Tue, 06-Mar-2018 by Matthias Bloch edit post
I have spent the last month mainly doing two things: Fixing various issues with overloading and the new multiconcat op. I decided that rather than continue adding more and more special-case handling to the existing code, I would handle the overloading in pp_multiconcat() in a different way which avoids most edge cases. This work is complete. Making the parser die more gracefully if an attribute is encountered *following* a subroutine signature (they were recently moved to precede it). Currently the parser tends to just spew a whole bunch of confusing warnings and errors. This work is also complete. SUMMARY: 9:11 RT #132760 BBC YANICK/List-Lazy-0.3.0 4:11 RT #132772 Blead Breaks CPAN: TIMB/Geo-StreetAddress-US 25:34 RT #132783 Blead Breaks CPAN: ADAMK/SQL-String-0.02.tar.gz 3:57 RT #132875 Blead Breaks CPAN: ZDM/Pcore-v0.56.5 1:00 ext/File-Glob/t/rt131211.t: fix timing issues 0:41 fix noisy tests 2:55 process p5p mailbox 0:24 tr///c Deparse test failure on EBCDIC ------ 47:53 TOTAL (HH::MM) 228.4 weeks 3010.3 total hours 13.2 average hours per week There are 123 hours left on the grant.
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