Thu, 17-May-2018 by Matthias Bloch edit post
I spent the last month mainly working on blocking issues for the 5.28.0 release. SUMMARY: 4:54 File::Copy test failure under quadmath 5:00 RT #132863 BBC LWP-Protocol-https-6.07 0:46 RT #132955 USE_CPLUSPLUS build broken in 5.27 blead and all 5.26 stables 8:00 [perl #131577] heap-use-after-free (READ of size 1) 12:36 [perl #131648] Out-of-bounds read in S_regmatch 2:00 look at failing smokes 0:30 process p5p mailbox 11:28 review 5.28 blocker tickets 0:30 silence truncated_utf8.t TODO passing ------ 45:44 TOTAL (HH::MM) 237.1 weeks 3076.6 total hours 13.0 average hours per week There are 56.4 hours left on the grant
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