Outreachy Internship - Rosheen working on Open Food Facts
Mon, 05-Jul-2021 by
Makoto Nozaki
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I am pleased to announce we accepted an intern, [Rosheen Naeem](https://roshnaeem.github.io/), to this year’s [Outreachy](https://www.outreachy.org/) internship at [Open Food Facts](https://world.openfoodfacts.org/). Rosheen will work with Stéphane Gigandet on a project to improve the quality (templatization, documentation, unit tests etc.) of the Open Food Facts backend (all written in Perl) to make it more friendly to new developers until August 2021.
Rosheen is a software engineer based in Pakistan. She has expertise in web development and technical writing. She brings with herself experience in web development, opensource, game development, and technical course designing.
Rosheen’s contributions can be seen at [openfoodfacts](https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-server) Github repository. Rosheen also published her experience with the Outreachy selection process in her [Medium article](https://roshnaeem.medium.com/everybody-struggles-f6dbe33293b4).
Open Food Facts is a free, online and crowdsourced database of food products from around the world. Product data and photos are contributed through the Open Food Facts mobile application or sent by food manufacturers. Open Food Facts then analyze the ingredients, nutrition facts, labels, and packaging of products to compute nutritional or environmental scores such as the Nutri-Score and the Eco-Score.
Please join me in welcoming Rosheen to the Perl & Raku community.
P.S. We also gave [a talk](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1K1Cvfyl73Agh988wP6UEb5rtibCx6eLZJ8uxseIU_yM/edit?usp=sharing) on our summer activities at the Perl & Raku Conference including Outreachy, Google Season of Docs and Google Summer of Code.
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