Maintaining Perl 5 Core (Tony Cook): October 2021
Sun, 28-Nov-2021 by
Jason A. Crome
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Approximately 25 tickets were reviewed, and 3 patches were
[Hours] [Activity]
0.83 #12957 review discussion (mentioned in #19182), review
sdbm source, comment
1.27 #18958 look over code
#18958 review code and comment
#18958 comment
1.59 #19020 research - should the shell be trapping in this
case? haven’t found anything appropriate, also look at
dash source
#19020 more dash source, comment
2.74 #19121 research and comment
#19121 re-work
#19121 consider alternative for the delimiter, looking
over code
#19121 look at a :crlf issue - is it a problem elsewhere
cpan #133233
0.30 #19122 apply to blead, perldelta
1.27 #19124 debugging
0.30 #19166 review
0.45 #19171 review and briefly comment
#19171 review latest changes and apply to blead
1.22 #19172 review and a couple of brief comments
0.30 #19174 review discussion, testing, research and comment
2.42 #19182 review, comments
#19182 review changes, comment
#19182 review, testing, brief comment
0.43 #19184 review, consider if feature regen needs some re-
#19184 briefly review
0.60 #19186 review, research and comment
0.62 #19187 review and approve
0.63 #19190 review, research, briefly comment
0.91 #19191 review and apply, also supply patch upstream and
update customizations
#19191 comment
0.43 #19194 review and approve
2.18 #19197 review, research (who wrote that test? it was me)
and comment
#19197 review new commits
9.56 #19198 debugging and comment
#19198 debugging, work on a fix, simple testing, comment
#19198 recheck, testing, try to find good place to add
regression test, minor perl5db.t re-work
#19198 minor cleanup and document DebugWrap in perl5db.t,
write test, test the test with and without the fix,
#19198 fix global destruction issue from fix, debug
another threads only failure and work out a fix
#19198 polish, documentation, more testing, update PR
0.92 review coverity reported defects, create PR #19200
1.42 :utf8 more on re-working fill/readdelim
0.65 :utf8 more readdelim re-work
1.58 :utf8 work on re-working fill
0.17 github notifications
1.07 security list: research, testing, comment
33.86 hours total
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