Wed, 07-Feb-2018 by Makoto Nozaki edit post
Approximately 4 tickets were reviewed or worked on. [Hours] [Activity] 22.84 #127743 32-bit build warnings/build issues #127743 finish up 32-bit testing, commits, work on other unaddressed Storable issues, 64-bit frozen data #127743 handle 32-bit frozen data as unsigned, add support for 64-bit frozen data, testing #127743 more testing, check g(un)zip exist before we use them #127743 work through CPAN queue, fail to reproduce #59531, reproduce and fix #118551 #127743 try to reproduce #131136, track down cause (long double padding) #127743 work up a fix for the padding issue, testing with various configs #127743 systematic look at Storable issues, reduce performance issue on debugging builds #127743 test code for regexp cloning #127743 more regexp testing, fix dependencies #127743 old perl testing, cleanup #127743 think about fix for stack size calculation issues 0.80 #132252 try to understand change and implications, thinking 0.28 #132631 research and comment 5.55 #50608 work out why previous changes didn’t break malice.t (which the regexp changes did), fix, more regexp testing #50608 old perl portability #50608 debugging on 5.6.2, try to rebuild 5.6.2 on modern Debian #50608 more debugging, drop 5.6 support for regexp thawing ====== 29.47 hours total
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