1606 - 1620 of 1642 posts:

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  • perl6-users mailing list Wed, 17-May-2006 by Ask Bjørn Hansen

    Between Parrot and Pugs Perl 6 is slowly but surely getting to a state where it's actually usable. We created the first mailing list for "Perl6 users". Eventually most of the regular perl mailing lists will be for both Perl 5 and Perl 6 users, but for now it makes sense to have a list specifically for users of Perl 6 Subscribe by sending a mail to perl6-users-subscribe@perl.org

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  • When to make bids public Tue, 09-May-2006 by Jim Brandt

    Jeremy Fluhmann responded to my Call for Venue post saying he'd be interested to see the other bids when they get posted. This brings up a good point: when should the bids be made public? My thought was that they would be made public after the Conferences Committee has selected the host group. This allows people to see what we voted on and it's a good reference for next year.

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  • Call for Venue--YAPC::NA::2007 Wed, 03-May-2006 by Jim Brandt

    Can't figure out how you're going to get to Chicago for YAPC::NA this year and wish it was in your city? Want to meet Perl luminaries, but aren't sure how? Want to contribute to Perl without writing a new MVC framework? If you answer yes to at least two of these questions, you might be just the person we want to host YAPC next year. But you can't host if

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  • YAPC::NA 2006 schedule published Wed, 26-Apr-2006 by Andy Lester

    Josh McAdams and Pete Krawczyk have just released the YAPC::NA 2006 schedule on the conference website. This year there will be four rooms of talks going on for the three days of the conference. We are lucky enough to have both Larry Wall and Damian Conway giving keynote addresses. Of course, there will be a lot of Perl 6, Pugs, and Parrot talks, was well as the usual barrage of

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  • Artistic License 2.0 public review Fri, 21-Apr-2006 by Ask Bjørn Hansen

    "Allison":http://www.theperlreview.com/Interviews/allison-randal-20060412.html posted the "Artistic License 2.0 public review":http://use.perl.org/article.pl?sid=06/04/20/2042256 announcement to use.perl.org today. bq.. Part of the Perl 6 RFC process in 2000 identified the need to update the Artistic License 211 and 346 From 2000-2001, a group of interested Perl users on the perl6-licenses mailing list worked on a first draft of an updated Artistic License. In 2003, The Perl Foundation started an extensive review process with independent legal counsel

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  • Helping others write better Perl Mon, 17-Apr-2006 by Andy Lester

    Something I think we can all do in the Perl community is help spread the knowledge of how to use this marvelous tool. There are so many layers to the onion, and some people may only know about the outermost layer. The other day I saw an entry in Erica Sadun's blog where she'd hacked together a quick Perl program for some user interaction that then generates URLs and fires

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  • "Improve Perl 5" status report Thu, 13-Apr-2006 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe
    in: Grants

    Here's the latest status update for Nicholas Clark's Improve Perl 5 grant. As usual, he's gotten quite a bit done. Completed "Reblessing references interacts badly with overloading" For blead I've moved the flag for "overloading" from the reference to the referent, which logically is where it should always have been. This isn't binary compatible, so isn't a viable solution for 5.8.x. For that, the flag stays in the same place,

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  • Announcing the Pittsburgh Perl Workshop, September 23, 2006 Thu, 06-Apr-2006 by Andy Lester

    The Pittsburgh Perl Mongers are pleased to announce The PITTSBURGH PERL WORKSHOP a one-day, low-cost conference on Saturday, September 23, 2006. This year's theme is "Perl at Work." The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop is modeled after the highly successful Perl workshops held in Europe over the last several years. The day is designed to provide you with a comfortable, exciting, and enjoyable learning experience. The Workshop

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  • Perl Foundation projects looking for volunteers Wed, 05-Apr-2006 by Andy Lester
    in: Projects

    A recent thread in the London.pm mailing list got people saying that they wanted to donate some time to The Perl Foundation, but didn't know where their efforts could be used. Here are two places to start: Jim Brandt, who organized YAPC::NA 2004 in Buffalo, is looking for volunteers to help with a Perl-based conference system. See his TPF blog post for details I'm looking for someone to write up

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  • Nominations for the White Camel Awards 2006 Sat, 01-Apr-2006 by Ask Bjørn Hansen
    in: Awards

    Every year the group of past recipients gives out three new "White Camel Awards":http://www.perl.org/advocacy/white_camel/ to recognize a few of the many people who give their time and energy to help the Perl community. Since we don't know nearly as many of the contributors and contributions as we'd like, we are looking for input on who should be considered. Keywords: Community service Unsung heroes better than well known ones

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  • I need a perl-based conference system Fri, 31-Mar-2006 by Jim Brandt

    As TPF Conferences Chair, I try to help eager, excited organizers put together a YAPC. Ever since I ran YAPC in Buffalo in 2004 I've wanted to put together something called Conference::Toolkit that would solve all of the YAPC web-site needs. Well, given my TPF duties, I honestly don't have the time to do this right. And I want it done right. I want to put together the best conference

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  • YAPC::Asia::2006 coming soon in Tokyo Fri, 24-Mar-2006 by Jim Brandt

    I've been remiss in noting that YAPC::Asia::2006 is right around the corner. But if you're in Tokyo and want to go, it appears you're a bit too late. They've sold out! They have a great line-up of talks and speakers If you're already registered, have fun!

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  • YAPC::Brasil::2006 Coming in April Wed, 08-Mar-2006 by Jim Brandt

    This year YAPC::Brasil will be held April 19-22, 2006 in Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil in conjunction with the 7th International Free Software Forum From what I've heard, FISL

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  • Nicholas Clark's "Improve Perl 5" grant work Tue, 07-Mar-2006 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe
    in: Grants

    I have just received the first report for Nicholas Clark's grant. So far, things are going rather well. Read on to see what Nicholas has done. I've completed the planned typeglob structure shrinking. This turned out to be somewhat more complex than I expected. Specifically: Discovered that PVGVs use magic to perform stringification. Removed this need for magic, saving 24 bytes. Discovered that pads use PVGVs for storing C variable

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  • PPI Refactoring Editor Tue, 07-Mar-2006 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe
    in: Grants

    One of the grants the grant committee approved last year was to extend PPI towards a refactoring editor. At that time, we didn't have procedures in place to take the grant reports and post them to a common spot. Now that we have this blog, our intention is to post these reports regularly so you can see the bang you're getting for your buck. What follows is Adam Kennedy's report

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