Tagged "perl"
1 - 16 of 16 posts:
New Public Matrix Channel #perl:nerdch.at
Wed, 22-Jan-2025 by
D Ruth Holloway
Board announces D Ruth Holloway as Community Engagement Chair
Tue, 21-Jan-2025 by
D Ruth Holloway
TPRC June Newsletter
Thu, 02-Jun-2022 by
Todd Rinaldo
The Perl and Raku Conference Registration is LIVE!
Mon, 06-Jan-2020 by
The First Twenty-Five Years
Tue, 18-Dec-2012 by
Perl can help in a PhD Survey
Tue, 09-Oct-2012 by
Perlverse: Perl Weekly and Gabor Szabo
Tue, 27-Dec-2011 by
Perl 5.14
Wed, 11-May-2011 by
Perl Foundation Grant Time Again
Mon, 06-Aug-2007 by
Curtis "Ovid" Poe
XML::RSS Cleanup Grant Completed - Final Report
Wed, 02-May-2007 by
Rosellyne Thompson
New Grant Awards
Sun, 01-Apr-2007 by
Curtis "Ovid" Poe
Mango Grant Update
Sun, 01-Apr-2007 by
Curtis "Ovid" Poe
Grant Updates
Tue, 20-Feb-2007 by
Curtis "Ovid" Poe
Grants Awards
Thu, 04-Jan-2007 by
Curtis "Ovid" Poe
Grant Information Update
Thu, 07-Dec-2006 by
Curtis "Ovid" Poe
Call for Proposals
Wed, 01-Nov-2006 by
Curtis "Ovid" Poe