Maintaining Perl (Tony Cook) November 2022
Fri, 16-Dec-2022 by
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Tony writes:
[Hours] [Activity]
2022/11/01 Tuesday
0.97 github notifications
2.70 #20457 review, testing, research, comments
0.38 #20446 look over latest push, discussion in private on irc
with dmq
2022/11/02 Wednesday
0.38 review list discussion
0.30 #20271 apply to blead, perldelta
0.47 #20469 review and approve
0.78 #20411 review CI results, minor clean up, make PR 20473,
1.17 #19964 review CI results, work on fixes
0.55 #19964 more fixes, polish, push for CI
0.70 #20426 testing
1.03 #20426 try to find cause
2022/11/03 Thursday
0.22 #20473 apply to blead, perldelta
0.58 #20451 review, testing, comments
1.63 look at removing feature bundle optimization
2.25 more remove feature bundle optimization
2022/11/07 Monday
0.32 #20451 review and approve
0.92 #20490 work up a patch for Devel::NYTProf
0.38 #20415 research and comment
0.32 #20483 review and comment
2.00 more feature bundle, set default bundle, work on hooking
on fetching in magic
2022/11/08 Tuesday
0.32 github notifications
0.17 #20483 review updated commit and approve
0.30 #20474 apply to blead, perldelta updates
0.67 feature bundle, look into magic handling
1.65 more look into magic handling, start on an alternate
2022/11/09 Wednesday
0.27 github notifications
1.23 yet another alternate approach (which should work, but is
more expensive)
2.90 more feature bundle, debugging, make a lot of tests fail
and consider approaches
2022/11/10 Thursday
1.15 #20489 testing, review code and documentation, long
1.10 #20476 research, work on code
2.08 #20476 more code, debugging, testing
2012/11/11 Sunday
1.07 #20476 minor re-work, testing, push for CI, make PR 20500
0.48 look into porting/copyright.t failure on win32, PR #20501
2012/11/14 Wednesday
0.90 #20496 review, comments
0.33 #20505 review, briefly comment
0.47 #20502 follow-up
0.32 perlsecpolicy and ibb - make PR #20508
0.03 #20504 start update 32-bit build environment
0.38 #20502 configure.gnu and extra arguments, PR #20509
0.60 #20504 work out fix, testing, push for CI
0.42 #20467 review, research and comment
0.22 #20415 review and apply to blead
0.72 #20503 review code, try to find bugs, testing, comment
2022/11/15 Tuesday
1.12 add length tests for SvPV(byte|utf8)* macros
0.25 update svpv_magic.t too, testing, push for CI
0.52 github notifications
1.08 #20513 research, comment
2022/11/16 Wednesday
0.13 #20496 review and approve
1.90 #20513 testing, look at warnings, comment on #20410
0.83 #20410 look at warning fixes
1.20 #20410 more work on warning fixes
2022/11/17 Thursday
0.17 github notifications
0.15 #20504 review CI results and make PR 20519
0.15 SvPV variant length tests: review CI results, make PR
2.10 #20410 resolve the HEK_KEY() always true warnings, look
into the array bounds warnings (hello macro hell)
1.47 #20410 fix the rest, open PR #20522
2.00 #20506 debugging, comment, work on a fix, testing, push
for CI
2022/11/18 Friday
0.70 #20410 prevent warning in Devel::PPPort
2022/11/21 Monday
3.73 #20528 testing, reproduce, debugging, diagnose, testing
0.33 #20528 make PR #20531
0.15 #20530 comment
0.55 #20471 review, research, comment
0.55 #20022 review, research
0.83 #20523 review, research, testing, comment
2022/11/22 Tuesday
0.18 #20530 follow-up comment
1.38 #20506 look at CI results, work on fixes, push for CI
0.45 #20518 research, testing
2.02 #20518 research, work on a skip patch and testing
2022/11/23 Wednesday
0.98 #20518 more testing, commit, push for CI, comment
0.77 #20536 review and conditionally approve
0.25 #20532 apply to blead, perldelta
1.28 #20533 testing, debugging, work on a fix, testing
1.68 #20533 more fixes, clean up some old code, update
documentation, testing, push to update other symlink
2022/11/24 Thursday
0.62 github notifications
1.05 look at builtin::ceil/floor overloading
0.90 research and follow-up on lto thread
0.83 more overloading
2022/11/28 Monday
0.55 github notifications
0.43 #20518 make some comment changes suggested by jkeenan and
open PR 20553
0.28 #20539 re-word perlport changes
1.18 #20503 performance testing
0.23 #20542 review, comment
0.67 #20512 review
0.32 #20541 review and approve, research and comment
0.98 #20544 review, testing and comment
2022/11/29 Tuesday
0.17 #20546 review and approve
0.38 #20545 review and approve
0.25 #20548 review and approve, notice CI failure, try to
reproduce and comment
0.30 #20555 review and approve
0.23 #20540 review and comment
0.73 #20395 research, work on a fix
1.97 #20395 work on a simpler fix, testing, push for CI
0.78 more floor/ceil overloading
2022/11/30 Wednesday
0.08 github notifications
0.12 #20395 review CI results, make PR 20562
0.47 #20558 review, research and comment
0.30 #20561 review and approve
1.57 more floor/ceil overloading - struggling with test
failures, debugging
1.10 more floor/ceil overloading - debugging
Which I calculate is 81.22 hours.
Approximately 48 tickets were reviewed or worked on, and 5 patches
were applied.
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