Mon, 03-Apr-2023 by Amber Krawczyk edit post
The reception featured a variety of food, and it was all delicious.
We're a few papers short for the conference, so the **Call For Papers has been re-opened briefly -- get those papers in by Friday, April 7 at 2359UTC (8pm Eastern).**
If you'd like to stay longer at the Doubletree in Toronto than the conference rates run for, call the hotel and speak with **Susan Song** -- she'll fix you up.
You can also email Susan at -- ****.
The standard room at the hotel has a single king bed, but there are some rooms available with two queens -- same deal, call or write to Susan.
Finally, Ovid's announced the title for his keynote talk -- **Coming Soon!**
We think it's an awesome title.
**Get those papers in, sign up for the conference, book a room and make your travel plans soon!**
Now less than 100 days away!
If you're travelling the the conference from outside Canada (*this probably includes most of you*), check here to find out what requirements there are for a visa:
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