It is my pleasure to announce that the Grant Proposal: Raku CI integration bot has been approved, and Patrick has already started work on it. You can read his thoughts on the technical architecture and first progress here. I am looking forward to more great progress from Patrick. ... read more |
Jonathan writes: My grant work in February continued to focus on the new general dispatch mechanism in MoarVM, and especially resumable dispatch, which I mentioned in my last report. ... read more |
Jonathan Worthington writes about his RakuAST progress during February 2021: During February much of my Raku working time was spent on my ongoing dispatcher work. However, I also got back into working on RakuAST. I implemented AST nodes, wrote AST tests, and updated the new RakuAST-based compiler frontend to cover: The |
Happy to announce that Jonathan was able to resume work on his Raku Development Grant. Here is his report. In January, I at last felt in shape to get back to the new dispatch mechanism. The key remaining piece of the mechanism is dispatch resumption a general term I'm using for a range of situations where we start doing some kind of dispatch, and may continue it later. For example: ... read more |
I am pleased to announce the launch of the Raku Development Fund. Perl 6 Development Fund was launched in 2015 to support the development of the Perl 6 programming language. Since then, we have awarded more than USD 100,000. With the rename of the language, we will close the Perl 6 Development Fund and launch the Raku Development Fund. For these who would like to apply for grants, please take ... read more |
Jonathan writes: In August I did not perform any work on this grant. I exhausted the previously allocated funding during July, and further funding was allocated close to the end of August. The last part of August was already allocated to other work, however September has a good amount of time available for grant work. ... read more |
Jonathan writes: As in May and June, in July I continued my work on the unified dispatcher mechanism. Unlike those rather productive months, July was vacation time, and thus I was away from my keyboard for much of it. I did, however, get some bits done. ... read more |
Jonathan writes: My grant time in June was spent on the new unified dispatch mechanism; my May report provides some background on what that is, and this report will make more sense having read the May report first. In May, I reached the point of having a significant part of the new dispatch mechanism implemented, and had exercised it with some unit tests. However, these were all rather artificial. During June, I started applying it to rather more realistic problems. ... read more |
Jonathan writes the following as his first report for his RakuAST grant. Enjoy! It's been about a month since the approval of my RakuAST grant. This report covers the grant work performed since then. Under the RakuAST architecture, language elements are modeled by AST nodes, which can be thought of as document object model elements, where the document in question is a Raku program. Today, the overall organization of the ... read more |
Jonathan writes: In my April report I mentioned that I had performed an amount of design work for a new generalized dispatch mechanism in MoarVM. In May, I forged ahead with the implementation work on this - although in reality, that work isn't just churning out code, but also making lots of smaller design decisions along the way too. ... read more |
Jonathan writes: April was a time for thinking, reflecting, and designing. The starting gun for this was fired in a post I wrote at the end of March, in which I reflected on the mechanisms that we've grown over the years to make various constructs decently fast. ... read more |
Jonathan writes: In the first week of March I attended the German Perl and Raku workshop. While I didn't do any grant work there, I did meet with some of the Raku core contributors, and had various useful discussions. Unfortunately, I also got a throat infection, which made the following week or so rather less than productive. Here's what I did achieve in the rest of the month. ... read more |