voting results of the March round. The following grant is approved and funded: Perl::Lint Yet Another Static Analyzer for Perl5, Taiki Kawakami, USD 800 The following grant is approved but not funded as specified in 3.4 of the Rules of Operation. This will be reconsidered in the next round according to 1.2 of the rules. Automated generation of DWIM Perl, Gabor Szabo,

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  • TPF is now participating on Amazon Smile Sun, 23-Mar-2014 by Dan Wright

    Enroll your Amazon account in Amazon Smile, and The Perl Foundation will receive a donation of 0.5% of all qualifying purchases you make at smile.amazon.com. Yet Another Society

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  • Next Release of Pinto With Key Features - Grant Report #5 Thu, 20-Mar-2014 by Alan Haggai Alavi
    in: Grants

    Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer reported: This past May, The Perl Foundation awarded a grant to fund development of a couple features in Pinto. Pinto is a robust tool for curating a private repository of CPAN modules, so you can build your application with the right modules every time. This is my fifth progress report on that work. Pinto 0.0995 was just shipped to CPAN and it includes a merge command. At

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 5 (Feb 2014) Tue, 18-Mar-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: I spent about half my time last month continuing to work on fixing and refactoring the Perl_re_intuit_start function, which is the main run-time optimisation facility in the regex engine. My work so far was merged back into blead on 8th February; I've since done some more work which hasn't been pushed yet. I also fixed a regression in maint-5.18 regarding whether a variable is seen in a

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  • March 2014 Grant Proposals Sat, 15-Mar-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    The Grants Committee got four grant proposals for this round. Before the Committee members vote, we would like to solicit feedback from the Perl community on these proposals. Review the proposals below and please comment on each page. They are listed in the order in which they were received. JERL Perl5 running in the JVM, Michael Shomsky, USD 3,000 RPerl Test Suite Upgrade Module::Compile Integration, William N. Braswell, Jr., USD

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  • Grant Proposal: Automated generation of DWIM Perl Sat, 15-Mar-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We have received the following grant application. Please leave feedback in the comments field by March 22nd, 2014. Automated generation of DWIM Perl Name: Gabor Szabo Email: undisclosed Amount Requested: $6,000 Synopsis DWIM Perl is a "batteries included" Perl distribution for Microsoft Windows and for Linux. On Windows it is based on Strawberry Perl, on Linux it is compiled from the source released by the Perl 5

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  • Grant Proposal: Perl::Lint - Yet Another Static Analyzer for Perl5 Sat, 15-Mar-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We have received the following grant application. Please leave feedback in the comments field by March 22nd, 2014. Perl::Lint Yet Another Static Analyzer for Perl5 Name: Taiki Kawakami Email: undisclosed Amount Requested: $800 Synopsis This project aims to create a fast and flexible static analyzer for Perl5 that has compatibility with Perl::Critic, with the goal to be light and fast enough to allow near real-time check of

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  • Grant Proposal: RPerl Test Suite Upgrade & Module::Compile Integration Sat, 15-Mar-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We have received the following grant application. Please leave feedback in the comments field by March 22nd, 2014. Project Title RPerl Test Suite Upgrade Module::Compile Integration Name: Name of proposer. William N. Braswell, Jr. Email: Where we can contact you! undisclosed Amount Requested: How much is your project worth? $800 Synopsis A short description. Whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not,

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  • Grant Proposal: JERL (Alien::Jerl) Perl5 running in the JVM Sat, 15-Mar-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We have received the following grant application. Please leave feedback in the comments field by March 22nd, 2014. JERL Perl5 running in the JVM Name Michael Shomsky Email: undisclosed Amount Requested: How much is your project worth? ~3000 Note: The project is in maintenance mode and it's 2nd year. It's gotten this far on 4hrs/month from one developer who would like to see it in a

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 7 Wed, 12-Mar-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook writes: Approximately 57 tickets were worked on, and 12 patches were applied. Probably the most interesting issue this month was diagnosing the HP-UX bus error in during regexp compilation, I won't repeat the diagnosis here, but it can be found at: "http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2014/02/msg212925.html":http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2014/02/msg212925.html with some on-point follow-ups from Nicholas Clark, Dave Mitchell and Yves Orton. This month brings the total hours spent on my second grant to 265.07 hours,

