Maintaining Perl (Tony Cook) December 2023
Mon, 11-Mar-2024 by
edit post
Tony writes:
[Hours] [Activity]
2023/12/04 Monday
0.42 #21677 minor fix. testing
0.23 #21661 check smoke results, minor commit message edit,
make PR 21683
1.90 #21680 testing, debugging
1.28 #21680 fixes, testing, push for CI
1.42 #21651 testing and reproduce, try a fix and testing, push
for CI
2023/12/05 Tuesday
0.30 #21677 research
0.95 #21664 apply to blead, perldelta, comment on original
perlmonks post
0.82 #13814 research
0.38 #13814 try a different approach
0.62 #13814 get it working, add tests, testing, push for CI
2023/12/06 Wednesday
1.07 #13814 review CI results, documentation, testing, make PR
2.48 #21692 review, comments, try to work out getlines()
1.52 #21692 finally figure it out, comment
0.13 #21686 testing and comment
0.57 #16535 research and close
0.12 #16529 research and close
0.08 #16522 testing
2023/12/07 Thursday
0.38 #17457 rebase, retest, push for CI
2.03 #17435 testing, work on a fix, more testing
0.35 #21679 apply to blead, perldelta
0.75 #13814 changes per comments
0.10 #17457 check CI results, make PR 21696
2023/12/08 Friday
0.35 #21696 apply to blead, update dist/IO/Changes
0.25 #13814 apply to blead, perldelta
2023/12/11 Monday
0.20 #21684 follow-up
0.72 #21701 research and comment
0.63 #21705 research and comment
0.60 #21702 testing, research and approve
0.08 #21706 review and approve
0.13 #21703 review and approve
0.08 #21699 review and approve
0.08 #21698 review and approve
0.08 #21704 review and approve
0.17 #21700 review and approve
1.03 #21701 testing, research, comment
0.13 #21708 review and approve
0.15 #21709 review and approve
2023/12/12 Tuesday
1.02 #21712 review the code, testing, comment (not a bug)
0.68 #21684 apply to blead, look at regenning the deps
0.23 #21684 more deps
2023/12/13 Wednesday
0.27 #21705 research and comment
0.22 #21710 review and approve
2.38 #21714 review and approve, comment
0.27 #21711 review and approve
0.18 #21713 review and approve
0.40 #21676 review and approve
2.42 #21684 more deps
2023/12/14 Thursday
0.12 #21714 follow-up
1.83 #21701 testing and research, comment
0.63 #21684 more deps
2023/12/18 Monday
0.42 #21725 debugging, comment
1.38 #21716 debugging. research, comment, work on a fix, push
for CI
2023/12/19 Tuesday
1.08 #21716 minor fixes, testing and comments
0.62 #21725 add comment
0.85 #21719 review, research and comments
0.32 #21720 try to understand the diff
2023/12/20 Wednesday
0.45 #21723 review, research and approve
0.18 #21726 review, research (alternate openbsd libc anywhere?,
apparently not), approve
0.23 #21728 review and approve
0.58 #21720 review, comments and approve
0.25 #21731 follow-up comment
0.70 #21636 re-work
1.03 #21636 more re-work, testing and push
0.50 #21732 testing and comment, work on fixing the most
obvious build related issues and push for CI
2023/12/21 Thursday
0.08 #21732 review discussion, check CI results and create PR
0.20 #21716 review discussion and comment
0.15 #21719 review updates and approve
1.05 #21718 debugging
Which I calculate is 43.3 hours.
Approximately 44 tickets were reviewed or worked on, and 5 patches
were applied.
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