In "Raku Foundation"

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  • Grant Report: Raku Ecosystem Final Wed, 05-Mar-2025 by Saif Ahmed

    Tony O'Dell has been working on a modernised and well documented Ecosystem management platform zeco. This is complex work that integrates contributor management and distro management, and is a vital cog in the evolution of a programming language and its accessibilty to its users. The handling of updates and secure,reliable, reproducible access to distros underpins the sustainable viability of such a platform. It was supported by this grant. Key to

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  • Why The Perl and Raku Foundation Supports The Open Source Pledge Tue, 08-Oct-2024 by Stuart J Mackintosh

    The Open Source Pledge We at The Perl and Raku Foundation are supporting the Open Source Pledge initiative. The Open Source Pledge consists of companies with a shared commitment to paying the maintainers of the open source software they consume, therefore aims to help address sustainability challenges facing the Open Source community. The Sustainability Challenge in OSS Open source software is the backbone of much of today’s technology, but it

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  • Thank you for the fundraising at YAPC::Hiroshima in Japan Fri, 04-Oct-2024 by Makoto Nozaki

    The Japan Perl Association made a generous donation to The Perl and Raku Foundation following their fundraising activity at YAPC::Hiroshima Here is a thank you message from Olaf Adler: Japanese translation below: 日本語抄訳 こんにちは。Olaf Alderと申します。The Perl Foundationで後援者様向け広報の担当をしています。今日は日本のPerlコミュニティの皆様に感謝の意を表したく、ご連絡差し上げました。 Japan Perl AssociationとYAPC::Japanの皆様には、長年にわたるご支援を誠に「ありがとう」ございます。特に先日のYAPC::Hiroshimaの大盛況をお祝い申し上げます。写真で見た酒樽募金箱は印象的で、今後、私は日本酒を飲むたびにこのイベントを思い出すでしょう。 YAPCの継続的な成功は素晴らしいです。日本チームの秘訣を世界に伝えてほしいと願っています。私たちも多くを学びたいと思います。 Japan Perl AssociationはThe Perl Foundationの大切なパートナーです。今後とも協力し、Perlの発展に努めましょう。YAPC::Hakodateの盛会をお祈りしています。ありがとうございます!

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  • New Standards of Conduct published Thu, 04-Jul-2024 by D Ruth Holloway

    The Perl and Raku Foundation has a new Standards of Conduct taking effect on August 1, 2024, to help combat bullying, harassment, and abuse in our communities.

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  • Grant Application: Raku Ecosystem Tue, 23-Jan-2024 by Saif Ahmed

    A new Grant application for Raku. Tony O'Dell is proposing a project to develop a Raku Ecosystem written in Raku. This gets rid of a dependency on other languages and proprietary code to create a more sustainable environment. Tony has a number of Raku projects including the very important Fez, niner, vrurg, andugexe

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  • Raku Advent Calendar submission deadline approaching! Thu, 24-Nov-2022 by Amber Krawczyk

    The Christmas season is almost here, and that means a fresh batch of Raku Advent Calendar posts. Every year since 2009, the Raku community has hosted an annual Advent event, in the spirit of Perl and other projects, consisting of daily articles starting on the 1st of December and ending on the 25th. The Raku community has had so many great posts and, hopefully, this year will live up to

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  • Could you support future development of Perl and Raku? Wed, 15-Jun-2022 by Nic Evans

    Billions of people around the world rely on Perl and Raku in some way without even realising it. A new prospectus from The Perl Foundation highlights how you can contribute to its ongoing development, either financially, or through volunteering time. By doing so you can: Ensure Perl and Raku are sustainably maintained and developed Gain valuable education opportunities for your teams at conferences Engage in important networking opportunities and build

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  • Perl & Raku featured in Linux Format magazine Fri, 04-Mar-2022 by Stuart J Mackintosh

    Our fantastic foundation administrator Nic Evans has secured a regular slot in Linux Format magazine where she is publishing Perl and Raku content as well as information on the Foundation. This magazine was selected as it talks to the general Linux user and has good coverage outside our existing audiences. We are also exploring other magazines with specific themes. The March 2022 edition includes a four-page article titled *Perl at

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  • Board update September 2021 Thu, 16-Sep-2021 by Stuart J Mackintosh

    Board update There have been many changes at the Foundation over the last year including a number of changes to our Board. Welcome At our last formal meeting in August, we welcomed Daniel Sockwell to the Board of Directors. Daniel has worked with the Foundation over the last year by serving on the Legal/Commercial Committee and by participating in the monthly community meetings. In his responses to questions during nomination,

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  • Raku Foundation DBA and Trademark Update Thu, 02-Sep-2021 by Daniel Sockwell

    Since 2012, Yet Another Society has also been officially known by its less confusing alias: The Perl Foundation. Now, it has a new alias: The Raku Foundation. Like the TPF alias, this new name is a dba – it doesn't change any of the realities of how YAS (aka TPF, aka TRF) is organized, governed, or structured. Pretty much the only legal effect is to allow YAS to cash checks made out to "The Raku Foundation" in the same way it can cash ones made out to "The Perl Foundation".

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