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  • Grant Extension Request from Tony Cook Sun, 09-Mar-2014 by Karen Pauley

    Tony Cook has requested an extension of $20,000 for his "Maintaining Perl 5":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/05/grant-application-maintaining.html grant. This grant has been running successfully since July 2013. The requested extension would allow Tony to devote another 400 hours to the project. The funds for this extension would come from the "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund. Before we make a decision on this extension we would like to have a period of community consultation that

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  • GooglersGive to TPF Wed, 05-Mar-2014 by Dan Wright

    The Perl Foundation is now listed as a "cause on Benevity.org":https://causes.benevity.org/causes/840-383536536. This means that employees of Google may now donate to The Perl Foundation through GooglersGive, their workplace giving program. When making contributions through benevity, please search for "Yet Another Society" We appreciate all of the Google employees that nominated us, and we thank everybody for all of your support of The Perl Foundation. Through your support, we are ensuring

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  • Outreach Program for Women 2014 Tue, 04-Mar-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: OPW

    I am pleased to announce that we will once again be taking part in the "Outreach Program for Women.":https://wiki.gnome.org/OutreachProgramForWomen/2014/MayAugust#Participating_Organizations The application period is now open for women looking for a summer internship working on a Perl related project. The internship will take place from May 19th to August 18th 2014. The internship pays a stipend of $5,500 and the intern is expected to work full-time on the project. The deadline

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  • QA Hackathon Travel Grants Sun, 02-Mar-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    I am pleased to announce that Ricardo Signes' "grant application":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2014/01/perl-5-grant-application-trave-2.html and David Golden's "QA Hackathon Travel Grant":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2014/02/perl-5-grant-application-trave-3.html application have been successful. I would like to thank everyone who provided feedback on these grants. The grants were awarded from our "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund. If you wish to contribute to this fund please go to our "donation system":https://secure.donor.com/pf012/give or contact karen perlfoundation.org The "QA Hackathon":http://act.qa-hackathon.org/qa2014/ is a free of charge

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  • Call for Grant Proposals Sat, 01-Mar-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    As "announced previously":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2014/02/new-rules-of-operation---grant.html, the Grants Committee calls for grant proposals every two months. This is the first round under the new rule. If you have an idea for doing some Perl work that will benefit the Perl community, consider sending grant application. The application deadline is March 14th. We will publish the received applications, get community feedback and conclude the acceptance by March 31st. There are several reasons for you

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  • New Rules of Operation - Grants Committee Thu, 27-Feb-2014 by Makoto Nozaki
    in: Grants

    We are pleased to announce that the Grants Committee has updated the Rules of Operation. This change was made to make the program more useful for the grant applicants. It is a result of discussions stemming from the community feedback since "this post":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2013/08/2013q3-grant-proposals.html in August 2013. These rules will be in effect beginning with the next call for grant applications in March. Change summary **1. More frequent and faster evaluation

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  • 2013 Year end report Tue, 18-Feb-2014 by Dan Wright

    The Perl Foundation is please to present its 2013 year end report to the community. The theme of this year's report is "ensuring the future of Perl." With the help of our volunteers and sponsors, TPF is making a real impact on Perl's future. Thank you to everybody that helped to make 2013 a successful year for TPF. 2013 Year-end report.pdf

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  • Maintaining the Perl 5 Core: Report for Month 4 (Jan 2014) Sun, 16-Feb-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Dave Mitchell writes: I spent the majority of my time last month continuing to work on fixing and refactoring the Perl_re_intuit_start function, which is the main run-time optimisation facility in the regex engine. Part of my goal has been to simplify the structure of the code, which uses no large-scale structural features like while-loops, but instead relies on lots of labels and goto's. Ignoring the three "go here on failure"

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  • Maintaining Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 6 Sat, 15-Feb-2014 by Karen Pauley
    in: Grants

    Tony Cook writes Approximately 45 tickets were worked on, and 13 patches were applied. I finally found the cause of and fixed

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