The Act Voyager project has not come to a halt, although it has been a bit silent. My apologies for those who had been waiting last month for the report. Life has taken some turns, in my favour, and thanks to Rick Deller from Eligo, I got a nice job at Broadbean technologies in London and yes, moved from my lovely little hometown to the Perl capital of the United ... read more |
Since the beginning of the year, some smaller steps had been made and things are looking good! First of all the the database schema had been changed to provide some additional things on request of some organisers. Now I realise that I also need to make new versions of the Act-out-of-the-Box vagrant-image once in a while. The DBIx::Class has been updated accordingly and it all works like a charm Secondly, ... read more |
As time moves on the Voyage gradually moves forward. In the proposal I sent, I already knew that I would not be able to dedicate any time until the last week of September. So, what did happen until now: The Apache mod_perl nightmare ACTually, let me take you back december 2013. After I visited the London Perl Workshop, I went to the French hackathon Patch -p1 in Paris to see ... read more |
Grant Manager's note: please excuse the delay in posting these progress reports. Future progress reports will be more in time. This is the progress report about August 2014. As in the original proposal for the Grant, it was stated I would not start before the second half of september because of a project that is very tight on the deadline. However that does not mean that nothing happens. On the ... read more |