Fri, 05-Jan-2018 by Makoto Nozaki edit post
I spent last month mainly: * Fixing some more issues thrown up by the new OP_MULTICONCAT optimisation; * Working on a few fuzzer tickets 7:01 BBC: MULTICONCAT: Mail-SpamAssassin-3.4.1 affected too 4:27 OP_MULTICONCAT failure on Z/OS 1:55 RT #132187 heap-buffer-overflow in Perl_fbm_instr 6:48 RT #132385 BBC: XML-XSS-0.3.5 affected too 3:56 RT #132602 PERL-5.26.1 heap_use_after_free 2:09 RT #132604 PERL-5.26.1 heap_use_after_free 1:51 RT #132608 heap-buffer-overflow in Perl_do_trans 2:00 RT #132646: MULTICONCAT: Data-Printer-0.40 affected too 5:53 process p5p mailbox 3:30 re_intuit_start() fixups ------ 39:30 TOTAL (HH::MM) 220.0 weeks 2912.9 total hours 13.2 average hours per week There are 220 hours left on the grant.
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