Nominate heroes for the 2022 White Camel Awards

Category: Awards

Comments (53)

I would like to nominate Will Braswell (aka willthechill) for The White Camel Award.

Will is the admin of and an active participant on the “Perl Programmer’s” Facebook group. The group is dedicated to discussion, analysis and news about all things Perl. Will also hosts the talkshow “Perl Town Hall” on the Facebook group. The talkshow reviews recent news and articles related to Perl. Additionally, Will created the “Perl Community Roadmap,” a collection of plans designed to increase awareness of Perl especially among new users.

Will volunteered to be my mentor as I embark on a Perl career. He gives me enthusiastic guidance and is always available to answer questions.

I'd like to add my vote for Will Braswell. He's been at the forefront of using social media via the Perl Facebook groups as well as with his regular Perl town hall livestreams. Stuff like that is vital to the future of Perl advocacy.

I hereby nominate Will Braswell of Austin, Texas for the 2022 White Camel Award.

Will has long shown an unparallelled passion and support for Perl and its community, at a level that feels indistinguishable from a fundamental moral imperative.

Will has done a lot of work at community building, publishing many actionable proposals and resources at and other places. These feature ways to bring new people to Perl, especially young people, such as by using Perl as THE language used for introductory programming for children. And also the production of killer apps or perceived missing key features such as AI libraries for Perl, some of which Will is actually working towards implementing himself, so that Perl is an effective option for any important task that modern developers want to do.

Will is actively involved in running at least one active Perl user group, the 5000-member "Perl Programmers" Facebook group and also puts on a regular video livestream "Perl Town Hall".

Will also actively employs a number of Perl developers and makes efforts to find work writing Perl for others, helping satisfy companies to use Perl.

Mohammed Sajid Anwar for the Perl weekly challenge

Those tho keep pm meetings running (Houston? Berlin? Toronto?)

The conference … Todd is the best but he already got it

PerlDean for the merch store

ikegami for stackoverflow

Dave Cross

Special one for dha


Thanks for your nomination, but I got my White Camel in 2004 (and dhagot one on 2001).

I got this nomination by email:

I would like to nominate Mohammad Anwar for a white camel award.

For years now he has been putting huge amounts of effort into perl community activities, in particular the weekly challenge, and he’s one of the two active editors of Perl Weekly. He’s always been ready to help out at conferences and anything else in the Perl community.

Would like to nominate Will Braswell for his constant drive to promote Perl on social media. While Perl is considered legendary in programming circles we live in day and age where social media dominates every aspect of our lives. In order to promote Perl and make it thrive for long time we need more people like Will to push benefits of Perl to less aware programming community.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for his untiring drive to promote Perl.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for his activity within the Austin Perl Mongers, for his Facebook Perl Programmers group, for his weekly Perl Townhall video show, and many other things.

I also nominate Will Braswell. Many many community members are part of his Facebook group .. also he does the Perl Town Hall... and he is a generally good spirited proponent of perl who many of us have spoken directly with through these avenues as well as perl mongers groups.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for his activity on Facebook. I follow the group "Perl Programmers" for news about Perl.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for his consistency in promoting Perl on social media and his humility in the Perl community.

The implications of what Will Braswell did are very useful to me. His presence on the Perl Facebook group gave me a lot of the best information about Perl, including his Perl Town Hall events and Mohammad Sajid Anwar's Perl Weekly Challenge, and others.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for The White Camel Award. Great work should be awarded.

After throughout consideration, I would like to nominate/support the nomination of Mohammad Sajid Anwar, the creator of the Perl Weekly Challenge, one of the editors of Perl Weekly Newsletter, which I am always awaiting with excitement on Monday mornings. Mohammad is a real role model in the Perl and the broader open source community with his humble attitude and consistent work. He is always ready to help and answer, no matter how small or big your issue or question is.
Of course there are many other Perl heroes worth mentioning here and it is really tough to pick one form people like Will Braswell, Flavio Poletti just to name a few.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for his consistency in promoting Perl on social media and his humility in the Perl community.

I add my vote for Will Braswell for The White Camel Award. He is not only expert Perl developer, but also a big popularizer of Perl programming. He is very active member of Perl Facebook group, always providing useful suggestions and info. I like to mention here also his regular Perl town hall livestreams, and of course he is creator of the RPerl!

