New Rules of Operation - Grants Committee
Thu, 27-Feb-2014 by
Makoto Nozaki
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We are pleased to announce that the Grants Committee has updated the Rules of Operation. This change was made to make the program more useful for the grant applicants. It is a result of discussions stemming from the community feedback since "this post": in August 2013.
These rules will be in effect beginning with the next call for grant applications in March.
**Change summary**
**1. More frequent and faster evaluation process**
We will call for grant proposals every two months. We will evaluate them that same month. If you have a grant idea, you will have two months at maximum to wait for the grant approval.
**2. Limit is no longer $3000**
Our grant was limited to $3000 in the past. We have removed this limit. The activity of the Grants Committee is restricted by "the charter":, which limits our activity to be no more than $10,000 so effectively it will be the new limit.
Note, however, that our budget comes from the money that individuals and companies donate to the Perl Foundation. It is not unlimited, and our budget is not increased with the new rule. Propose your amount based on "the past grants":, not based on your hourly pay, which is most likely much more than what we can pay.
**3. Other minor changes**
Such as defining the roles of each position.
Here are the new rules:
**TPF Grants Committee Rules of Operation**
# Grant Proposals Scheduling
## Grant proposals will be evaluated every two months. The evaluation process will take place during January, March, May, July, September and November.
## An approved grant proposal which has not been funded will be considered during the next evaluation, after which it will no longer be considered. The person requesting the grant may resubmit the proposal with no changes if they wish.
## Grant proposals which have been rejected must be rewritten.
## If there are no funds available to award any grants, then the evaluation period will still count regarding grant expiration.
## If the Grants Committee funds are expired a note will be published to the community stating that grants evaluation is stalled. The standard process will resume when funds are available, and a note will be published to the community.
# Grantees, Proposals, and Grant Managers
## Each grantee will have a Grant Manager appointed to them to monitor the progress of the grant. Grant Managers should report at least every calendar month on progress and present the grantee's final report when the grant is completed.
## The amount requested, the funds available, and the relevancy of the proposal will be considered when evaluating grant proposals.
## Grants are paid upon completion, after a full report is evaluated by the committee, and published to the community.
## Grantees may request an interim payment of up to half the grant amount during the grant period. Such payments must be approved by the Grants Committee.
## Grantees must provide a monthly report, even if no progress has been made. This report may be published to the community.
## If the Grantee does not report for two consecutive months, or if no progress is made for four months, the grant will be considered a failure and will be closed without further payment.
# Grants Committee Voting Schema
## A grant vote shall not be valid unless at least 2/3 of the members vote.
## Each individual vote shall be a No, a 0 for abstain, or 1 through 5 for a Yes.
## The grants which have more Yes votes than No votes shall be ranked according to the sum of the votes.
## Accordingly with the available funds, the Grants Committee will agree on how many of the approved proposals to fund.
# Structure
## The Grants Committee assigns a Grant Manager to each approved and funded grant.
### Each grant's Grant Manager is responsible for collecting and posting updates on the grant and for all other interaction with the grantee.
### Grant Managers do not need to be the members of the Committee.
## One voting member is the Committee Secretary. The Secretary represents the Grants Committee in the TPF Steering Committee.
### The Secretary is nominated and elected by the Committee and approved by the TPF board.
### The Secretary is responsible for managing grant proposals, votes, and all other administrative business.
### There is no fixed term of the Secretary position. Its continuation is subject to an annual vote of confidence by the other Committee members.
### The Secretary does not normally cast votes in the approval process, but will vote if a tie results from the initial round of voting.
# Amendments and Exceptions
## Changes to these rules must be approved by 2/3 of the Grants Committee and by the TPF Board of Directors.
## In special circumstances exceptions to these rules may be made, being approved by 2/3 of the Grants Committee.
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