Maintaining Perl (Tony Cook) October 2022
Wed, 23-Nov-2022 by
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Tony writes:
[Hours] [Activity]
2022/10/01 Saturday
0.12 github notifications
0.22 #20355 comment
0.13 #20362 ask for more info
2022/10/03 Monday
1.05 #20207 LogFile::Read, Nagios::Cmd patches
0.23 #20207 Log::Procmail patch
0.05 #20346 Text::PerlPP - look at test report and comment
2022/10/06 Thursday
0.07 github notifications
0.67 #20355 long comment
1.03 #20362 review new info, research and comment
0.80 #20026 research and comment
0.18 #20356 review and approve
0.30 #20290 review testing (was going to merge, but) comment on
test noise
0.23 #20367 review and approve
0.30 #20309 review and comment
2022/10/10 Monday
0.23 #20290 review updates and apply to blead, perldelta
0.23 #20372 testing, comment
0.70 #20370 review and approve
0.17 #20380 review and approve
2.00 #20362 re-work test-dist-modules (based on Bram’s PR)
2.83 #20362 fix, restart, not using system perl, add missing
file for threads, threads-shared, debugging, move file
data to __DATA__, testing
0.05 #20362 fixes and push for more CI
2022/10/11 Tuesday
1.72 #20362 clean up commits, add more logging, testing
3.28 #20362 look into failures, fix build issue with threads,
threads-shared, fix probing bug on darwin, try fix for
emulation not happening (macos system perl doesn’t -
2022/10/12 Wednesday
0.75 #20372 research and comment (and some #p5p discussion)
2.98 #20362 look into EU:PXS failure and update EU::CBuilder,
commit clean up, polish
1.78 #20362 more polish, final test, post PR #20385
2022/10/13 Thursday
0.08 #20304 review and approve
0.68 github notifications
0.28 #20362 changes to avoid conflict with #20304
0.30 #20388 review, research and comment briefly
0.52 #20390 review and comment
0.30 #20387 review, research and approve
1.75 #20346 testing, debugging
2022/10/17 Monday
0.35 #20362/#20385 follow-up on PR comments
0.13 #20403 review and approve
0.35 #20388 review and comment
0.40 #20402 review and approve
0.50 #20404 review, research and approve
0.33 #20393 review and comment
0.60 #20351 apply to blead, perldelta
1.45 look into blead test failure (Test::More related?), cannot
0.35 look over RFC discussions
2022/10/18 Tuesday
0.30 github notifications
0.40 #20199 apply to blead, perldelta and open related #20408
0.47 #20397 review and approve
0.38 #20408 comment
1.97 #19964 re-work, testing
2022/10/19 Wednesday
0.92 #19964 fixes, testing, push for CI
0.13 github notifications
0.68 #20409 why hasn’t this been an issue before - testing,
only in miniperl, comment
0.20 rfc pr #30 review and comments
0.43 #20399 research
0.43 #19964 look into test failures
0.95 #20412 review, research and comment
2022/10/20 Thursday
1.70 #20411 reproduce, debugging
2.83 #20411 look into why the save stack is getting so large,
try some fixes, look into supplied solution, work on
better solution, testing
2022/10/24 Monday
0.38 github notifications
0.85 rfc #17 review and comments
0.13 #20417 review and approve
0.65 #20398 review
0.10 #20398 more review and comment
0.08 #20429 review and approve
0.18 #20428 review and comment
0.03 #20424 review and approve with comment
0.67 #20415 review and approve
0.57 #20385 rebase, testing and apply manually to blead
0.42 #20363 recheck, issues with blead, fix B::Op_private
version, investigate other problems
2022/10/25 Tuesday
0.33 github notifications
0.22 #20427 review and comment
0.58 look into dist-modules macos failures, make PR 20436
0.35 rfc #17 look at changes
0.57 #20434 review and comment
0.50 #20435 review and comments
2022/10/26 Wednesday
1.37 #20440 review, testing, long comment
0.65 #20427 follow-up, some #p5p discussion
0.03 #20435 briefly comment
0.68 #20365 review
1.03 #20365 try to track down issue, more testing, comments
0.80 #20346 look over still failing modules, retest
Mojolicioous::Plugin::RenderCGI and comment
0.33 #20427 discussion, review patch and approve
0.12 #20440 approve modified PR
2022/10/27 Thursday
2.53 #20365 alt branch review, testing, comments at
1.43 #20411 try to make patch crash
2022/10/28 Friday
0.85 #20446 review updates, testing, comments
2022/10/31 Monday
1.88 #19814 review, performance testing, comment
1.30 #20446 review updates, minor comments
0.58 #20457 review, comments
0.32 #20459 comment
0.37 #20460 review discussion and comment
0.22 #20378 review, research and comment
0.25 #20451 review and comment
0.62 #20411 polish, testing, push for CI
0.87 security list - research, comment
Which I calculate is 65.1 hours.
Approximately 51 tickets were reviewed or worked on, and 4 patches
were applied.
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