Maintaining Perl 5 Core (Dave Mitchell): March 2022
Thu, 21-Apr-2022 by
Matthias Bloch
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Dave writes:
This is my first report for my new TPF perl core maintenance grant.
It actually covers 7 months, since for the first 6 months I've
(unfortunately) done almost no perl work. Happily, in the last week I've
managed to actually start doing perl stuff again.
Apart from catching up with my p5p mailbox (which at one point had several
thousand unread emails, github notifications etc), the biggest thing I've
been working on is fixing any regressions in 't/TEST -deparse', which runs
every test script through the deparser first, then tries to execute it.
Often this just involves tweaking the Porting/deparse-skips.txt exclude
list, but I've encountered a regression in how custom warning types are
deparsed, and trying to fix that has led me down a little rabbit hole of
how lexical warnings is implemented (and mostly undocumented), with many
subtle little quirks. This work is still ongoing.
0:34 GH #19253 prevent complaining about sub attribute order on a my/our/state
1:26 Quadratic time constant folding
1:45 add OPpUSEINT op_private flag
10:00 fix Test -deparse failures (esp related to warnings)
0:52 fix up deparsing
2:32 line numbers in require backtraces (and #17663)
2:14 make an empty sort into a compile-time error
23:09 process p5p mailbox
0:30 review 'defer' mail threads
0:20 review Data::Alias breakage
2:16 signature sub and @_ discussions
45:38 TOTAL (HH::MM)
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