Maintaining Perl 5 (Tony Cook): August 2020 Grant Report
Mon, 07-Sep-2020 by
Matthias Bloch
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Approximately 40 tickets were reviewed, and 2 patches were
[Hours] [Activity]
9.22 #17673 review patch, review Data::Dumper code, work on a
#17673 research, work on more SV allocation clean up
#17673 more SV and memory allocation cleanup, still
something leaking (though valgrind doesn’t see it),
#17673 debugging (including some valgrind API), testing,
make PR #18058
#17673 diagnose failing tests, optimization, testing
#17673 rebase, reconsider some riskier changes, push and
make PR #18067
2.15 #17683 rebase, testing, force push
#17683 re-test and apply to blead
1.10 #17724 research, briefly comment
0.23 #17756 review, approve and merge
1.95 #17780 add documentation, some re-wording, threads
discussion with khw
#17780 fix a typo
0.83 #17808 rebase/retest, minor edits
0.38 #17831 comment
0.42 #17846 rebase, testing, force push
#17846 apply to blead
0.20 #17931 review and comment
3.78 #17937 review history and code, try to work out an
efficient fix
#17937 review code, start on a possible fix
#17937 debugging
0.85 #17971 review and make a quick patch, open PR #18076
0.18 #17996 review and comment
0.50 #17997 testing and comment
0.53 #18000 review, research and approve
8.64 #18005 research, work on some code
#18005 more work on code
#18005 research (how to readlink?)
#18005 finish up symlink implementation, try to hook it
into the win32 I/O handling
0.23 #18009 review and approve
0.52 #18011 review, research and comment
#18011 review and comment
1.08 #18014 review discussion, testing
1.27 #18020 review PR
1.88 #18026 review and comment
#18026 try to reproduce the error this trying to fix
2.70 #18029 debugging
#18029 more debugging, research
0.25 #18040/#18041 review patch and original ticket, briefly
0.78 #18042 review and briefly comment
#18042 research and briefly comment
0.72 #18059 review, research, comments
0.85 #18064 review, research and approve
0.60 #18073 review CI results and fix issues
0.48 #18078 review and merge
0.12 #18079 review and close (reject)
0.62 #18081 review, testing and comment briefly
2.17 no bareword filehandles - go down a wrong path some, then
more tests
2.93 no bareword filehandles - handle built-in handles, add a
missing test, testing
1.53 no bareword filehandles - more polish, documentation, make
PR 18073
1.32 no bareword filehandles - more tests
1.30 no bareword filehandles - some re-work
0.80 no bareword filehandles - squash and recheck
3.96 no feature bareword_filehandles
no feature bareword_filehandles
1.23 perldelta feature multidimensional, review changes for
more perldelta, remove some porting test noise
1.33 perldelta updates, perldelta link fixes
1.68 review mailing lists discussion and follow-up research
0.92 review notifications (mostly merged PRs), review modified
62.23 hours total
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