I would like to nominate Will Braswell (aka willthechill) for The White Camel Award.

I would also like to nominate Will Braswell. When the time I started my new career as perl dev, it's too hard to find perl community for me because I'm in Myanmar. But fortunately, I found perl community group on Facebook and I wanted to join. At that time, I started knew with Will. I think he really care not only for perl community but also for community's members. I made a little search about Will on Google and I found out. Wow, he is the creator of RPerl. I believe this award is for Mr.Will .

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for The White Camel Award.

Will is the admin of the “Perl Programmers” Facebook group. He also hold Perl Towns Hall live streaming every week rain or shine! He is passionate and work hard to cohere the Perl Community.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell ( Will The Chill!) for his untiring
activities in Facebook group to popularize perl and keep the group engaged
and excited. I also participate in his regular online video show "Perl Town Hall" where he briefs about the interesting developments in perl.

I would like to nomiate Will Braswell for his hard work promoting the Perl language. Perl programming is no longer a popular language in Chinese community, it's really hard to find resource to fix any programming problem(either outdated or inefficient). Great thanks for his hard work and promoting the language in social media, leading more people to know how beautiful the language is.

I nominate Will Braswell for entertaining the noobs on the Facebook groups. Since he came in I don't have to post slightly wrong or debatable answers to get the discussions going, which I had to do like 4-5 years ago out of sheer embarrassment because few of the Perl elites took the time to contribute.

Also for having the nerve to fork Perl and create RPerl. Not for the technical skill, for the brass of it: we need more Perl forks, same as our competition which shall not be named. Also for following my posts in social media and when finding out that I acquired new and rare hardware (such as the Parallella SBC) hounding me to try and compile RPerl on it and report the errors. Again, not for the technical side of the story, only for the entertainment value since at the time I was working with one of the ancient and very proprietary Perl web frameworks and I was hating my life because the architect kept changing the core and breaking my automated tests.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for The White Camel award. I appreciate everything that he does for the Perl Community and to keeping active and positive discussions about Perl! Keep up the great work Will!

I would like to nominate Will Braswell as well and for all the great reasons that others have mentioned. He obviously has a great love for the language and he has personally reach out to me on multiple occasions.

I would like to nominate both Will Braswell and Mohammad Anwar for the The White Camel award. Both in their own remit do so much to keep Perl alive and kicking. Keep up the good work!

I'd like to add my vote for Will Braswell. He's been at the forefront of using social media via the Perl Facebook groups as well as with his regular Perl town hall livestreams. Stuff like that is vital to the future of Perl advocacy.He has been doing a lots of research on perl and also provide lots of regular updates helps groups with new features of perl to be published and to be used by developers

I will nominate WILL BRASWELL for this award.Will has been helpful for perl beginneers like me.He runs a fb page to help and support ppl like us

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for his work on promoting perl and encouraging others to do the same.

I'd like to nominate Will Braswell, Mohammad Sajid Anwar and Dean Hamstead for the White Camel Award. I very much appreciate their assistance in helping new and occasional Perl programmers as well as their being goodwill ambassadors for the Perl community.

Please note this post is not asking for voting; hence we ask everybody to refrain from nominating the same person again if the nomination has no new materials. We value quality over quantity.

I would like to nominate Mohammad S. Anwar for his work on perlweekly

I would like to nominate for the White Camel Award. For over two years he helped me learn Perl and the basics of programming, turning my life around and helped me to switch my career from a history teacher to a Perl developer.

If there still is a White Camel Award for non-technical / community contributions, I'd like to nominate Katrin Fischer ( for her work with Koha (, where she helps new users and new developers to find their way around the worlds first free and open source (and probably biggest) library system.

Will Braswell and Mohammad Anwar are both good candidates for the The White Camel award. Both have worked so hard on the success of the Perl ecosystem!

I nominate Will Braswell
His outreach for involving more people in Perl development and getting contributions is great. Also seen him solving problems on forums.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell for all the great works he has done for the Perl community.

Since the last time the White Camels were given out there's been an accumulation of deserving candidates.

I'd like to nominate two.

First, Will Braswell has been very enthusiastic in promoting Perl to a wider audience and energizing existing developers. His Townhall series is an excellent show case in an appealing format that goes well with his Perl Programmers Facebook group. Not only is Will creating a lot of new content for the Perl community but he is always encouraging others to do the same and highlighting their efforts.

