José and Bruno wrote:
Our proposal listed as deliverables documentation detailing:
We have documented:
We also created a README for the project and several documents such as Perlbal's to-do list, hints and pointers for contributors, etc.
Our proposal stated that "the resulting document should make non-Perlbal users able to install, configure and even write a Perlbal plugin without having to read Perlbal's code and/or bang their heads against a desk in the middle of the night."
Mission accomplished.
The resulting docs have been organized under the Perlbal::Manual namespace and currently reside in a public git repo ("":; we hope to see them merged with the official repository very, very soon, but we must acknowledge that that task is out of our hands; it will be done when the current Perlbal's maintainers find the time to do so.
In the meantime, you can already access these docs and know more about Perlbal at "":
Enjoy! It's an amazing tool!
From the Grants Committee: The report was sent to us on December 6th, which was enough before the grant deadline.
This is really great. Perlbal has always had "developer level" / "reference" documentation, but being a user-tool (well, sysadmin tool) this new manual is a great addition.
It's also the kind of thing that volunteers/itch-scratchers just don't get done, so using the grant process to encourage it is excellent.