Sign up to Perl GSoC now!
Sat, 02-Apr-2011 by
Florian Ragwitz
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We are into the final week for students to sign up to the Google Summer of Code. The program is accepting submissions from students and mentors until Friday 8th April so now is the time to get involved before it is too late and you suffer from last regrets.
What can I do?
Students can suggest any topic to work on, but for those wishing to try something new, or are looking for general guidance, there is a list on the EPO Wiki which outlines some suggestions and ideas from a number of Perl projects. Once you have a project idea, speak to the other participants in #soc-help (on and we will advise you on application and match you to a mentor.
Connect the dots...
You can join our Facebook page where we will be posting new information for this year and in the future. Please join in and "like" our page so we can help raise awareness of Perl's involvement this year and in the future. You can also follow Florian Ragwitz or
Mark Keating on Twitter where they go by the usernames perldition and shadowcat_mdk respectively.
The main site for the Google Summer of Code is:, a timeline for participation can be found at
If you cannot join in as either a student or a mentor you can still help to spread the word. You can download a flyer for distribution at:, please print out copies and pin them to notice boards or distribute them in classes near to your area, as always your participation is greatly appreciated.
This post was a guest blog by: Mark Keating, who is the Managing Director of Shadowcat Systems Limited and a Director/Secretary of the Enlightened Perl Organisation, he regularly writes on Perl Blog and Work Blog.
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