Wed, 07-Jun-2017 by Makoto Nozaki edit post
I spent May mainly: * heavily reworking perl's internal sprintf implementation. I've now pushed a smoking branch containing about 100 commits which fixes bugs, audits the code for possible integer overflows, makes the code simpler and simpler to understand, and improves performance by around 15%. * Investigating short-string PVs. I've pushed a proof-of-concept branch that allows short strings (< 16 bytes) to be stored directly in the body of an SV. It also opens up a pathway to improve the COW implementation, which I intend to work on at some point. * helping to write and proofread the perldelta.pod file for the 5.26.0 release. SUMMARY: 96:22 RT #131260 sprintf implementation 0:58 RT #131296 Time-HiRes/Makefile.PL @INC issue 18:47 investigate short-string PVs 16:25 perldelta fixups 4:34 process p5p mailbox ------ 137:06 TOTAL (HH::MM) 189.4 weeks 2728.9 total hours 14.4 average hours per week There are 71 hours left on the grant
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