Sun, 12-Nov-2017 by Makoto Nozaki edit post
Approximately 23 tickets were reviewed, and 7 patches were applied [Hours] [Activity] 0.33 #122807 review discussion 0.45 #124349 review discussion and apply patch 0.40 #125619 review discussion, research, briefly comment 0.25 #125760 review discussion, add to 5.30 blockers for make them croak instead 0.18 #126707 review discussion and code, comment 0.17 #126849 check upstream report and close 0.83 #127063 re-check patch, testing, apply to blead 39.85 #127743 work on cherry-picking from cperl #127743 more cherry-picking #127743 more cherry-picking #127743 more cherry-picking #127743 more cherry-picking #127743 more cherry-picking #127743 more cherry-picking #127743 more cherry-picking #127743 work on cherry-picking from cperl #127743 work on cherry-picking from cperl #127743 code review #127743 code review #127743 more code review #127743 more code review, consider fixes #127743 status email #127743 email discussion #127743 work on fixes #127743 work on possible way to test large numbers of Svs #127743 manage to produce buggy behaviour, work on fix #127743 large object tag implementation, testing #127743 test 2G+ object tag handling, testing #127743 audit 2G+ tag handling for hooks, work on regression tests for 2G+ object tag handling #127743 more work on tests 3.21 #128765 work on fix #128765 more work on fix #128765 more work on fix, fail to figure out efficient masking 0.33 #130080 research, add to maint-votes 0.92 #131065 (sec) comment 0.92 #131878 (sec) work up a patch and comment with patch 1.88 #131982 testing (including some strange results) minor portability change, apply to blead 8.98 #132013 work on an implementation #132013 work on an implementation #132013 testing, debugging #132013 debugging, add groups, - prefix #132013 more tests, docs, polish, comment with patch 0.25 #132159 testing, apply to blead 0.40 #132160 review patch, testing, apply to blead 0.73 #132171 review, testing, apply to blead 0.42 #132234 try to reproduce, comment 5.50 #132245 debugging, find a memory leak, work on a fix, testing #132245 re-work fix, testing, comment with patches #132245 restesting, apply to blead 0.28 comment on Zefram’s character encoding comment 0.52 default_inc_excludes_dot query 0.28 fix io/tell.t 0.52 script runs discussion: comment ====== 67.60 hours total
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