Second, Mohammad Anwar is also absolutely deserving of a White Camel award. Indeed, is there any further way to reward his tireless efforts? If nothing else support him on Patreon too! Mohammad may single handedly by responsible the most amount of new Perl code and blogs in the past several years via his blogs, PerlWeekly editorship, The Weekly Challenge, Twitter presence, etc.

I too would like to nominate Will Braswell for his untiring drive to promote Perl. His drive has increased my passion for perl.

I nominate Will Braswell for his work running the Perl Programmers FB group and bringing us Perl👏 Town Hall.

I would like to nominate Will “The Chill” Braswell for the White Camel Awards for 2022 for community and advocacy. Will is a tireless educator and Perl advocate.

I first met Will when he stole the show at London Perl Workshop in 2018 by giving a vibrant conference talk in his full Sea Scout uniform.

Will continues to speak on a variety of topics at Perl conferences, not least on his particular specialty of Perl compilers. By intensively marketing RPerl he is making Perl a viable choice for faster applications where it might previously have been discounted.

He has worked consistently to strengthen the community via his ‘Perl Town Hall’ sessions on Facebook, mentoring other developers and being an approachable, colourful and lively personality at conferences.

I would also like to propose Mohammad Anwar for user groups and community for his work as editor of the Perlweekly email newsletter and organiser of the Perl Weekly Challenge. Perlweekly is a vital roundup of news from across the Perl & Raku communities and encourages Perl people to build the community by getting into blogging themselves. The Weekly Challenge also generates a lot of blog content by prompting both veteran and recent Perl hackers to share their techniques and insights.

In addition to Will Braswell and Mohammad, I would also like to nominate Flavio Poletti for his relentless blogging and Mark J Gardner for some quality blog posts over many years and his recent activity driving conversation in the new Twitter Perl community.

I would like to nominate Will Braswell. He's very active in the Perl community and keeps it relevant. Example of this is his leadership in the Facebook Perl Programmers group, weekly Perl Townhall video show, and work in machine learning with Perl.

I would like to nominate

Will Braswell
Mohamad Anwar
Gabor Szabo

All of them drive to promote the Perl around the world. :-)

I nominate Will Braswell. He's been an enthusiastic, vocal advocate for Perl adoption and community-building for a long time. As admin of the Perl Programmers Facebook group, he's been very helpful to beginners or experienced Perl programmers alike looking for advice. This is exactly the kind of attention we need to draw to the language and community.

I'd also like to nominate Will Braswell. He has been active in the Perl community and running the Perl Programmers FB group as well as promoting Perl in a time when so much of the development community has walked away from Perl. It's nice to have an advocate that appreciates and promotes both the language and community over a long duration.

I also nominate Will Braswell. If not for him, I'd probably be miserable forcing myself to learn more of the snake language or worse yet Java. I'm now much more optimistic about seeing future growth in the Perl community.

My nomination is for Will Braswell, who is the admin and active member of Perl programming language facebook group and, most notably, the author of Perl compiler. he is the man who showed me the some of hidden sights of current perl's directions.

My nomination is for Will Braswell, who is the admin and active member of Perl programming language facebook group and, most notably, the author of Perl compiler. he is the man who showed me the some of hidden sights of current perl's directions.

I hereby nominate Will Braswell. Will is a great representative of the Perl community and his community outreach efforts, from conferences to Facebook groups, are a testament to that fact. Beyond being a show host, a connector, a contributor, and a mentor, Will is also a truly great guy, with a love for both Perl and its people. Perl couldn’t ask for a better advocate.

Will Braswell, a friend, a man of honor, a guy I respect. A guy who inspired me to do things, even he could have never imagined. This, the one, the Braswell, taught me what I haven't understood: And this is: "If you think it's simple, you have not understood the problem." It sucks to discuss with him. But most times its worth it.

Upvote for Will. He consistently reaches out to make sure that progress on my Perl journey remains steady.

I received a nomination of Lena Hand, Dawn Wallis and Nicolas Rochelemagne for being main volunteers of TPRF for years.

I want to nominate Will Braswell because he is a programmer who does important things to keep the language and the Perl community alive. Proof of this is his Facebook group and his show on Perl.

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