Mon, 04-Dec-2017 by Makoto Nozaki edit post
The hours that I have worked in 2017-11 pursuant to my TPF core maintenance grant are as follows. 30h25m smartmatch 15h15m [perl #114932] state(@a) = 12h08m review tickets 9h54m review mail 8h26m [perl #108778] no warnings "module name" 3h46m [perl #132158] negative-size-param (size=-7) in S_scan_formline (toke.c:11414) 3h37m [perl #36078] Newz() used gratuitously 3h28m [perl #113716] Deparse and trailing colons 3h28m [perl #38920] Filter::Simple error messages getting mangled inside require 3h12m [perl #132414] eval in package DB can't see caller's lexicals in certain cases 2h58m [perl #115266] s//$obj/ does not propagated taintedness of overloaded object 2h43m Devel::Cover BBC from deparsing change 2h09m [perl #108288] stat and -T do not set errno consistently 2h07m [perl #115258] 4-arg substr does not provide proper lvalue context 2h05m [perl #126414] perl rounds inode in PP stat 2h05m [perl #132150] ... (yada-yada) parsing is inconsistent 2h02m [perl #119803] $ISA[0] assignment does not work 1h47m [perl #122368] [PATCH] improve docs about mortal in perlguts 1h37m [perl #132492] inward goto deprecation has no removal date 1h33m [perl #129892] sub calls show as gv(IV \) 1h19m test temp filenames 1h17m [perl #119635] deprecate and remove qsort? 1h14m [perl #115262] PerlIO::encoding produces malformed utf8 1h13m [perl #119813] Assertion failure when debugger dies 1h10m ExtUtils-ParseXS test noise 1h07m [perl #132413] PL_keyword_plugin needs thread-safe wrap setter 1h06m [perl #125827] [PATCH] PathTools, dont require() modules in subs likely to be in loops
58m [perl #131762] perldoc output misbehaviour 57m [perl #119805] Errors in preamble code report line 0 48m [perl #121904] array each iterator storage is inefficient 44m [perl #91362] Deparse omits implicit ~~ 38m ext/XS-APItest/t/sviscow.t warning 38m B version portability 37m Win32 -k errors 36m [perl #125774] do EXPR on dir fails but has no error code $! 30m [perl #131895] stat() doesn't fail on filenames containing \0 / NUL 30m [perl #113714] Deparse and CORE 28m [perl #123491] Perl_debop and Perl_runops_debug and PL_runops_dbg, are they DEBUGGING or not? 28m [perl #132272] qw() differs from split " " with OGHAM SPACE MARK 26m [perl #119823] LABEL: only works in string eval 25m [perl #125370] select on non-socket should be fatal on win32, not an error code 25m [perl #116286] *pvs SV functions don't take "const char*"s 23m create tickets 20m [perl #42603] func Class->method should resolve to func( Class->method ) 19m [perl #127697] newPVOP documentation is misleading 18m [perl #132403] Long @INC gets replaced with executable 18m [perl #132395] BBC: Commit 7a831b72 breaks UNIVERAL::isa tests 17m [perl #122096] [PATCH] reduce # of calls to errno 13m [perl #132460] ambiguity regarding "x" operator in perlop 13m [perl #115880] redundant SvUPGRADE in perl_construct? 10m [perl #115650] "Truth and Falsehood" doesn't belong in perlsyn 7m [perl #93102] keys is not always an lvalue 5m [perl #122122] [PATCH] PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT audit 135h02m TOTAL At the end of the month there was 264h58m of authorised working time remaining in this grant.
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