The role of the president

Category: Perl Foundation

Comments (2)

i just came cross this post on perlmonks

i guess someone from TPF can give some attention to

'perlmonks fund' as perlmonks people never get the fund donated thr tpf

'require of donation receipt" by saberworks

btw, the comments box in the form is so small. are you guys trying to limit the comment size? ;-)

my appology at last as i don't know where i can post this.

Kurt DeMaagd (TPF treasurer) has posted a follow-up in the Perlmonks thread, answering some of the questions raised there:

I'll also send a note to the right people about the donation receipt. Like nearly everything else, that process is in the middle of being overhauled, too.

As for where to ask questions like this, you can always send a note to the "pr" address at, and the question will be forwarded to the person or people best able to respond.

Thanks for the comment, and the heads-up.

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