Sun, 10-Dec-2017 by Makoto Nozaki edit post
I spent last month mainly: * Fixing some issues thrown up by the new OP_MULTICONCAT optimisation; * Fixing some regressions in deparse testing: 't/TEST -deparse' feeds every test suite script through the deparser before trying to run it; about 6 scripts that formerly passed had started failing. I fixed all these, and removed another 6 or so scripts from the 'expected to fail' exclusion list. SUMMARY: 1:30 RT #132152 Bleadperl breaks SARTAK/NetHack-Item-0.21.tar.gz 1:40 RT #132187 heap-buffer-overflow in Perl_fbm_instr 2:20 RT #132385 BBC: PDL-2.018 affected too 6:47 RT #132385 BBC: Whatever-0.23 affected too 2:30 RT #132385 OP_MULTICONCAT breaks Bit-Vector-7.4 2:26 Smoke FAIL's for lib/perl5db.t 1:20 [perl #132430] Multiconcat breaks AIX builds 1:51 fix OP_MULTICONCAT int type issues 16:52 fix TEST -deparse regressions 1:08 fix ext/B/t/optree_specials.t 8:28 process p5p mailbox 3:22 review security tickets ------ 50:14 TOTAL (HH::MM) 215.6 weeks 2873.4 total hours 13.3 average hours per week There are 260 hours left on the grant.
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