Tue, 05-Jun-2018 by Matthias Bloch edit post
SUMMARY: 5:00 RT #132863 BBC LWP-Protocol-https-6.07 0:30 RT #133169 pack() treats non hex-digits with the "H*" template 1:30 RT #133184 Threaded builds failing on Linux 4.16.5 or higher 2:00 RT #133194: regcomp: heap-buffer-overflow read 3:00 RT #133220 perl_parse() return value breaks PostgreSQL pl/perl 0:10 RT #33120 pod: fix some typos 4:00 fix sprintf2.t failing denorm tests under g++ 0:30 process p5p mailbox 3:07 review 5.28 blocker tickets 3:28 review perldelta ------ 23:15 TOTAL (HH::MM) 241.6 weeks 3099.8 total hours 12.8 average hours per week There are 33.2 hours left on the grant
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