In "Grants"

961 - 964 of 964 posts:

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  • 2006 - Q1 Grant Votes Wed, 22-Feb-2006 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe
    in: Grants

    Only one grant was approved this quarter, but it's fantastic. Nicholas Clark, the current 5.8 Pumpking has applied for an $11,000 grant to improve Perl 5. Some of what he intends to do: Fix bugs affecting Unicode handling, Class::DBI, Tk and PAR. Allow relocatable Perl installations, which permits developers to distribute applications complete with a bundled Perl. Support source filters as part of code references in @INC

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  • New Grant Committee Members Mon, 16-Jan-2006 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe
    in: Grants

    From time to time people decide to leave the grant committee and new members join. Recently, Nicholas Clark, a long-time grant committee member, decided to step down. He'll be missed as his knowledge of both Perl and the community are extensive. However, we wound up electing two new grant committee members, Thomas Klausner and Ben Tilly. On the off chance you don't know who they are, I suppose I should

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  • Parrot Grant and Accomplishments Mon, 05-Dec-2005 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe
    in: Grants

    Most folks probably aren't aware of this, but Stichting NLnet is sponsoring quite a bit of Parrot's development. We report to them every two months about the state of Parrot so they can feel comfortable with how it's going. Unfortunately, I had too much on my plate to be the grant manager for Parrot and Dave Rolsky volunteered to step in and help out. He now communicates the Parrot development

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  • The Grant Committee: what we do and how we do it. Fri, 02-Dec-2005 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe
    in: Grants

    As many folks know, the Perl Foundation Grant Committee is responsible for awarding and managing grants to improve the Perl language and benefit the Perl community. What many don't know is how this works. First, I'm Curtis "Ovid" Poe. You may have encountered me on Perlmonks or used some of my CPAN modules I currently sit on the Perl Foundation steering committee and I'm the grant secretary for the grant

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