Maintaining Perl (Tony Cook): June 2022
Mon, 11-Jul-2022 by
Jason A. Crome
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Tony writes:
[Hours] [Activity]
2022/06/01 Wednesday
0.28 comment on Win32 p5p thread
0.60 #18882 review, comment briefly
1.17 review github notifications
1.40 #19668 fail to build perl (using tools from strawberry),
get it built, reproduce, work on test
0.17 #19668 finish test, fix, start test run, push for CI
2022/06/02 Thursday
0.07 #19668 open PR
1.42 review coverity report 351943, diagnose, research, fix,
testing, push change for CI, open PR #19807
0.77 cid 351946 - diagnose and reject as false positive, review
some other coverity issues
1.68 more coverity cid 351960 - try to make it crash, review
other coverity issues
2022/06/03 Friday
1.38 more coverity, upload a simple modelling file (how to
prevent byte swapping tainting?)
0.20 #19807 review CI results and apply to blead
0.30 #19806 apply to blead, perldelta updates
0.43 #19791 review, look over Configure, hints/freebsd
2022/06/06 Monday
0.17 #19825 review and approve
0.37 #19795 review and comment
0.33 #19797 review and comment
0.40 #19826 try to reproduce, comment
1.68 #19704 work on a fix, testing
1.15 #19704 try to break it, commit, push for CI
0.67 #19826 follow-up
1.12 #6841/#12227 testing, comments
2022/06/07 Tuesday
1.07 #19797 try to test build with clang-cl (and fail)
1.27 review new coverity alerts
0.70 yield true feature discussion: comment, try a simple
patch, look over referenced true module.
1.63 #6841 testing, work on a fix, more testing
2022/06/08 Wednesday
0.28 #19797 followup
1.05 #19704 re-word commit message
0.62 #6841 more testing, push for CI
0.10 #6841 check CI results, make PR #19833
0.17 #18882 recheck and apply to blead
0.83 #18534 review and briefly comment
0.52 #19829 testing, review Makefile and make PR #19834
0.98 #19791 review Configure and hints, start on a fix (tests
are slow on qemu)
2022/06/09 Thursday
0.10 #19797 followup - restart failing CI test (looks like a
timing issue)
0.17 #19833 apply to blead, perldelta
0.48 #19795 review and approve
0.53 #19791 rebase, start a(nother) test Configure
0.20 #19834 review discussion and apply to blead, perldelta
0.67 #19826 try on 21H2, still can’t reproduce
0.17 #19791 slight re-work, start another test run
0.72 look over history of requirement for true from required
files (goes back to 5.000)
0.37 #19797 check CI results and apply to blead
0.48 #19822 review and approve
0.13 #19820 review (no decision)
0.47 #19791 make a commit, test on amd64 VM, make PR 19843
2022/06/13 Monday
0.83 review github notifications
0.38 #19847 review and approve
1.65 look at floor/ceil overloading, debug an assert, create
2022/06/14 Tuesday
0.40 #19854 review and comment
0.40 #19791 comment
0.28 #19837 review and approve
0.20 #19836 review and approve
1.57 #19846 review, testing
2022/06/15 Wednesday
0.18 #14448 research and comment
1.02 #19846 look into PERL_MEM_LOG build issues
1.40 #19846 more look into PERL_MEM_LOG build issues, push for
0.53 #19861 review and approve
0.22 #19858 review and approve
0.17 #19769 review and approve
0.15 #19755 review, research and comment with suggestion
0.48 #19851 research and comment
2022/06/16 Thursday
0.08 #19864 apply to blead
0.05 #19755 review new changes and apply to blead
0.87 #19846 look at CopSTASHPV problem, testing and comment
1.02 #19848 review, briefly comment
1.12 research implementation of yield true, comment to list
0.70 #18606 rebase, look over code, testing
2022/06/20 Monday
0.38 #19870 try to see why it fails, find out, comment
0.82 #19871 try to see why it fails and comment
0.45 cygwin CI setup re-work - use cygwin setup action
3.32 more cygwin CI setup re-work - more use cygwin setup
action, try to use standard checkout action but thwarted
by safe directories
2022/06/21 Tuesday
0.60 #19832 rebase
0.80 cygwin CI setup re-work - retest and make PR #19876
0.27 #19871 review comments and comment
0.22 #19846 review latest and apply to blead
0.87 #19814 review code and comments, comment
2022/06/22 Wednesday
0.77 #12082 research, write up a simple doc change and make PR
0.27 #19870 review updated version and comment
0.22 #19857 follow-up
0.23 #19876 apply to blead (also some unrelated #p5p
0.80 #19851 reproduce, work on fixes
0.32 #19851 more, comment
1.32 #18606 more testing
2022/06/23 Thursday
0.10 review github notifications
1.77 #19857 debugging
2.15 #19857 debugging
2022/06/27 Monday
0.25 review github notifications
1.28 #19894 review, research and comment, reproduce on DFBSD
5.8, start a bisect
1.33 #19894 review bisect results, try to make a short
reproducer, debugging, comment
0.62 #19867 research and comment
0.77 #19857 find immediate cause of parent link not being set,
more to do.
2022/06/28 Tuesday
0.42 review github notifications
0.67 #19894 test and make a smoke-me branch
0.20 #19896 review
0.13 #19895 testing and comment
1.13 #19857 debugging
2022/06/29 Wednesday
0.48 #19874 testing, comment
0.97 Karl’s UTF8-API - research and comment
1.77 #19857 more debugging, think I found the cause
2022/06/30 Thursday
2.48 #19894 debugging, create work on a SKIP
patch, testing, push for smoke-me, comment
0.48 #19903 review, research and comment
0.60 #19901 review, research and comment
Which I calculate is 72.43 hours.
Approximately 45 tickets were reviewed or worked on, and 10 patches
were applied.
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