Six TPF Projects Accepted for Google Summer of Code
Thu, 05-May-2011 by
Karen Pauley
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I would like to congratulate the six students who were accepted to work with The Perl Foundation for this year's Google Summer of Code. The successful students and projects are:
"André Walker - Rework Catalyst component setup code":
Mentored by Tomas Doran and Eden Cardim
"Brian Neil Fraser - Making the Perl Core UTF-8 clean":
Mentored by Florian Ragwitz and Zefram
"Carlos Ivan Sosa - Removing the upgrading necessity of the Dancer script with a module":
Mentored by Sawyer X and Franck Cuny
Marc Green - Standardization of core documentation parsing tools
Mentored by Ricardo Signes and David E. Wheeler
"Moritz Onken - CPAN search for the modern web":
Mentored by Clinton Gormley and Olaf Alders
"Tadeusz Sośnierz - Pod parser for Rakudo":
Mentored by Moritz Lenz and Carl Mäsa
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