YAPC::NA Voting Details

Category: Conferences

Comments (5)

So are there 5 voters each of whom generates scores for each bid?

Yes. I provided some details on the voting process in my use.perl blog, but it's good to reference it again here. Without that reference information, these numbers are a bit like find out that the score to the game was 3 to 5. :)

A few committee members weren't able to vote for various reasons, so the numbers of voters and committee members don't match exactly.

Any chance we can get a better breakdown of the scores. It would certainly help in figuring out what to improve for next time (for example, we could move Vancouver temporarily to the east coast of Canada, thus gaining points for not being in the same timezone as OSCON).

Well, I'm not sure we could break down the scores much more. What sort of detail were you looking for?

You mentioned making the other bids publicly available. I would be very interested in looking them over as well when they get posted. I'm hoping to talk another PM group that's close to me into offering a bid. Hopefully our group can partner with them (we're still forming and I've just recently setup our first PM meeting) and help with the bid (and conference if awarded!).

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